Two Bob's OH to AK 2016 - Ram + Hawk + Husky + Wing

I'll add that Dad got $200 Canadian before we left and ended up using it for gas/groceries to spend all of it.

Thanks Bob that's good to hear.
The only previous info I had was from a trip my wife took with her family in 1978 when she was a teenager and their RV broke down 300 miles North of Dawson on the Alcan and had to get the RV towed the whole don't want to know what that cost!
Bob, I too have enjoyed reading your posts. What a fun time and the opportunity to spend the time with your Dad. Thanks, jd

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Bob I forgot to ask. Did you walk to the paddle wheel "bone yard" just outside the campground at Dawson City?


smlobx said:
Thanks Bob that's good to hear.
The only previous info I had was from a trip my wife took with her family in 1978 when she was a teenager and their RV broke down 300 miles North of Dawson on the Alcan and had to get the RV towed the whole don't want to know what that cost!
That was a big concern of mine whenever we got off the beaten path. I don't doubt we could have had a $2000 tow bill up on the Dalton. My friends will tell you I'm a bit anal about preparation. For this trip I had a spare alternator, external voltage reg (Dodge thing), #4 fuel line (Cummins thing), fuel filter, serpentine belt, etc - and a ton of tools - and my 50lb nut/bolt collection. :)

longhorn1 said:
Bob, I too have enjoyed reading your posts. What a fun time and the opportunity to spend the time with your Dad. Thanks, jd

Sent from my SM-G900V using Wander The West mobile app
Thanks JD.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Bob I forgot to ask. Did you walk to the paddle wheel "bone yard" just outside the campground at Dawson City?


Dang, knew nothing about it. Must have been near the in-town campground?

takesiteasy said:
Great trip report- I have enjoyed following along.
Thank you sir!

Saturday Sept 10. Dawson City to Teslin. 440 miles.


Today it sinks in that we're starting for home. Our easy 200 mile days are over, we have to average 470 miles/day for the next 9 days to get home on time. Alaska is a long way from Ohio...

Thankfully, we awake to another beautiful (but chilly) morning. This is only time we saw 20's on the trip (we've just left the AK time zone so it's actually 8:12 Yukon/7:12 AK).



Our day begins with the free ferry to Dawson City, some sightseeing, and fueling up.












Home of the famous "Sourtoe Cocktail". Worth a read...


Yes, Dawson City is a bit of a tourist trap...
With the sightseeing out of the way we need to put the hammer down and cover some miles. The Klondike Hwy from Dawson City to Whitehorse is a nicely paved, but relatively unremarkable road. Not a ton of pics today.

The first place we pulled over was the Pelly Crossing overlook.



Dad on the bridge.


We stop for lunch along the Yukon River near Carmacks.



At our fuel stop I spot this cool old Jeep.



The views improve just before you rejoin the Alaska Highway at Whitehorse.


We hit the Walmart in Whitehorse to resupply and the sun is setting as we exit town.

We've cover 340 miles so far but I know we need to get some more ground behind us. Teslin is another 100 miles but that's where we need to be tonight. The temptation is to put the hammer down and you have to remind yourself to slow down, there are big critters crossing the road up here.

Our day begins at the Yukon River Campground and ends at the Yukon River Motel. It's after 9pm when we arrive. By the time we setup, make dinner, and shower (been 4 full days for Dad), it's time to hit the sack.

OK, you need to put the internet down Dad - you're going to melt that plastic spoon... (it's like traveling with a teenager)

Another question...
The picture of your Dad on the bridge made me wonder what type of communication you used to talk with each other on the road.
The only thing we had were our phones. Dad had a gps with all the waypoints and throughout the day I'd tell him where to meet up if we got separated. Actually, we were rarely out of sight of each other. When I was stopping for pics, I'd tap the top of my helmet and he'd keep rolling until there was a safe place to pull over or I caught him.

Bob that paddle wheel bone yard is just down stream from the YRC. We came accross
on accident as we walked the river bank. There were at least 3 boats all tossed in a pile.
Can't see it through the trees at the campground. It was pretty cool walking around the ruins.

Thanks for your latest part.
Sunday Sept 11. Teslin to Bell 2, Cassier Hwy. 445 miles.


I've debated since the planning stage whether we'd take the Cassiar Hwy to get home or stay with the Al-Can. We've decided to add Hyder/Stewart to our "checked off" list so the Cassiar it is. We'll take Rt 37 south and eventually head east to Jasper so we get a second chance at the Icefields Pkwy.

This is the second time we've camped at the Yukon River Motel this trip. It broke the 900 miles from Dawson City to Bell 2 Lodge into two equal days so it made sense.



Foggy in places as we get rolling this morning. Our first 150 miles are on the Alaska Hwy to reach the intersection with the Cassiar.







