Retirement: First-Trip Report

Made it!....out to the Alvord, that is.
The playa is totally water-covered, which is probably due to the recent few days of warmth that brought down extra snow-melt from the Steens and filled the basin. "Filled" means a depth of just a couple of inches...but any water on that clay makes it totally impossibly impassable.

Here are a couple of shots I took this morning at sunrise (such as it was
), looking north toward Mickey Butte and Basin.


Make sure you let us know what the snow levels are like, up on Steens, etc. I've got a trip to SE Oregon later this year and am curious about how much accumulation there is.

Snow Level on top of the Steens:

The Trout Creeks (Next mtns to the southeast):

I'll save traveler Mr. BC the trouble of trudging up there to find out. Unless he wants to shoot some more of his stellar photos to post, then by all means trudge!
Snow Level on top of the Steens:
The Trout Creeks (Next mtns to the southeast):
I'll save traveler Mr. BC the trouble of trudging up there to find out. Unless he wants to shoot some more of his stellar photos to post, then by all means trudge!

Thanks, LuckyDan -- As much as I've been out here, and yet I wasn't aware of those snow-survey links. I'll bookmark 'em.

By the way, I posted a few new (late-pm) photos from my camp spot here on the west edge of the Alvord playa -- in the Steens Mountain Gallery. No trudging required.
This has sorta become a trip report for my first post-retirement trip, so I might as well add a little more to finish it up as a trip report.

Saturday late-afternoon, just before sunset, I got inspired to be more creative...a friend says that retirement has "enhanced" my right-brain (which doesn't get a lot of use as a chemical engineer):



Sunday midday, after spending 2 nights camped at what is usually the main access point to the Alvord playa -- but no access possible because of all the water, I moved to my long-time (like, 20 years) favorite camping spot in the area, Pike Creek, which is one of the creeks which drain the east side of Steen's Mountain.

Spring -- or late-winter -- runoff caused Pike Creek to erupt from it's normal channel and erode access to my favorite spot. It's worse/deeper than it looks in the photos, but not bad enough to keep out high-clearance vehicles...maybe Subarus, though.



Finding optimum levelness was a little tricky this time -- I had to add a natural shim to my standard arsenal of 6 2x10s:

Looking west up towards Pike Creek canyon on the east side of Steens:

I've taken this shot many many times over the years, though not too many times with my current rig. An old jeep road leads up the narrow mouth of the canyon to an old (long-abandoned) mine. Past there the jeep trail turns into a foot path which leads up the valley, which opens up to a huge bowl, wet with springs...but I didn't go up there this time.

Monday morning, as a storm front moved in with high winds, there were some cool clouds coming over Steens Mt from the west:

I packed up around 11 Monday morning, stopped at Alvord Hot Springs for a quick, but hot-and-relaxing, soak, then headed south the 25 miles to Fields for fuel for my truck and for me.
The traditional lunch:

In the old days they used to offer seasoned curly that was good eatin'! But not any more, for some reason. Milkshakes are superb -- using actual ice cream, not soft-serve...when served they're too thick to drink with a straw, thus the spoon. Eventually they warm/soften enough to be straw-suckable.

The Cafe keeps a running tally (and has for decades) of the total milkshakes and hamburgers purchased that year:

I'm glad I could contribute equally to both tallies!
Just a couple of more posts covering a few spots as I looped my way home yesterday.
My route -- my Big, Classic, southeast Oregon Loop:


The area included/surrounded by this loop covers most of my favorite areas in SE Oregon. Adjacent favorite areas include the Trout Creek Mts (which drain into the Alvord Basin, too), the wholly separate Owyhee Canyon country in extreme-southeast OR and Idaho and Nevada (technically, not part of the Great Basin since the Owyhee drains into the Snake-Columbia) , and the magnificent Black Rock desert -- and associated mountain ranges -- in NW Nevada.

I took these on-the-road photos with my smartphone, and it's pretty crappy for anything that's not close-up (like my lunch-photo above), but for the record...

At Denio Jct, at the junction of 140 with 205 (which runs from just east of Burns, OR, down through Malheur Wildlife Refuge, Frenchglen, the west side of Steens, then over to Fields, OR and down to Denio, NV:

This place was closed for a couple/few years -- but it's been open again for a couple of years and has fuel at a key junction (in the middle of nowhere) which is a big deal.
Soon after highway 140 crosses from Nevada into Oregon (heading west) it passes over Dougherty Summit. At over 6200 feet it's (I believe) the highest year-round through-route paved road in Oregon (i.e., not counting Mt. Bachelor or Timberline Road which are not year-round through-routes, by my reckoning).
The Guano Valley is 1000 feet below, at ~ 5200'.

