The Landscape Photography Thread

Hmmm, Mr. 3Pin got me thinking about Rhyolite. I like it, too, but I don't remember the school house. Here's one that reminds me most of the town and surroundings. If you see spots on the image, yes that's a dirty sensor. I learned to never, but never change lenses outside at DV.

I can see why, Ski. It's like a triptych.
Very nice.

And speaking of triples, that tritone of Delicate Arch it's fantastic, Sage.
We like to laugh and we do have so much fun, the Lady and I. Many times we find ourselves jabbering at each other sounding more and more like an old couple, wrapped in the comfort of knowing each other so well. I got a new wide angle lens for the camera. It was delivered yesterday. The Lady was as excited as I was. She wanted to see it and asked me to explain the difference and what it will do. Her patience and attention span matches her high energy so I resisted the temptation to discuss focal length and aperture. I lit up the house and then handed her the camera with an 18mm lens. “Look at the edges and the field of view.” I then put on the new 11mm. “Is there a difference?” I asked. “Wow, I see the whole room!” she answered.

On her way out the door this morning she was smiling. “Okay, what’s up?” I asked.
“Are we going to try out the new lens this weekend?”
“We should, shouldn’t we?” There’s that answering a question with a question again.
Her brow furrowed and she asked. “Now you’re not going to turn into one of those photographers toting around a backpack full of lens are you?”
“Nope,” I said. “That’ll never happen. I’ve got you to carry all of ‘em.”

Many thanks to Wandering Sagebrush for the sage advise on lens selection.
Good story Ski,

I do the reasearch and tell the misses what to buy. It is always good to hear later that this equipment is just what I need and is working out great from her!

I had to laught out loud when you said,

Her brow furrowed and she asked. “Now you’re not going to turn into one of those photographers toting around a backpack full of lens are you?”
“Nope,” I said. “That’ll never happen. I’ve got you to carry all of ‘em.”
For us it is a pack most of the time but times 2. Some days I need a porter! Walking trough the airport I have between 40 and 60 pounds of stuff.

Congratulations on the 11mm lens. I'm sure you'll get some nice images. Something that is wide I would suggest having something close in the foreground and make sure it is very sharp!
ski3pin said:
<Snip> I got a new wide angle lens for the camera. It was delivered yesterday. The Lady was as excited as I was. <Snip>

Her brow furrowed and she asked. “Now you’re not going to turn into one of those photographers toting around a backpack full of lens are you?”
“Nope,” I said. “That’ll never happen. I’ve got you to carry all of ‘em.”

Many thanks to Wandering Sagebrush for the sage advise on lens selection.
Mr 3Pin, as long as you don't refer to The Lady as your Sherpa, you'll probably still have a home. It sounds like the lens arrived in good working order, so let's see those photos!

I didn't do much, other than send a few references/links, but you're certainly welcome!


Edit: a vest with 47 pockets looks cooler than a backpack full of lenses!
My wife sometimes calls me "BOB". Her short-hand for "Beast of Burden."

In the spirit on this thread, a couple of hers:

That road. Looks like one I just had to drive. It petered out ten miles down the road. I'm loving this thread even though I'm not a photographer.
This was captured with a point and shoot, It's certainly not the quality of the rest of the pics in this thread, but i like it.
Near Bee Tree Gap,Trinity Alps Wilderness.
Mommy and her daughter were at chilling back at home (4 llamas). After waiting 2.5 years it turns out they weren't packers so I found them a new home (2 llamas). Last summer I picked up 2 geldings, a packer and an old rescue (4 llamas). The rescue passed away recently (3 llamas). Fifteen years ago when I started packing with llamas I had Emmy and Rachel (2 llamas). I changed my handle once from 2 llamas to 4 llamas and decided to leave it be.

Middle Sister from Park Meadow, Three Sisters Wilderness
Those are beautiful animals, 4llamas. The lighting is also lovely. It looks like late spring with the volcanic peak in the background.
Thank you Lighthawk. I shot Middle Sister with my Sony NEX 5 in mid September last year. That's an early morning shot. I'm sure the camera is capable of much better results so I'm making a commitment to learn.
2002 Yosemite Sentinel Dome, originally converted to black and white as a play on "The Grapes of Wrath" after hiking a long hot trail and then climbing up on Sentinel Dome in the late afternoon wind. Several years later we saw the Ansel Adams picture of the same tree which was still alive when he photographed it.


Another amateur offering. Bow Lake along the Icefields Parkway in Canada north of Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies. We originally visited the Canadian Rockies on our honeymoon.

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Looks a lot like the Alvord. I've never seen a balloon there! Cool shot!
Yes, it is the Alvord. We were on a motorcycle trip out that way and this group was camped out on the playa.

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