The Dog Rescue Thread

Good stuff on the rescue front

I worked for the Santa Cruz shelter for a while but hadn't thought of using the camper as a rescuemobile. Sounds like a great idea.

What organization do you volunteer for? I'll bet you have some interesting stories...:eek:

She's a great dog, chnlisle. Super mellow, (partially because she weight 86 pounds and should weight about 65) housetrained, and only a bit testy with the cat here and there. My 2 Goldens hardly act as if she's here....

And those eyes....

We're on the teeter-totter. We found out there's a family on a waiting list for a Doodle...and while I can pick/take any dog I choose as a volunteer if I ask/decide I want another dog, I hate to be a hog...especially if this family has no current pet/has been waiting.

In all reality...We'll be pushing it with 3 dogs over 70 pounds in the Tundra/FWC.... (a.k.a---- the Travelling HAIR Wagon)

so we're gonna let it play out....and if it is meant to be *either way* will happen as it should. Whatever is best for the dog is the main focus. I can sure give her a good/stable/loving home and 2 "brothers" to play with, but she would also flourish with someone as an only dog. Time will tell who these other folks are and what their situation is....and if this is THE dog they were thinking of all along. of the hardest parts of this Rescue thing is not bringing em all home...

This thread has evolved to a pat on the back for those of us that support rescue groups. As pet owners, we have dealt with the difficult reality that are animals have shorter life spans than our own. So I hesitate to do this as it may take this thread in another direction, yet I feel the need to let it out.

Our Golden was adopted through a local rescue agency at about age six. We don't know her full history, but have heard she was essentially caged with a endless supply of food. She was extremely overweight. She had a pinched nerve in her neck that caused her to yelp constantly. To this day she has never understood the concept of play. Rolling a tennis ball by her no more interested her than the color of our truck.

Within months she had lost the weight and rarely showed signs of pain. She lived for her nightly walks. We took dozens of camping trips, including long term trips through the southwest, to Yellowstone, and the northwest. At the Grand Canyon, it took us 15 minutes to get to the overlook from the parking lot because a bus load of Japanese tourists each had to have their photograph taken with her.

But her age and illnesses have been catching up with her. In my Death Valley Rally trip report, I mentioned going without my wife so that she could stay home with the dog. Well, the last week has been difficult for her and for us. Today we put an end to her pain and suffering.

For those of you that rescue dogs and give them a better life, you are rewarded by their devotion. For all of you with dogs, no matter where you got them, give them a hug for us.


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Please accept my sympathy Ted, there aren't many things in life that are harder to do. Always remember the good times and what a great life YOU gave her.
For all of you with dogs, no matter where you got them, give them a hug for us.

Amen. May she rest in piece. No doubt she had a better life with you, than she did before you were luck enough to find her. We just returned from our walk and after reading your post I gave all 3 of mine a hearty hug. Like always, they enjoyed it.
Handsome dog!

My favorite quote is by Lord Byron. It's on a sheet of paper that has the pawprint of my old yellow lab, Tosh, framed on our wall.

"Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity, and
All the Virtues of Man without his Vices"

Take care, Clark

I just read your post. I have had only Newfoundlands for most of my 63yrs. They are great dogs with a long maratime history. They have many health issues and I have lost too many before their time. Last March I had to put down a wonderful 19mo. old pup with chronic kidney faliure, everytime I lose one I tell myself, that's it, no more because it's just too painful. But there's the other side, for all the things I've had in life nothing has brought me more happiness than my dogs. I just hugged both of mine, and I imagine you will be doing the same soon. I know the pain all to well. I am very sorry JON
Damn Ted. So sorry to hear that. Please know that you/your wife are in my thoughts.

10CC once sang that "Big boys don't cry", but I know better than that. Like you, I love my dogs like family and each and every one of them holds a special place in my heart.

When you are ready, someone else will be waiting for the special kinda of love only you can give them.

all the best...

Beautiful dog, sure you were her great companion. It sure if tough watching them pass on. My newest nut case is having his nut case alleviated today, felt bad dropping him at the vet.
Interesting you said she wouldn't play. I adopted a husky mix that was the same way. Wouldn't fetch or anything. Deathly scared of anything that made a snapping noise (and yes I hope karma takes of the person or persons who make her that way) but she sure loved to go camping.

My sympathies for your loss :(
Beautiful dog, sure you were her great companion. It sure if tough watching them pass on. My newest nut case is having his nut case alleviated today, felt bad dropping him at the vet.

Did he brag to other dogs that he was going to the vet to get tutored?
Interesting you said she wouldn't play. I adopted a husky mix that was the same way. Wouldn't fetch or anything. Deathly scared of anything that made a snapping noise (and yes I hope karma takes of the person or persons who make her that way) but she sure loved to go camping.

My sympathies for your loss :(

One of mine is afraid of people in general, but especially men (I seem to be the exception as he thinks he's a 40 lbs lap dog). I too, hope that karma catches up with that guy.
Did he brag to other dogs that he was going to the vet to get tutored?

He had never been there before, thought he was going out for breakfast. Surpised they kept him over night but that will keep him from moving about much. Retreive him in the morning, going on a FWC road trip the next day:thumb:
Thank you all for the kind comments, and Barko for the laugh. You have all been through this before it helps to hear from you. Fisherman, if I hadn't already promised my leftover food to the rescue group, I'd send it your way. What lasted our dog a month might feed that 11 month old of yours a couple of days.:eek:
At the request of the original thread starter for "where do your dogs ride", I have moved all the dog rescue discussion to its own thread.

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