Public service announcement: generators


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Attention all hunters:

If you are in a forest service campground and you are using a generator, you are an areshole. If you are using that generator at any time after dark, you are a triple arsehole.

Thanks for your time.
Someone must have had a bad day.

I really don't know why these guys don't just haul their single-wides out to the woods and just relocate the entire house out there. Obviously they are not interested in any kind of nature experience.
I really don't know why these guys don't just haul their single-wides out to the woods and just relocate the entire house out there. Obviously they are not interested in any kind of nature experience.

But tell us, DD, how do you really feel? :D
its obvious, you are confusing them with outdoorsmen.

+1. They aren't there for the woods.
If you are in a forest service campground and you are using a generator, you are an *******. If you are using that generator at any time after dark, you are a triple *******.

Gawd, I love it when you talk dirty... Dog. I was going to quote this in my sig line, but I just noticed another quotable quote from you in a different thread that I'll use instead...
I just got back from Alaska, and some a-hole started his generator at 10:00 pm at night! It was posted no generators! I cannot travel far enough to get away from them! I totally agree with you DD. There is a place for them, but not next to a guy in a tent!
What! an administrator with no "TOLERANCE",using bad language setting a bad example. Pretty soon some one will complain about smoking cigarettes and cigars and drinking beer wine or spirits and cooking smells,smoke from fires,TP Elves. Who knows where it will end,I now know that I can call someone an "*******" on this forum without being censured.

Way to go DD. :cautious:

What! an administrator with no "TOLERANCE",using bad language setting a bad example. Pretty soon some one will complain about smoking cigarettes and cigars and drinking beer wine or spirits and cooking smells,smoke from fires,TP Elves. Who knows where it will end,I now know that I can call someone an "*******" on this forum without being censured.

Way to go DD. :cautious:


No you couldn't call another member an ******* but beyond the requirement of being civil to other members I try to be as flexible as possible.

Generator noise ruins the nature experience plain and simple. There's a reason we go to the woods, and it's not to listen to generators. There are plenty of places to setup where you don't have any neighbors and you can run all the machinery necessary to tame the wild without ruining other folks vacation.
I've got batteries and solar for what little juice I need but the Honda 3000 gen runs at 49db on low throttle. Bet that is lower than many members snoring sounds.Commercial



dB Level

Threshold For Hearing


Good Recording Studio



Rustling Leaves


Whisper, Mosquito



Living / Dining Room


Refrigerator Hum

Kitchen / Bathroom


Quiet Office

Power Lawn Mower

Home Office


Birds at 10'


Conversational Speech


Piano Practice

Electric Shaver


Business Office

Piano Practice


Noisy Restaurant

Inplant Office

Street Traffic


Chamber Music

Barking Dog



Alarm Clock


Television / Dishwasher


Airplane at 1 mile

Manual Machines

Vacuum Cleaner


Reception / Lobby Area


Garbage Disposal


Motor Bus

Telephone Dial Tone


Applause in Auditorium

Lawn Mower


OSHA Required Hearing Protection in Factory


Teleconference Room

Train at 100'



Farm Tractor

Teenage Stereo


Sustained Exposure May Cause Hearing Loss


Music Practice Room

Electric Drill

Walkman at 5/10


French Horn

Average Factory Noise




Diesel Truck



Computer Room

Printing Press



Bass Drum

Heavy Truck

Power Saw


Dog Kennel

Power Mower

Baby Crying


Symphony Orchestra

Punch Press

Squeeky Toy to Ear


Pain Begins




Shot Gun


Cymbal Crash

Pneumatic Clipper

Air Raid Siren


Dragcar Racing

Military Jet



Rock Concert

Aircraft Carrier Deck

Jet Takeoff


Chest Wall Begins to Vibrate


Ear Drum Breaks Instantly


Death of Hearing Tissue


Loudest Possible Sound

No you couldn't call another member an ******* but beyond the requirement of being civil to other members I try to be as flexible as possible.