You'll definitely want to fuel up at the intersection of the Al-Can and Cassiar. For a moment, I second guessed my decision to use the Cassiar when a couple pulled in the gas station in a late model Tundra pulling a camper. They went on and on about what a terrible road it was, no towns, closed gas stations, no nothing on that road. Had to use their extra fuel, they would never travel it again! They split their time between a home in Alaska and Arizona and seemed like seasoned travelers so it gave me pause. However in all my ride report research I couldn't remember anyone offering a similar opinion, and the truck has ~500 mile range so knew we could make Bell 2 (300 miles) even if I had to put the bike on the trailer. As it turns out, it's around 150 miles between fuel stops so I'm not sure what they were going on about...?

I will say this, the Al-Can and Cassiar are very different roads. The Al-Can feels like a modern, engineered road, with wide berms and clear cuts on either side. The Cassiar (especially northern section) feels like a wilderness road. The couple was right about one thing, there is not much human activity along the road for the 150 miles to Dease Lake.


We pull over at Beaver Dam/Boya Lake for sandwiches and a rest break.


A little farther south is a tourist trap in the middle of nowhere. Apparently they film a tv show here.



South of Dease Lake the views get really nice.






Now you may have noticed there have been no bear pics for the first 3 weeks of the trip. That's because we've only seen two, and both jumped in the woods before I could get a pic. Well, this evening I saw 7 bears in the 30 minutes from sunset to darkness. This was the first one I saw and it was in no hurry to get away.



I left the bike running and had Dad right behind me if I needed to run and jump in the truck.

Getting braver...

Right about then my exit strategy pulled around my bike and left me standing in the road. What da hell?! Thanks Dad!

Mom/cubs. The rest of the bears got away before I could get my camera out.

It was after dark by the time we reached Bell 2. Tomorrow we have a easy day to reach Homer and hope to catch some better bear action along the famous viewing platforms.

What an incredible trip and the pictures are superb!! I find myself a bit jealous as I follow along, it's a trip I'd like but will never be able to do. And definitely the way you did it with bikes and camper. I'm thinking the word "perfect" fits here. Thanks for your trip report post!!!
Nice part of the trip Bob.
We have traveled the Carrier 2 times south direction. Had a great time.
Boya Lake great place to stop.
Also Hyder,Stewart good place to watch bears/salmon.

I just want to congratulate, and compliment, you on an absolutely excellent trip report on your extended adventure to Alaska with your father. Something never to be forgotten, and always cherished! The number of photos you have shared surely have taken time and vision to give all of us eyes to see what you have/are seeing, and a small sense of what you guys are experiencing.

I once had the opportunity to take a cruise from Vancouver to Whitier, and then to spend 5 days in and around Anchorage, and was blown away to only have seen that much, which was great. I hope to someday take the extended trip you have taken, so thanks for giving me and others a glimpse of what can be seen and experienced. I will be back to review your trip many more times.

I can only imagine how much time you have devoted to bring us along, especially by the quality of the work you have done on both photos and commentary, so a big thank you, and best wishes as you continue.


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PokyBro said:

I just want to congratulate, and compliment, you on an absolutely excellent trip report on your extended adventure to Alaska with your father. Something never to be forgotten, and always cherished! The number of photos you have shared surely have taken time and vision to give all of us eyes to see what you have/are seeing, and a small sense of what you guys are experiencing.

I once had the opportunity to take a cruise from Vancouver to Whitier, and then to spend 5 days in and around Anchorage, and was blown away to only have seen that much, which was great. I hope to someday take the extended trip you have taken, so thanks for giving me and others a glimpse of what can be seen and experienced. I will be back to review your trip many more times.

I can only imagine how much time you have devoted to bring us along, especially by the quality of the work you have done on both photos and commentary, so a big thank you, and best wishes as you continue.


Sent from my iPad using Wander The West
Thank you Poky! You're correct, these posts do take a lot of time, probably 2hrs per episode. I have a lot of pics to weed through, resize, and upload to Photobucket before I can write it in Word and add the pic links. My primary forum for years has been "Ride Reports" on ADVRider. Since the report is written anyway I thought I'd share on here and Expedition Portal as well. The one thing that's nice about EP is you don't have to click the pics to enlarge. I know how valuable reading other people's trip reports were in my planning so I'm happy to pay it forward. :)

Monday Sept 12. Bell 2 to Hyder to Meziadin Campground. 160 miles.


It's a frosty 30 degrees this morning as I walk around Bell 2 for some pics. This is as ritzy a place as you will find out here. Rooms aren't cheap and even the camping was pushing $50. The shower house was first class though, with a supply of clean shower mats for you to step out on.




Given the number of bears we saw in the last 30 miles last night, I'd heed the warnings.

More beautiful road today. We're only two weeks from the "winter tire" deadline.



Rt. 37a is a spur off of 37 (Cassiar) that takes you to Stewart, BC and Hyder, AK. It's a gorgeous road that winds between the mountains and passes the Bear Glacier.




Stewart and Hyder are tiny little towns.





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