Vernal Equinox 2014 - Springtime!

I didn't realize that Oregon was a dictorship these days :unsure: -down with the ruling class, off with thier heads, up with the rebels, ect;. Anyway, a scattering of snow here again today-under an inch, not in the amounts we need or want, but something, maybe enough to keep the golf courses going in LA and the casinos in LV full, while we burn up and blow again up here! I just had to dig out my light snow boots so I can walk the dog and not fall on my butt as I walk up my hill! Let it snow, let it snow---and the Giants won last night :D !
Half a foot of snow and more falling here above Nevada City. A friend is out on Search & Rescue looking for a lost snowboarder, who has been missing since yesterday evening.
Well they had a bit of snow at King's Canyon over the weekend. Photos from my son...


My steller jays have never left Ski-had to put up with that damn sreeching :oops: all winter long! Yep it's Spring-even feels like a normal one-really mixed up weather. Now if we just had a normal Winter-not a 28% Winter snow pack-things would be great. I think it's my fault things are messed up-a couple of weeks ago a humming bird (1st one I've seen this year) flew by my empty feeders (of course I didn't take them down, leave them up until they fall down-then replace them with new ones) so I filled them up and even gave "Bob" his first bath :ninja: on the deck this year and then, the weather changed almost over night! It may not look like Kings Canyon, here in Suzieville, but it sure feels, smells and looks like spring in the Sierras! Chance of rain or snow with some sun and clouds interspaced for the rest of the week, then high 60's for next Monday :) ! Gotta play it safe- not ready to go test those desert gravel/dirt roads yet :oops: , but have the "get out of here" bug, real bad. Maybe that short trip up to the lake-then out to Nevada later :p !

Smoke, it is time to go! No more delaying. Pack the camper. Everyday I check the long term forecast for Austin.

Austin Nevada

See all those yellow balls on so many days? They are calling you and Bob. It is the siren call of the Great Basin. Go my friend. :)
That is a lot of yellow balls. And I have come to regard Ski3pin as the wise guru at the top of the mountain. So Smoke, consider what he says.

I been looking at those yellow balls too :) and I don't doubt Skis advise, and yes they do seem to be showing up allot more of late both here and out toward Austin and points south :giggle: ! I've been slowly loading the truck, getting new maps and getting things ready-and may even fellow retired person coming along (just incase we find that mud hole otr two like in the old day's) :unsure: ! Retired folk like to take their time and enjoy the view :D , why hurry-what's the story about the young bull and the old bull looking down in the valley at all those younge hefers---- :p ! Besides you guys got co-pilots to change youtr tires-right :D ? Bob is on strike right now, he's demanding more driving time and a more soup bones-damn help is getting expensive ;) ! Next week is starting to look good out there-spring in full mode and might be in the 70's over there -we'll get there!

Smokecreek1 said:
why hurry-what's the story about the young bull and the old bull looking down in the valley at all those young heifers---- :p !
One of my favorite stories Mr. Smoke. So get to moseying on out there and see it all! :)
Just across my desk, the Mokelumne River Basin Snow Survey for first of April - 37% of average. Last year on the first of April 2013 it was 25% of average. It is better but still pretty bleak.
My windows and doors are wide open, heater is off-no wood on the fire, it must be spring again! Deer all over the yard! But every afternoon those nice rain looking things appear in the sky-like time for a an afternoon thunder shower-but nothing happens. Heading out in a day or two, yep, just got to watch the hidden mud holes :D !

Just about time to teach the pup to swim but surprise, due to our incompetence I'm working sixty hours this week. Guess I'll have to show the pup a pine tree next week.
craig333 said:
Just about time to teach the pup to swim but surprise, due to our incompetence I'm working sixty hours this week. Guess I'll have to show the pup a pine tree next week.
Hey, craig, K6On (bob) is probably coming up to Eagle Lake-Rocky Point- this week end with his dog, come on up with yours, and join the party, I'm heading up on Thursday, lake is low, bugs are out, can't make it to Austin next week for other reasons, so Bob gets to play in the lake here and show some new dogs his play area, , you can go to the rally later on! :D

Just got back from Eagle Lake-more water there than was last month, maybe the rain and snow did some good after all. Still pretty dry out there, cool at night, sunny and a bit windy during the day-still better than sitting home. Also saw the first pink bikini of the season out enjoying the sun. p Met KRon on his dog "Domino" up there -my dog "Bob" took her for a nice swim in the lake-more water is better swim!!!

My personal indicator of Spring - Sprunging. I picked up 3 ticks yesterday while out photo-ing in a local canyon. Balsamroot and Serviceberry blooming also for confirmation.
I hate ticks (of course who doesn't) but with the modern dog meds at least thats one less thing to worry about. Almost time to start worrying about fox tails.
A true harbinger of spring: The rate of WTW posts is dropping rapidly. Folks must all be out using their recent mods and are back to the real adventures rather the the virtual WTW ones. Happy Trails.
Wish I was out there playing around Platano, but I am doing yard work instead, and this year is real real hard to do, because of how dry it was here-with strange bursts of rain and a little snow., every thing is blooming together-a bad sign-and we have a chance for T-storms over the next few days-----so I had to mow my grass (front and back-and early too) and get ready to weed eat the rest. Got lot's of last years leaves to still get and bag, but I have to do it! But next week I'm gone somewhere, once I figure our how to put down my seal on my redwood decks-I need some more hot days, but it is April, I do this usually in the Fall -not now! Everything weather -wise is out of wack! Wish I was following MarkBC out to Utah, but I have to many plants, and house things to do first and I ain't no spring chicken anymore so it takes longer to do! Hey, got to play a little last week up at Eagle Lake with Domino and Bob and Bob, gotta put my nose to the grind and head out to Austin and follow the "Ski's" run-or at least Janes Res. Windy here, lot's of clouds, fantastic blue sky's and potential T-storms here-what more can you ask for :D ! Perfect "WTW" weather-right-now where is that rake!


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