The Landscape Photography Thread

Long House in the shadows...


Weatherill Mesa
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Springtime in the Badlands. Shot was taken about a month or so ago after a night of heavy rains. The landscape came alive the following morning.

I really am missing photos from Stalking Light this fall.
May the light be magic, the water in slow motion, and the wildlife in cooperative poses, Charlie.

Spent a few weeks up in Canada and since the wildlife viewing was a little lacking I started shooting some landscape stuff. This was taken outside of Banff.

Nice shot of the train on its way, next to a river, and the way it’s cropped let the imagination take over.

Thanks Russ

ps stay warm.
Amazing how familiar sights from my backyard can become magical through the lens/eye of the photographer! Thanks Park!
Vic Harder said:
Amazing how familiar sights from my backyard can become magical through the lens/eye of the photographer! Thanks Park!
You live in a beautiful area. I was over in Bella Coola BC and then over to Alberta. I can't get enough of it up there. Shot this north of Waterton National Park. Was wondering if you might know the story behind this? Hundreds of hats on fence poles. Not one pole was missing a hat.

I've been trying to come up with the names of those peaks... I'm pretty sure this is just west of Lake Louise, on the #1 Hwy. There are few places where the train tracks and Bow River line up like that. Also sure that's just east of the Lake O'Hara turn off, so those would be Mt. Piran and Mt Niblock... the promontory in the foreground has no name as far as I can tell.

View from the top of Mt Piran (not my pic),-116.2533722,3a,75y,307.11h,114.49t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPMGDA9fHSNnGG5c-ijtZ8AuMDJHq4PYMAsiAu7!2e10!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840

but I HAVE been to the top of Mt Temple


Me at the top of Temple..
takesiteasy said:
Love the train shot.
Thanks. It was a long wait for the train. I had been to this same location the previous day and thought with the right clouds, lighting and a train coming through heading into the shot and it might all come together. I showed up the following morning and the wait began. After almost three hours here it was. I almost missed it though as it was butt ass cold and I was sitting in the rig drinking coffee. Luckily, I heard it in time, grabbed the camera, made a mad dash to get in position just as it was rounding the bend.

Vic....thanks for all the info on the hats. Interesting and I wish I'd of stopped to see if I could have met the old farmer. I love meeting characters like that while I'm out roaming around.

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