Spring thing

Last sunny day before the next round rolls through. That means snowblower maintenance. Surprises on this morning's walk - the Stellar Jays are back and the snow has melted enough that neighbors are rediscovering vehicles they had forgotten about.
ski3pin said:
Last sunny day before the next round rolls through. That means snowblower maintenance. Surprises on this morning's walk - the Stellar Jays are back and the snow has melted enough that neighbor's are rediscovering vehicles they had forgotten about.
.....and the first robin just showed up. :)
Not sure if all you folks in CA are bragging or complaining! Just kidding, hope that the storms slow down and you all can catch some rest.
Some fluffy, scruffy spring critters grazing, browsing, in my backyard.
Those coats make them look more like vicuñas than muleys.
ski3pin said:
Wow, their winter coats should have been an indicator of a hard winter ahead! :)
The thing is, central Oregon hasn't had nearly the winter that California has had. Maybe the critters could sense impending blizzards to the south and figured "better safe than sorry", coat-wise.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Mark, what’s that stuff they’re standing on? It’s almost all white here.
Steve, Bend's winter -- at least the part I've experienced, the past 2 months -- has been very much in line with "long-term average". Just a few inches of snow at a time. An amount that's appropriate for "high desert" with annual precipitation of 12 inches water-equivalent.
An alternative explanation is that weather gods took pity on me, having to spend an unexpected time here when I planned to be in semi-tropical latitudes all winter. "It's not his fault that his truck was stolen...let's give him a break weather-wise". ;)
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Didn't realize your truck was stolen.
Where and when?
In late January I put my travel trailer in storage in San Antonio, TX, so I could fly home for a couple of weeks as a "break" from my winter wander through the South -- to go through my mail, see friends, etc. I spent the night before the flight home in a hotel in San Antonio. During that night my truck was stolen from the hotel parking lot. Yep, BUMMER! I proceeded to fly home anyway.
About a week later the SAPD called me to tell me that my truck had been found, reportedly having been used for "smuggling". The truck exterior was almost untouched, but all the electronics of the dash had been torn out, as well as the antenna bumps on the roof. My theory is that they did that to be sure that the truck couldn't be tracked. I don't know how it was stolen, don't know how they started it.
Everything on the truck (canopy and kayak) and in the truck (gear -- DSLR, bicycle, etc...) is gone.
It's taking a very long time for the truck to be fixed, at a shop in Del Rio...but insurance will get it done and replace anything stolen that I want replaced.

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