Tovo-Wa-Ha Adventure

I'm sending good healing vibes as a fellow knee surgery veteran. :oops:

We certainly remember Leavitt Mdws with fond memories. It was our first introduction to the area by the venerable Ski3 and Lady. It's just a matter of time 'til we return to this spectacular area.

Next up is the White Mtns., another yet-to-be-explored (YTBE) area, long on my radar.
Nice photos of the bristle cones, Ski. Following bailin-Galen's footsteps, eh? :p

Looking forward to the next chapter. Just let The Lady know, as I'm sure she already does, give the proper time for healing, so you can be recover fully for many more adventures to come.
Thanks for well wishes. The Lady is pretty tough. Healing is going well but not without the occasional bump. She got a good eight years out of the last clean up. With the wonderful places we were able to visit, how can we not have a positive outlook and a big smile? :)

The report is completed. Please enjoy.
I dug into my pack and my first aid kit and got a pair of disposable gloves. I grabbed the shovel and a couple of gallon ziplock bags and went to work.

As His friends were contending over who He favored most, Jesus appeared with a basin and a towel...

Blessings, Ski; you're in very good company.
ski3pin, I really enjoy your trip reports. The writing, the pictures and the places you go are really great and your sentiments much appreciated. I should add that my better half also has well-loved knees and enjoyed the report also. Thanks!
Another gem 3pinners, a very relaxing, low key trip for you two no doubt. Best wishes to the Lady for a speedy recovery.

As for your well deserved rant...I too have been noticing more and more piss poor examples of back county hygiene lately, nothing ruffles my feathers more than finding a pristine and remote spot soiled by lazy, inconsiderate jack asses. I've come to expect it in areas closer to civilization but you'd think you would see less of it in pristine and less travelled places. It's shocking really.
Nice TR, Ski. We've admired MarkBC's posts from Grandview and have it on the ever-growing bucket list. Shame on poor backcountry hygiene; it's gross and worse than litter. It's unfortunate that there's a large segment that doesn't get it.

Along same lines, folks who have illegal campfires need to wise up. We have ongoing fire issues, in fire country, during the summer along the Yuba River. There's 2200 acres on fire in the next county on the N. Fork of the American River, yet I took down two fire rings along the S. Fork of the Yuba River on Sunday. It's really irresponsible, and risking long-lasting damage to forest and personal property, yet 'kids' do it all the time.
{end of rant} :)
Great report. I wanted to check out the caldera when I was in the area but no spare and not feeling well I skipped it. In hindsight I wish I hadn't. Now I have to go back.

As for your well deserved rant...I too have been noticing more and more piss poor examples of back county hygiene lately, nothing ruffles my feathers more than finding a pristine and remote spot soiled by lazy, inconsiderate jack asses. I've come to expect it in areas closer to civilization but you'd think you would see less of it in pristine and less traveled places. It's shocking really.

SunMan, I think I could really get to like you.
ski3pin, I really enjoy your trip reports. The writing, the pictures and the places you go are really great and your sentiments much appreciated. I should add that my better half also has well-loved knees and enjoyed the report also. Thanks!

Thanks much for your kind comments and well-loved knees are cool.
Ski-another nice adventure! It used to be my knees that acted up, now that I'm old and grey, it's migrated to my hip-don't know what is worse, just gotta keep on trucking because there is no alternative! Gotta think all those miles of walking and hiking must have both helped and hurt the outcome, but would we have had it any other way!
More and more people with less and less training seem to have discovered the outback of late, gotta hope Darwin or the cops take care of the problem. :eek: Again nice adventure!

SunMan, I think I could really get to like you.

Bottom line folks – if you can’t walk back down the trail and be proud of the way you have disposed of your waste, that you have left no trace whatsoever – stay home. I am growing tired of cleaning up after people, especially in a place as beautiful as this.
WAG BAG® ==>


What makes you think they can read!:rolleyes: Me thinks that was the worst part of the job and a part I don't miss in retirement. When you asked them why they destroyed the john or left the gate open, or filled the smoky bear sign full of holes-it was "the govt ain't gonna tell me what to do"-like their taxes were not paying for the signs or what ever. Don't know what was worse, the assholes who did it cause they could, or the ones who didn't know any better-2nd thought , the latter maybe could be taught, the prior, only Darwin or the law can solve the problem! :mad: Yep the same people that shoot arrows at wild horses for the fun of it, enough, to many bad tales out there, need to think of the good not the bad!

highz, thanks for posting these links. Even if we are aware and practice these skills, it never hurts to refresh and pass the word.
We have so many options now. Porta potties, wag bags, and even the ol slit trench. And thats just human waste. Why anyone would litter is beyond me. Even in the Jeep I find room for my trash and others.

I'm happy to say that not all younguns aren't trained. My last FS trip a large group of us went shooting. Without a word said when we were done the trash bags came out. The kids even made a game out of finding every last .22 shell. It still helps to set a good example.

Litter does happen. If you're near monitor pass and see a cb antenna laying on the trail it might be mine. Please pick it up for me. Didn't notice it was gone till I got home.
Looks like another great adventure! And of course, you know how I feel about those who disrespect our pristine natural areas.....

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