Spring Time!

Woke up to 29 degrees this morning and freezing rain last night in the Los Padres NF....WTF? It's May right?

So glad I didn't pull the Wave 3 out for the season yet.
Everywhere I went on my recent trip, talking to locals from southern Utah to northwestern Nevada, the report on spring sounded the same as our Oregon (and California) spring: cold+wet. Apparently, the mostly-fine weather I had for 2/3 of my trip was NOT typical for the weather they'd been having.
(Maybe the nice weather was Nature's attempt to make up to me for the gassing with ammonia and the cerebral hemorrhage I experienced early in my trip
Rapture Saturday and spring time so we figured we better get as close to heaven as possible. No spring corn snow though as it had snowed a couple of feet early in the week.


It was a cool day with the wind – not too bad – and threat of some afternoon showers. The Lady knows how to pick a snack break spot with a view.


View from the summit with Lake Tahoe and Fallen Leaf Lake.


We watched to see if this unattended dog was going to get a once in a lifetime valuable lesson on corniced ridges.


Signs of recent avalanches down the northeast face.


It was a rapturous day and to shamelessly borrow from Mark Twain, we were breathing the same air the angels breathe.


You got to love spring time!
Nice ski tour, 3pin. Guess we're all here, huh?
I figured snow quality might not be the classic Sierra corn with all the continued weather. :oops:
It's SNOWING here in Bend right now!

It's 37°, so I know there won't be accumulation...but still!

I think I've already mentioned the year when it snowed on July 4 here (circa 1980), so snow on May 28 isn't a record......but J-freakin-C! COME ON!

Oh well...I don't know why I'm whining... Since I don't have air-conditioning in my house, if it was 30 degrees above normal instead of 30 degrees below normal I'd be more uncomfortable!
It's SNOWING here in Bend right now!

It's 37°, so I know there won't be accumulation...but still!

I think I've already mentioned the year when it snowed on July 4 here (circa 1980), so snow on May 28 isn't a record......but J-freakin-C! COME ON!

Oh well...I don't know why I'm whining... Since I don't have air-conditioning in my house, if it was 30 degrees above normal instead of 30 degrees below normal I'd be more uncomfortable!

60 and sunny here in Hood River :p
Well, we're just back from another adventure. Checked with my buddy who reported in snowed here Saturday evening and into Sunday. It snowed where we were at also. :)
Just back from five days in NorCal. Snowed on us a couple of times. Never saw a temp above 55. The only good thing from it is it we found a lot of campsites abandoned and had them to ourselves. Here at home my veggie garden is stunted and looking horrible. I've never been a fan of winter. It really frustrates me when winter weather hits during what should be warm weather. Might have to fly to Cabo this weekend just to keep from going on a murder spree. ;)
Might have to fly to Cabo this weekend just to keep from going on a murder spree. ;)

Well I just looked at the extended forecast, perhaps we can all go in and charter a plane? :rolleyes:
Not wanting to be too negative...but looks like there will/may-be more downside to the extra-wet winter-spring a lot of us have had:
"As snow melts and dams fill, floods feared across West"
(sure wish we could teleport some of this extra down to our drought-stricken friends in the southern tier)

Related: So much water in the Columbia River system that much-extra water has to be dumped/spilled from Columbia dams, and apparently this churns extra nitrogen into the water which can give fish the bends!
(Although, in general, I think more flow through the dams is good for the newly-born fish moving downstream so they don't get stalled in the slack water behind the dams.)

I also read somewhere that the Columbia River system has so much extra water this season -- and so much extra hydro-electricity produced by its dams -- that they're almost/actually giving the electricity away...since the electricity-producing capacity can't be stored since the water has to be dumped.
We recently traveled hwy 2 from Everett to Wenatchee WA. The Columbia River and its tributaries were indeed high. The Wenatchee river, through Stevens Pass was flowing fast. Lots of remnants of log jams and scoured banks. The summit of the pass still had several feet of snow to melt, so the fast water will last for a while. Hopefully it doesn't melt too fast.

Not wanting to be too negative...but looks like there will/may-be more downside to the extra-wet winter-spring a lot of us have had:
"As snow melts and dams fill, floods feared across West"
A very "wound-up" system off the California coast this morning


I imagine some strong winds associated with that deep low....or maybe it just looks cool.
I think this storm/low pressure system may be hammering the coast a little harder than it's hitting us. It is a warm storm for a change with snow level around 8500 feet. Off and on rain, little wind.

Took a look up the hill this morning. This is Icehouse Reservoir, part of Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Upper American River Project. It is quite low in anticipation of the big snow melt to come.


We have a couple of close by waterfalls that are usually pretty spectacular in the spring. We were unable to access the secret one due to snow. Bassi Falls is running well.


Very nice, but will be much higher when sun and warm temps finally show up.


Maybe this week we'll get some sunny days. We'll pack a supper along and carry the tripod in for evening light shots. That will make a nice evening outing.
Hey! It's 73° at my house right now -- the high for the year so far!
Maybe we're starting to awaken from this long, long, nightmare of a spring.

Of course, if it warms up too fast it'll mean massive snow-melt and flooding.
Not much chance of flooding around here -- water sinks into the mostly-volcanic, porous, ground...but other areas are definitely vulnerable.
We'll be at Cache Creek July 4th for our annual "kill the old man in the rapids" weekend. Marty and Jeff (as am I) are hoping the new Cougar will be ready. If not its sleep in the back of the truck. We'll stay up there until it's finished.

Last year I was fortunate to escape with my life!
Hey! It's 73° at my house right now -- the high for the year so far!
Maybe we're starting to awaken from this long, long, nightmare of a spring.

And the overnight low this morning, 55°, was the highest low we've had since mid-September!

I think winter has actually, finally, lost its grip on us.
Last year I was fortunate to escape with my life!

Jay, the flows will be much higher this year. Enjoy but be careful.
Bassi falls still closed to vehicles?

Craig333, Bassi Falls is open and you can drive in. There's a dirt road to the trailhead that most any vehicle should be able to access if you drive carefully. From the trailhead it's about a half mile walk on a well laid out trail to the base of the falls. It's a real popular place that gets lots and lots of use. The public really loves this spot, as they should! It's a real special place.
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