The Dog Rescue Thread

In addition, statistics show time and time again that the BLACK dogs and cats are the LAST to be adopted and often the first to see Mr. Reaper due to that statistic. It costs $$$ to keep these animals around and some shelter just don't have the space/budget to do so for very long.

Black labs are one of my favorite dog types. :confused:
Thanks to Mtn-high, tomorrow I will be driving to Colorado (with the FWC) to pick up a new (9 month) pup to join the family. He pointed me to a Craigslist ad in Pueblo for a border collie that needs a new home because of family health issues. Maybe I won't be thanking him when the little beast terrorizes the house but he sounds like a good one and the family is very happy to find a good new start for him. It'll also be the first time the FWC has gone anywhere on the F250 I recently picked up. I'll make a straight shot up there with my pooch but them camp someone West of Canon City off Rte 50 or 285 South. I know there are some FS CG's near Crestone but they may not be open, any suggestions? Thanks Mtn-High:thumb:

They'll ride right behind me if not one up in the front seat.

I can't wait to hear you adding cuss words before my name! :thumb:

And ya know we're gonna wanna see some pictures of the trip/truck/new pup!

drive safely

Maybe I should name him after you

Did a fast run North, the pooch hasn't been given the attention/exercise/training that he needs but he is very quickly adapting to his new life. Picked him up at the Walmart parking lot in Canon City. My guy was nuts for him but he was pretty skittish, doesn't seem to know what leashes are for. Anyway I threw him in the truck and we headed West on 50 thinking about camping along the Arkansas but the sites were next to the road and I wasn't ready to stop. Of course it got cold and dark and I ended up popping the top in a rest area after driving a couple extra hours but I did get some decent sleep and a few hours earlier I popped up up for dinner:thumb: Dogs are warming up, the new guy is fitting in fast, has a new best friend/brother. He was harassing my guy that I had him up in the cabover bed with me but then the new pooch decided he needed to be with us as well so all three of us were up there and I never even pulled the bed out so it was pretty full. He seems like he'll be a cool dog, needs to get parts snipped and chipped but he should thrive here, 6 weeks he'll be in the FWC heading to Alaska:eek:
That's GREAT news! I hoped it would all go off without a hitch and what they told you was the real deal. You never know about craigslist (a.k.a. CRAZEDLIST) and who/what is on the other side of that ad.

And what a cutie. I love the flop ear and the coloration on his face!

And that smile! "YES..I HAVE SCORED!"

It'll take a bit of time for him to get with the program, but I'll the fact that he gets along with your other dog will make training him one heck of alot easier. My older Golden basically taught the younger one how to fetch...because he'd do it and the little guy would watch and take it all in. In no time he was figuring it out...and now he's a maniac and won't stop!

A new name will come to you after you've spent some time with him. If you get stumped i'm sure folks here will chime in....LOL.

all the best to you/yours....and yer "lucky" dogs too!

My current dog was a stray. Before that I had pound puppies and once a dog that was given to me because she was the runt of the litter.

At work today I heard some co-workers talking about how much they made selling pups ( I assume, knowing these guys they were pits) and it just makes me so sad knowing how many people wont even consider a "used" dog.

Yuma probably wouldn't want me to get into the rescue business, but it sure sounds worthwhile.
Yikes's a good thing I wasn't there to give that guy *something* to spend his *hard earned* puppy sale income on...:mad:

At the >very least< I'd print this out and drop this link anonymously on his desk...
So how's it going with the new pup, barko?

Is his/my name "Mud" by now...or is he figuring out what a sweet deal he got?

I hope all is well

Thursday afternoon we had to run to Phoenix (400m) so both dogs went for the ride. Camped for the night at Oak Flat about 6m East of Superior and not a bad commute onto town the next morning. Dogs had to spend too much of the day in the camper and then the ride back home, not all good for a border collie:eek:
Anyway he has some "issues" not liking the leash, but getting better. I think he had been put on the side and not trained for awhile which will take some work but is not chewing/digging/terrorizing the cat/gets along 95% with my other pooch. Basically needs some confidence and training and lots of exercise. Loves the free backyard, racing around this morning with the other guy. He weighs #54 @10.5 months so I guess he'll be on the large size for a BC. Once he gets sane on the leash he'll be a lot easier to run with along with my other one. I think if he'd be off leash he be right be me but haven't been willing to try that out in the desert yet. Got him chipped and he will be losing his manliness soon:eek:

So how's it going with the new pup, barko?

Is his/my name "Mud" by now...or is he figuring out what a sweet deal he got?

I hope all is well

Have you seen Marley and Me? Sweet movie but my brother didn't like the ending (he had yellow lab).
Speaking of leash training, I'd like to know what you-all think of head collars. Are they as humane as the manufacturer says?

I just got a "dog whisperer" collar, Cesar Millon, not sure if that is the type you are refering to. Basically it is a two strap collar that hold the choke collar high on the neck where it gets the dogs attention without so much tugging.

Seems to be working pretty well, last week when I got my new my new one it was like a leash was foreign to him, tried to bite it. Today I took him for a run with the Cesar collar and for 90% he was by my side doing well.
Don't'cha love it when yer post is eaten? CHOMP

Glad to hear that it is going well, barko! Considering that it's been less than 2 weeks and that you really don't know his full history I would say you are making great progress. The "snip" will calm him further and should minimize any wanderlust.

high z...the Gentle leaders are great training tools. They work great for a dog that wants to eat the leash or who has any aggression issues with other dogs and they are very humane. It doesn't take a dog long to figure out that pulling/etc. just isn't gonna work.

I also like harnesses for anxious/excited/scared dogs. I have one in my truck that I take on transports and it is a far better way to go/far more secure means of control than a regular collar. It's a scary thing to pick up a strange dog on a rescue and have them freak and wiggle out of the collar.

And speaking of rescue...we made a whirlwind trip to Grand Junction yesterday afternoon and picked up a female Goldendoodle. She's a sweetie!
I'll post a pic after we (have tons more coffee) give her a bath!
My wife is falling BIG for this girl. Of all the Golden dogs I've brought through my home in the last year (30-35) no one else has simply walked in and made themselves at home like this one has. My dogs act as if she's always been here. (she loved the bath!)

We could easily be the victims of "Fostering Gone Wrong"....LOL.


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