The Landscape Photography Thread

Very nice Lighthawk! We also took a look at our waterways this morning. So good to see high water. Will it continue? Rain still pounds on the roof tonight.
November 2008, a storm was breaking near Rhyolite right at sunset. We had to stop.


A couple of shots from last weekend at Donner Summit. I bought an afternoon pass at Donner Ski Ranch and found untracked 3-6" powder with a few creative traverses and mini-climbs to return. :D

It sure felt good to get out on the skis and make some turns, but I had left my DSLR in the truck and wanted to take some photos too.
Then the ski lift broke down: :eek:

From my Samsung Note II

Serendipity! I switched gears and put on my skins and took an afternoon ski tour of the Lake Angela / Donner Summit area between Hwy 40 and Hwy 80. All these shots are with my 14mm wide angle. I only had a fanny pack, so had to choose one smaller lens to shoot with.

I'm interested which you prefer, #1 or #2.

#1 The Summit

#2 Approaching the Summit

Storage Building, Old Hwy 4o aka The Lincoln Highway
<side story: I was driving home one winter evening and saw a white long-tailed weasel cross the road and dive into the building in the photo. I'll always remember the blur of the beautiful long white body, zipping across the road.>

Typical postcard shot, Mountain Juniper over Donner Lake
Just a quick shot from Death Valley. A night photo at Harmony Borax Works. Two exposures, hand blended. The foreground at high ISO for detail, the stars at low ISO to keep them crisp.

Great to see the variety of images from fellow WTW'rs, it's very inspiring so thought I would jump into the mix. I have been slowly (very, very slowly) working through to edit my images from 2013. Here is one that really could be my personal favorite from this past year. I have been trying to squeeze in a backpack every June hopefully coinciding with the Summer Solstice and at the same time trying to explore new territory in the Oregon desert, I have been into the Owyhee Canyonlands a number of times but every trip seems to reveal new wonders.

Cheers- Glad people like this shot. I was pretty psyched when I saw these images popping up on my camera's display to say the least, even though initially I had concern the super bright full moon was washing out the stars. In retrospect the added light really helped to balance the exposure in the dark canyon without having to shoot longer/noisier exposure times.
Here is another from same area, 2010 backpack to a place MarkBC and I explored many moons ago in the early 90's.

Both pix from my previous two post are in SE Oregon sections of the Owyhee Canyonlands. Idaho and Nevada both have really rugged and inaccessible Owyhee canyon country also. A lifetime or two of trips for sure.

Some really nice shots in this thread. Can't believe I've never been to the Alabama Hills...! Climbed in the Buttermilks area near Bishop that is similar in terrain.

Thanks for taking a look.

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