The Summer Solstice Is Here

I tend to go with older meanings from the origins............................

"The term pagan is from the Latin paganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic", or "of the country." As a noun, paganus was used to mean "country dweller, villager." "

from wikipedia

but all this is just talk. Summer is here!
We mark the summer solstice with our son's birthday. He's 5 today.
Summer...umm rained a little over an inch yesterday. Sending well wishes to the people in BC.
Hoping to see the large moon tonight but cloud cover says no.
Happy birthday and summer to all!

I know the basic true meaning of Paganism. All too often I encounter people who are not open minded enough to embrace the seasons and the importance of meanings for belief systems. Also can't help but enjoy the Dragnet movie reference.
It's time for all "pagans" to gather round the Stonehenge and break out the dirnks.
Happy summer to all.
Not through a blanket on the fun,but now the days are getting shorter.
Go out and enjoy.
ps.Some beverages from out just completed Spain trip.Didn't try the cannibis beer though.


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Looks like some interesting weather going on right now in eastern Oregon, western Idaho...

...and in eastern Nevada as well...

Of course, it's nothing like the storms they get east of the Far West...but we do the best we can with limited tropical moisture. ;)
using this as the seasonal weather thread...

We've had semi-unusual weather here in Central Oregon the past 24 hours. Thunderstorms...which aren't all that unusual for summer, but they were most-intense overnight, in the wee hours of this morning and continuing to full-daylight hours. Seems like thunderstorms are more of a pm thing, most of the time, when the convection-driving ground heat is hotter... :unsure:

Waking up to rain/showers in August -- even in the form of thundershowers -- is unusual for the inland far West.

(and the dry lightning, in areas where it didn't shower much, started many small wildfires yesterday...probably overnight, too)

Yesterday afternoon, about 3:30, I woke from a nap to find it quite dark and was a bit confused, at first, in my post-nap drowsiness. :oops: Satellite view showed why it was dark in the afternoon:

Been unusally cool here for the beginning of August. Can't say I'm complaining. I'm the hundreds will return yet, they always do.
Should make the motorcycle races tonight very nice.
It's been "dark" in central Oregon all day... :oops:
It's not normal here for it to look as dark in summer as a winter day -- all day...somehow something's wrong. :unsure:

Yeah, I know -- just thunderstorms...and those have started now -- gusty winds, lightning, thunder...a little rain.
Mark we were out camping Monday and Tuesday nights in the Ebbetts pass area and had some of that storm I bet.
Lots of great lighting and thunder but no real rain.A nice show though.
Hope all is well.
This evening, for the first time in many weeks, I closed doors and windows against the outside cold, rather than against the heat. And tonight I considered putting on -- in the house -- something warmer than a t-shirt! :eek:
(much of today's cold was from evaporative cooling after thunderstorms...but it wasn't warm before the precip either).

Probably be xc-skiing by next weekend... ;)
The folklore around here is that when the alpine goldenrod blooms we are a month away from the first freeze. That means we've got two or three weeks to go. I go by my collie. When she starts shedding her undercoat to make room for the winter undercoat, I figure we will see autumn weather in about a month. This year her shedding agrees with the goldenrod prediction. We shall see.

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