The Landscape Photography Thread

Always a treat to see the images that pop up here. The list of places to visit gets even longer. Love the high Sierra basins that LightHawk does great justice. And the thunderheads are just awesome. Love the reflection.
Just around the corner from the house is the largest dahlia grower in the US. It's prime season, so I've walked down and taken a few shots. This isn't landscape, but I didn't want to start a new thread.



Thanks Steve. The dahlias are beautiful. A couple weeks ago we went to SF for a visit with our daughter.
She lives close to Golden Gate Park and we walk into it during our visits.

We walked past the dahlia garden and they were in full bloom. The many different types of flowers was something to see.
Your picture brought it back.
The TR's and photo threads turning up here are inspiring, to say the least. Craig333 got me going to revisit some images from last spring. I had the great fortune to tag along on a 2 day helicopter excursion over both Hart Mtn and Charles Sheldon Wildlife Refuges. I took hundreds of images in the hopes that a few would work out, unfortunately my work load this year has kept me form really spending much time editing. Hopefully later this year I can put a blog entry together and do this trip justice. For the time being here is pic from way above Sheldon looking down on Hwy 140 and the spectacular geology of Sheldon. 1000 Creek Gorge is prominent with the Virgin Valley in the distance.
Wow, helicopter photography. If only I'd thought to bring a camera when I was working helitack. Thats a gorgeous shot.
Craggy, I'd love to see more of those shots! Nice!

Remember, helicopters: tens of thousands of rivets flying in loose formation. (I was a CH 46 crew chief)...
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Remember, helicopters: tens of thousands of rivets flying in loose formation. .......................................
Sage advise Mr. Sage. Scary beasts those helicopters.

Mr. Crag, great shot and looking forward to more! :)
Thanks all. Very cool opportunity for sure, hope to do more in the future. The perspective and challenges of shooting from up high are really entertaining. The flight was set up by an organization called LightHawk. They get conservation/sicence based groups that need air support hooked up with willing partners. The Oregon Natrual Desert Association that I do lots of volunteer work for, mostly based around photography and their various wilderness proposals is putting together a film on the Hart Mtn/Sheldon Refuges and the connection corridor. The flight was set up for this purpose and I just tagged along to fill the extra seat... ;) Pretty sweet as we flew from Bend to Lakeview, did a sunset and sunrise flight then back to Bend. Here is a pic of my partner in the back seat, Michelle of Wahoo Films. She was calling all the shots on chopper locations for angles etc., but I had a fair amount of input based on my familiarity with the landscape to set the general flight path.
It was my first time in a chopper and being able to shoot with the doors open was extra special. No problems with motion sickness for me, although Michelle had a close encounter with the air-sick bag on the first flight to Lakeview, was very windy/choppy. Very cold in the back with the doors open, we were both pretty much shivering and well chilled at the end of both photo flights.


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CraggyMan said:
Thanks all. Very cool opportunity for sure, hope to do more in the future. The perspective and challenges of shooting from up high are really entertaining. The flight was set up by an organization called LightHawk. They get conservation/sicence based groups that need air support hooked up with willing partners. The Oregon Natrual Desert Association that I do lots of volunteer work for, mostly based around photography and their various wilderness proposals is putting together a film on the Hart Mtn/Sheldon Refuges and the connection corridor. The flight was set up for this purpose and I just tagged along to fill the extra seat... ;) Pretty sweet as we flew from Bend to Lakeview, did a sunset and sunrise flight then back to Bend. Here is a pic of my partner in the back seat, Michelle of Wahoo Films. She was calling all the shots on chopper locations for angles etc., but I had a fair amount of input based on my familiarity with the landscape to set the general flight path.
It was my first time in a chopper and being able to shoot with the doors open was extra special. No problems with motion sickness for me, although Michelle had a close encounter with the air-sick bag on the first flight to Lakeview, was very windy/choppy. Very cold in the back with the doors open, we were both pretty much shivering and well chilled at the end of both photo flights.
Good work. :)
Craggy, thanks for the links to ONDA and Wahooo. I think I'm going to have to get more interested/active with the Desert Assoc. Next trip through Bend, maybe we can catch a cup of coffee with you.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Craggy, thanks for the links to ONDA and Wahooo. I think I'm going to have to get more interested/active with the Desert Assoc. Next trip through Bend, maybe we can catch a cup of coffee with you.
Sounds good. Let's try again next time you are passing through. I'm starting to see the light at the end of this work tunnel I'm in at the moment. Hope to start getting out again before the end of the year.
We finally got some rain! The King fire has subsided (and the land too :oops: ). We've received over an inch of rain now.

I went out today to try out a new filter. We're going to New England and Virginia next week and I wanted to try out some ideas.
These photos are on Deer Creek, just outside of Nevada City.

Andy, nice! Which filter? I just got a Lee Big Stopper, but haven't used it yet. We are on our way into the Cascades and central Oregon for a few days, so I hope to use it on streams and/or clouds in that region.

Glad to hear you're getting rain!
Thanks guys. I thought about the Lee system Steven, but decided it might be too fiddly for the amount of time I might have to set up. I picked up a B+W 1.8 ND filter (six stops). I was still able to use live view to focus manually.

Thank goodness for the rain! :) :) :)
Looks good Andy, Good to have the rain! Trees are starting to change here. Have a pleasant trip back east.

We bought the Singh-Ray Vari-N-Duo Variable Neutral Density Filter. It has a polarizer attached and really helps to take the reflective shine off wet rock and leaves. It also enhances color. There is vignetting if you go wide, consider the thin mount.

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