I was not referring to calling a member of this Forum, an a------ I was referring to you making an exception and calling hunters that have generators and camp in national Forrest's,a-------. Thats not exactly being civil but in your book it is OK to call a non member an a------ so any one can do it being as you set the precedent.

Gawd, I love it when you talk dirty... Dog. I was going to quote this in my sig line, but I just noticed another quotable quote from you in a different thread that I'll use instead...

If one considers a bottle opener neccessary equipment, one hasn't been thirsty enough to learn how to open a bottle with just about any hard, square surface. I'm just saying... :D

No you couldn't call another member an ******* but beyond the requirement of being civil to other members I try to be as flexible as possible.

Generator noise ruins the nature experience plain and simple. There's a reason we go to the woods, and it's not to listen to generators. There are plenty of places to setup where you don't have any neighbors and you can run all the machinery necessary to tame the wild without ruining other folks vacation.

My friends and I like it so quite, that we usually end up speaking in near whispers, and openning a car door sounds noisy, let alone closing the door! Sorry you had a bad encounter, DD. At least for me, deer season ended 8 days ago, which means I can go into the forest again with the normal expectations of civility. That doesn't mean that some ******* won't pull in next to me with generators, klieg lights, TVs, PS3's, etc. (it's happened), but at least that is not the norm here.
I was not referring to calling a member of this Forum, an a------ I was referring to you making an exception and calling hunters that have generators and camp in national Forrest's,a-------. Thats not exactly being civil but in your book it is OK to call a non member an a------ so any one can do it being as you set the precedent.


Actually you are correct and I'll update the language in my initial post. Also to clarify, I never said hunters camping "in a national forest". I stated a "national forest campground" - meaning a developed camp with tables, firepits, etc. The kind of site I PAY for and expect to have some peace and quiet in exchange for money spent.

This particular forest is full of hunters camps in non-developed spots. They are full of generators and have all the comforts of home. I have no problem with that.
DD I do agree with you about generators and noise but sometimes you have to make the best of a situation that you cant control, we always have the option of moving, we do have mobile homes. :)
When these hunters get up at 4 in the morning and starting up the generators, what are they doing? Do they need plenty of light to put on their make up? :cool:
DD Your'e begging for it. :LOL:

When these hunters get up at 4 in the morning and starting up the generators, what are they doing? Do they need plenty of light to put on their make up? :cool:
I am a hunter. I do not use a generator. I hate generators anywhere near my camp. Hatred is defined as "dislike combined with malice". What that means is, I dislike generators the whole time one is running. Plus, the entire time the so called outdoorsman is running her generator (I am being PC here), loathing, revulsion disgust and detestation is in my mind wishing someone would do something malevolent, nasty, wicked or mischievous to that generator. Someday SOMEONE WILL DO IT! No, DD, I am not losing control!

Frankly, I thought the term A_____e was a very controlled and fair. It was an accurate noun to associate with anyone running a generator in camp. DD is much more restrained than I am. I also read the post that a certain generator only had 49 db of noise (CONSTANT NOISE FOR HOURS!@@). What is the matter with these idiots? Don't they get it?

On our last trip west, we only encountered generators in camp twice. One was in a campground north of Rifle. The guy would get up in the morning and crank his generator about 8 O'clock and let it run all day while he and his family were out hiking, this to charge batteries in his slide out 5er. This guy had towed a 5er about 20 miles down a dirt road just barely adequate for a jeep. The poor campground host was nearly having a nervous breakdown. I had to counsel him, in hopes that he would not get fired for being unkind to a guest. I really felt sorry for the guy (campground host, not the generator owner). The second time was in a campground in Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park where this dude would crank his generator so his little girl could play a video game in the evening for a hour or so. Most of the folks here get it, and some folks know better but simply don't care about anyone but themselves.

John D

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