Public service announcement: generators

New Calvin Sticker

Hmmm....seems like kind of a shock hazard -- a bad one. :D
This is quite entertaining. You guys sound like you're roughing it in your primitive camper. Go all out, go build a primitive shelter and do some real camping :D If you can drive there and camp there it isn't much different than an RV park IMO. I do all kinds of camping, I bought my pop-up for mobility and comfort. I also use a wall tent when I want to get away from crowds (campers) of all types.

I just did a tune up on my evil generator. I use it occasionally to charge a battery and to have as a safety back up. If extreme weather comes in during the winter it can be a life saver, literally.
maybe i could talk my daughter into bringing an extra from Travis AFB next big cook out you all have ; )


with 15KW i think there might be some left over pwr for some light strings and that big screen TV too.
DirtyDog said:
Generator noise ruins the nature experience plain and simple. There's a reason we go to the woods, and it's not to listen to generators..

DirtyDog, our honored founder, its good to look back on some of your words of wisdom.
Ok I read this thread from the beginning. DD that's a low blow on the hunters. Starting the genny up any time other than peak hours is not cool. Don't mash us in with those that disrespect they neighbour. Like one poster said every sub group has those special people. Let's not lump em all in the same group. This June I frequented our provincial campsites, and with the screaming kids, quads, barking dogs, music, crying babies at 3 am, slamming doors and domestic disputes the generator was only a fraction of the noise pollution.

No body but no body is entitled to go into a public camp ground crammed with people and expect some solitude. Paying customer or not. When you pack people together there is gonna be some disagreements.

I don't use a genny - I manage to get by with the factory battery that came with my 2010 camper to power my 3 way fridge - no solar no compressor fridge required! That said if someone wants to load their camper their camper with 220 watts of solar I DONT CARE - I read the posts with interests - my point is we are all " power hungry" to an extent.

Starting your genny at 4am is a douche move - but the crying baby is just as disruptive - as are the early risers that slam their car doors at 7am.

That's public camp grounds. DD it's your fault for camping there

Sorry people that complain about generators in public camp grounds is my pet peeve. Please don't kick me off the forum. I spend more time on WTW then any other forum. You guys are great.

Rant off :)
Ramblinman, I'm with you. I camp so far out in the boonies, away from anyone else that I can make all the noise I want to and no-one will ever hear it. If I had a jet turbine powered generator it would not matter. My 12 guage, .45 and .223 bother nobody. My loud classical music goes unheard by anyone but SWMBO and I. The burning stink of my failed cooking attempts dissapate miles and miles before they can offend anybody.
I refuse to camp in campgrounds unless extreme circumstances dictate it.
I've run a Honda Sinewave generator in a generator box and people didn't know it was running until I mentioned it.
However, I would never run it when there is not ambient noise in an area where it would disturb folks.
Of course, my camping usually is not in campgrounds and, if it is, there is usually noise 24/7.
******* is benign, my friends and I, well, none of us would be offended by that.
Call me a dick? Well, that's a bit offensive. :giggle:
Jeez Ski, you opened a can of worms :eek:

C'mon guys, look at the dates of posts, this thread is from reason to beat a dead horse.
Ummmm....Someone brought this post up back up for a reason surely based on some other recent threads about needing more power. I was going to say something but decided it wasn't worth the effort. The holier than thou attitude of saying generator noise doesn't belong in the outdoors, I find offensive and lumping everyone that uses one as a nuisance is narrow minded, yet typical. You enjoy your outdoors your way and I'll do my thing.
Riverrunner said:
You enjoy your outdoors your way and I'll do my thing.
That is the view I take with the huge motor home rigs.
They aren't for me any way,shape or form,BUT there may be a need for that type of rig for that person. Not mine to decide.
I figure at least they are getting out into the out of doors like the rest of us want to do.
There is a lot of room out there we can all share.
It all depends on where you camp. When I do Dillon I expect to hear a lot of them. After a bit you tune it out. Its only the ones that run them all night that piss me off.
DirtyDog, on 04 Oct 2010 - 1:51 PM, said:
DirtyDog said:
Generator noise ruins the nature experience plain and simple. There's a reason we go to the woods, and it's not to listen to generators
ski3pin said:
DirtyDog, our honored founder, its good to look back on some of your words of wisdom.
Agreed! My philosophy is that my impact shouldn't diminish the experience of others and visa versa.
Many years ago, when I was a wee pup, Mom, sis, & I were camping in NE Oregon. Family pulls into the mostly tent camp ground with a big RV and proceeds to set up "camp". Tiki lights, awning, chairs, noise, more noise, and finally a generator which gets carried out to the far reach of his 100' or so long extension cord. Seems they didn't want to listen to it either. Not long to dusk and the generator fires up. This is decades before these quiet generators on the market now. Dinner is made and we're all hoping that the generator will soon shut down. It didn't. TV blaring some kids movie, but the kids are outside being kids. About 10 pm (~5 hours of noisy generator) the generator motor unloads and everything goes dark. Muted cheering heard thru-out the campground. Then we hear the muted cursing. Soon all of it starts back up. About 10 minutes later it happens again. Another round of muted cheers. Louder cursing, followed by belligerent cursing (good example for their kids I'm sure). Everything gets packed up in about half the time that it took to unpack it and they leave. Guy was a litterbug though, he left behind his ten ~10' segments of extension cord. The axe must have been really sharp as the cuts were pretty clean. Really would not surprise me if to this day that guy doesn't understand why that happened.

The lesson to me even at that age was to try to be aware of my impact on others. I'm sure that mom made a point of it to my sis & I.
DD refers to "these hunters" in a derogatory nature throughout his posts. Not cool. Unless he is a strict vegetarian he should not judge. Not all Hunters run generators, and all generators are not run by hunters. And yes hunters are outdoorsmen .... And conservationists .... And guardians of the forest .... I eat what I hunt. And I don't consider my self heathen ... There is a direct correlation to the amount of hunting - wild life management - to an increase in wild life populations.

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