Spring is in the Air!

Hey Mr BC, you made it to Assateague! Pretty cool place, eh?

And 46 deg at 11:30 am on 17 April is quite unseasonably brisk for this side of the country at that latitude.


It's been another weird Spring here in the high desert of NE California and it's time to go play again . I was up at Eagle Lake a couple of weeks ago and the weather changed at mid day from wearing my cut-offs to getting ready for snow! Well despite typical (and untypical) Spring weather with daily T-storms, partially cloudy or beautiful blue skies, temps either to hot or to cold by 10 or 20 degrees or just right, and muddy roads(?) , anyway, the truck is packed. dog is ready, I'm leaving in the morning (15th), for my usual Spring run up 139 to the Modoc NF. Figure I'll hit Ash Creek first, then up to the Devils Garden and Res F(supposed to be allot of eagles there this year) and maybe Res "C." Figure I'll be up there for a week or so, but everything depends on the weather and roads of where I end up , but anyone of you guys is welcome to join me in the fun. just reply/PM (AT&T cell phone dead zone up there) me here!.

Smoke, have fun and travel safe! Remember you have Bob along to help with driving and such. Dogwoods are blooming around here and heavy afternoon rain a couple of days the end of last week. :)
Ski, If Ash creek is not running to fast I might even try my hand at fly fishing(never done it before and have the gear, but the creek is known for great fly fishing) .I understand that that famous drive-in in Aden is open again for a burger and a milkshake. so if the fishing does not work out/or does will not starve.. One of these days you will have to come up here and play!

It was a beautiful spring day for a drive home from Redding, CA to Bend, OR -- sunny, light traffic, light winds.
I spotted a bald eagle soaring around over the highway just south of Dorris, CA (probably looking for road kill -- that's our national bird for ya! :rolleyes: )
...and I averaged 41 mpg round trip. :)
Yup, Spring is in the air! :)

Winter Weather Advisory
National Weather Service Sacramento CA
249 AM PDT Fri May 25 2018

...Late Season Snow...

.A cold weather system will bring periods of snow above 8000 feet
Friday into Saturday.

West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada-
249 AM PDT Fri May 25 2018


* WHAT...Snow expected. Total accumulations of 1 to 3 inches
  expected, higher amounts up to 5 inches possible on the highest

* WHERE...West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada south of Highway 50
  and above 8000 feet. This includes Carson Pass, Ebbetts Pass
  and Sonora Pass.

* WHEN...5 AM today to 5 AM Saturday.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...If you are camping or hiking in that area
  be prepared for snowy conditions. Use caution when driving on
  snow covered roads.
Well, it's been warm enough here in Bend that it's become lizard season -- the typical western fence lizards (AFAIK). Must have been a good (safe) winter for them, because not only do I see my usual buddy sunning on the front steps every time I exit the front door, but they're all around the house (outside) and yard.
And I hope my lizards have high and dry ground to hide for a while:


The National Weather Service in Pendleton Oregon has issued a

* Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory for...
Central Deschutes County in central Oregon...

* Until 245 PM PDT

* At 1142 AM PDT, local law enforcement reported heavy rain causing
flooding at the Franklin Avenue underpass. Minor flooding has also
been reported in downtown Bend.

* Some locations that will experience flooding include...


Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood
deaths occur in vehicles.

Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small
creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as
well as other drainage areas and low lying spots.
No snow for "Bob" to play in here in the high desert-now if I can just get him to wear his water wings when we go for our daily walks :oops: ----just kidding, he is a big boy now! But boy, it sure is raining up here, flood watches, thunder and lightning and water everywhere, and in some way, almost glad I had to come come because I would have spent the last few days with "Bob" in the pop-up staying dry if I'd have stayed up on the Modoc! Sunday/Monday may clear up so time to start planning for that next trip!

The penultimate day of spring started a bit chilly here in Central Oregon.

(screenshot from my phone of the Weather Underground app)

But at least it's sunny. :)
Summer starts Friday.

Looks like I managed an almost-simultaneous post with Mr. 3pin!
I did have my bedroom and another small window open...but I wouldn't if I'd realized it was going to hit freezing. ;)
As long as we are posting screenshots, here is one from Memorial Day here- we skipped spring and went straight to hot. No open windows here (but the A/C is working hard):


Set several records including earliest 100° and warmest Memorial Day ever.

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