Ultimate Solar Thread


Dec 10, 2006
I've been researching solar and was reading old threads. Thought I'd pull together a list of all the solar threads we could find to make it easier for reference- similar to the Ultimate Awning Thread. I'm going to link to old solar threads and then another section for links to external websites with good solar info. So, if I've missed a thread or you know of something we should add, just post and I'll add it to the first post.
Remember, this isn't everything (yet!) Don't be shy about letting me know what else should be included.
Ok, so here's my first dumb question (you knew I'd have some right? :D )

If I bought a 65W panel like this one say, I'd have all the stuff I'd supposedly need. The description says this panel puts out 65W or in 8-hrs of sun it generates 206amps. I'll assume they mean amp hrs. I figure that I use up about 30AH per day. For example purposes, that means my 75AH battery would have about 45AH left after a full day. If this panel generates 200AH+, them my battery would be topped off and I'd "waste" the other 170AH right? In this case, wouldn't a smaller panel be sufficient?

The way I understand it, the solar panel will generate 206 amp hours PER WEEK, not day...

Hope this helps


The way I understand it, the solar panel will generate 206 amp hours PER WEEK, not day...

Hope this helps


WHAT?! Who came up with this convention?

If so, that would be 29AH/day or 3.6AH per hr. So for argument sake, if I used say 15AH per had and this panel generates 29AH/day, the extra 14AH just goes to waste right? And the charge controller sees to it that it doesn't over charge the battery correct?
That is the amps per hour the solar will produce in IDEAL conditions. As we know, conditions are not always ideal. Also take into account the voltage loss between the panel and the controller (depending on the distance they are from each other) and you'll be glad you have the 14 amps cushion!!

I hope I am explaining this right.

What are you running with the battery? Are you wired for the battery to charge from the truck while driving?
What are you running with the battery? Are you wired for the battery to charge from the truck while driving?

Yes. I think I need a new battery since the voltage drops to about 12.0-12.1 after one night of furnace use (and LED lights, nothing else except the occasional faucet use or fan use for a few minutes). That leaves enough juice for maybe night #2 without driving to charge- not enough. So, I'm thinking solar for those trips where we don't move much. Should allow me to recharge the ipod/iphone from the house batt and still be topped off.
I don't know much about the panels themselves. I am looking at a BP 80 watt (or maybe 85, can't remember) with a morningstar sunsaver controller. From what I understand, the controller is VERY important. (getting a good one)

I have been looking at the kits on mrsolar.com
I don't know much about the panels themselves. I am looking at a BP 80 watt (or maybe 85, can't remember) with a morningstar sunsaver controller. From what I understand, the controller is VERY important. (getting a good one)

I have been looking at the kits on mrsolar.com

My understanding is that the MPPT controllers will effectively boost your charging up to 30% by being more efficient. The trade off is that they run over $200 compared to $30 for a PWN controller. For the extra $175 or so, one could get a bigger panel. So I'm not sure which is better, though I'm leaning towards smaller panel and better controller.
Seems like all the "kits" (even the one from FWC) comes with the PWM controller. I know the MPPT is supposed to be the best...
To buy the panel and the controller would be around $400-$500 then you would need the mounting stuff and wiring (minor). I guess it is important to do it right, and I would just as soon so it right the first time!
Not sure whet kind of panel to get. I definitley need an 80 watt. They are all so darn expensive.
Let me know if you find any new info. This will be my "winter" project...........
MPPT might be nice but not for my $500. I did the cheapest I could and am happy with it. I shopped Harbor Freight sales, 45w can be had for $150 and I got a PWM controller from Northern tool, total was like $330 and I have 75w mounted and keeping my batteries well charged. I'll likely do the same on my toyhauler as well.
brett13, I looked at that panel and I don't see anything wrong with the specs. Since a manufacturer is not given I would assume it is a made in China knockoff, but I don't know that for sure.

" For the extra $175 or so, one could get a bigger panel." Just remember that you will have to lift that bigger (and heavier) panel every time you lift the roof. But you only have to pay for that MPPT controller once.
" For the extra $175 or so, one could get a bigger panel." Just remember that you will have to lift that bigger (and heavier) panel every time you lift the roof. But you only have to pay for that MPPT controller once.

That's what I was thinking too.

I found a ton of information about how the controllers work and how the watts and volts and amps work on the Northern Ariazona wind and sun website. There are pages and pages to read to get a good understanding of everything.
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