Removing floor on older Granby? To do or not.. or try


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2017
Golden, CO
So.. My old Granby is all done and great.. but.. for whatever reason there are 3 sheet of 3/4 inch plywood on the bottom of it. My guess it was done to add a little height.. I would like to remove 2 for 2 reasons..

1. I have a platform, but its just 2 by 4s and 1/2 inch OSB to get the camper to the right height.. if I were to remove the 2 layers I could rotate the 2 x 4s on edge and therefore create more storage underneath, right now nothing fits in there.

2. a piece of 3/4 plywood weighs 68 lbs.. I could save 136 lbs potentially..

Anyone ever run across this.. seems like they are stuck together pretty good and wondering if its more trouble that its worth?
Personally..... switching to your platform and acquiring 3 1/2 inches wouldn't be worth it to me and you possibly could be opening a can of worms removing the ply that is there unless its screwed on. Your call. Good luck with it
I built the platform for my 06 F150 and 90's Grandby out of 2x4's that I ripped down to about 2 3/4". Then I used one sheet of 5/8 plywood. Initially I thought about creating some storage space between the bed and the camper floor but decided to keep the space between the roof of the truck and the bottom of the bed as minimal as possible. When the camper was on my silverado the wind noise was minimal but I have noticed an increased since switching to the F150. I am not sure if it is merely the difference in the trucks or if the wind noise was due to the increase of height and wind resistance/displacement.
There was a post earlier this year (either here or the FWC facebook page) where a member had created a faux compartment in the platform under the camper door. It was merely the 2x4 cut and hinged so it would swing like a door allowing storage between the 2x4's. It was almost a hidden compartment. If i can find the post I will send it to you.

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