The Wildlife Photography Thread

Here's another of those birds that needs an orthodontist, or is that an orthobillist?

park said:
Well it's kinda like wildlife except in a zoo. Spent a few hours hanging out this afternoon with the Tigers.....

Beauty shot there, Park. I've been struggling with the whole concept of zoos, circuses, etc.
Lighthawk said:
Beauty shot there, Park. I've been struggling with the whole concept of zoos, circuses, etc.
I'm certainly no advocate of zoos, circuses or marine parks either. Especially the circus. I think all circuses should all be shut down. Making majestic animals jump thru a hoop to entertain people with their snot-nosed screaming kids is crap in my book. I can see the validity of a zoo or a marine park for taking care of an animal that has been injured & can't be returned to the wild or for breeding of endangered species. I strongly disagree with the practice of taking an animal from the wild for human entertainment. I've been to some third world countries and to see how they treat their caged animals is not a pretty sight. I refuse to visit a Sea World or circus because of their practice of taking animals from the wild so that they can line their pockets. Sea World has since stopped the barbaric act of taking Orca's but are breeding what they have to re-supply their cash cow. Taking a wild orca and sticking it in a tank is criminal! I can tolerate a zoo as long as it's professionally run and the animals have not been taken from the wild simply for monetary purposes and that they are being well cared for. I'm sure some zoo's even rescue Tigers that some idiot has been keeping as a pet. Another area that should be shut down by the govt. Rant over.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
park said:
I'm certainly no advocate of zoos, circuses or marine parks either. Especially the circus. I think all circuses should all be shut down. Making majestic animals jump thru a hoop to entertain people with their snot-nosed screaming kids is crap in my book. I can see the validity of a zoo or a marine park for taking care of an animal that has been injured & can't be returned to the wild or for breeding of endangered species. I strongly disagree with the practice of taking an animal from the wild for human entertainment. I've been to some third world countries and to see how they treat their caged animals is not a pretty sight. I refuse to visit a Sea World or circus because of their practice of taking animals from the wild so that they can line their pockets. Sea World has since stopped the barbaric act of taking Orca's but are breeding what they have to re-supply their cash cow. Taking a wild orca and sticking it in a tank is criminal! I can tolerate a zoo as long as it's professionally run and the animals have not been taken from the wild simply for monetary purposes and that they are being well cared for. I'm sure some zoo's even rescue Tigers that some idiot has been keeping as a pet. Another area that should be shut down by the govt. Rant over.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Makes sense to me. I think you nailed the distinction between animal rescue and collecting wild animals for profit.
Funny, when I was a kid going to Ringling Bros. was a real highlight, but now with education and (some) maturity I am against the practice.
Let's get back to some wildlife photos. :)

We've found a patch of leopard lilies that is off the charts. Right around the 4th of July it hits peak and we go take a picnic and I do my best to capture the scene. My wildlife here is the zebra swallowtail and more rare monarch butterfly.

If you sneak up quietly, sometimes you can capture the elusive SR with her phone on the prowl.
I used to like zoos as a child and even now a well kept zoo is an interesting place to take a child, but even when I was little circus's always seemed a little off to me and now I am opposed to them.

That said, I have visited the pandas at the Atlanta zoo a couple of times.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Nice shot with the butterflies.
Also nice to see the Leopard Lilies ,don't think I have seen them in the wild.
Thanks Andy.

Andy, great shots! In particular, the monarch is stunning, not to mention capturing the elusive SR... Nice work sir.
That's a sweet WBB, Stephen.
The processing is right on, with just enough detail in the shadows.
The tiny catchlight in the eye sets it off.
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