Like so much of SE OR (and most of Nevada), this is a big fault-block scarp.


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After passing through Adel (where there's a general store that sells vehicle fuel and is due south of Hart Mt Refuge), 140 heads up along Deep Creek. A few miles west of Adel there's this great falls (well, not so high -- 15 to 20 feet?), that freezes in winter and is even more cool then:

140 joins 395, where I headed south for 5 miles to Lakeview to fuel-up the truck. Then back north, passing by the southern end of Abert Rim where, at Valley Falls, (the store is open again and selling fuel) I head NW on Oregon 31...which skirts the fringe between Summer Lake and Winter Ridge -- named by John C. Fremont on his expedition to the area. This sign is at a convenient rest area across the road from a convenient Summer Lake general store (fuel and food):

Totally green with envy on both counts of "free time" and "trip to the Alvord". Great shots of the camp spot too.
We were planning on taking the new camper to Mann lake in May until I heard about the fish kill they had to do last October, now considering a trip to the Steens and maybe some of the nearby reservoirs. Sounds like you are somewhat local to Oregon, true? Maybe we will cross paths this year.

Home Skillet
I didn't realize that area was so close to CA. If only I had some time off.

Not very close to San Diego, but not far from Sac :p

I hear you on the "time off" issue. Thank goodness for WTW to get me through my day!

Home Skillet
Sounds like you are somewhat local to Oregon, true? Maybe we will cross paths this year.
Home Skillet

Homey (or is it Mr. Skillet?) -
Yes, I've lived in Bend for >32 years -- more than half my life, so I say that makes me an honorary native (even though I was born/reared in that over-populated state to our south).

I'm not a fisherman, so I don't have any advice for alternatives to Mann Lake...but I'm full of opinions about everything else in the vacinity of my loop route.

I see you're building a new camper-rig -- do you have a FWC or similar now? I see a couple/few around town occasionally, but don't know if any of them are WTWers (other than the former-DD rig).

Happy trails, and yes, ours should cross sometime soon -- on purpose, maybe.
Hey Mark, keep that right brain working.Great pictures keep them coming and the travel stories.Good news on your official retirement, Enjoy!!!! :D

Kevin, aka Banderswipe.
OK: I "retired" a year ago, but for the past year I was technically on a leave of absence.
That L.O.A. ended yesterday, as did my connection with my employer of the past 33 years -- the only job I've had as an adult. This is a good thing.

This afternoon I got in the car to drive out to work to pick up the departure/termination packet from the HR director. As I drove out there I turned on the radio and the song on the radio was
"[Take away this] Ball and Chain" by Social Distortion. (← Link to YouTube audio with lyrics. TURN IT UP!!!)
Now, I'm sure this song wasn't written about leaving a job that you've had enough of...but it seemed close enough for me to be a cool cosmic coincidence.

And it's a great song in any case.

Social D is coming to Bend next month!
That L.O.A. ended yesterday, as did my connection with my employer of the past 33 years...

Happy retirement! I'm happy you were able to ease yourself into it. :)
Congrats on the OFFICIAL Retirement!
Five months more, and I'll be "Retreaded" too. You remind me that I have to make my appointment with HR.
Congrats on the OFFICIAL Retirement!
Five months more, and I'll be "Retreaded" too. You remind me that I have to make my appointment with HR.

Thanks, and you hang in there, highz!
5 months -- that's less than half a round it off to the nearest year and you're basically retired now! Start partyin'!
Congrats on making it official Mark. I know that song well. That is interesting timing to hear it.
Thanks, and you hang in there, highz!
5 months -- that's less than half a round it off to the nearest year and you're basically retired now! Start partyin'!

Isn't retirement wonderful!-How does it feel to now be a "retired gentleman? "To bad we can't do it allot sooner-well Mark welcome-when's the first official retired adventure start? and you are to young for SS and Medicare, what a deal-unlike me who retired, then started to fall apart and thank god for SS and Mc. Maybe when highz retires we can have a retired gentleman's field trip some where!:LOL:

Sure-a new adventure:LOL: you learn to live cheap, you got the time but not the $, so head to the back country where things cost twice as much! Makes as much sense as anything else!

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