Winter in Wyoming


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2006
Lander, Wyoming

"Our lifestyle, our wildlife, our land and our water remain critical to our definition of Wyoming." - Gov. Dave Freudenthal

I'm not very active in the trip report section here on WTW in the winter... Oh, I read everything, and I look at the amazing photos from others, but I don't get much camping in to report on. It's not for lack of desire, but more because it's cold. Like, stupid cold. Abso-freaking-lutely cold...


I get asked a lot, "So what do you do up there all winter?" Shoot, we just make the best of it and do what we can. But for the most part, we do the same things as everyone else; work, take the kids to school and Cub Scouts & dance lessons, play outside when possible, write a giant stack of checks out once a month... you know, the usual. So I thought I'd share here a little peek into our winter life. Pardon me if this isn't much of a trip report, but consider this a 'winter-report'. It will have to do for now...

One hobby I've been working on this winter is attempting to become a legit first-class, smart-phone photographer. I love my Canon, but I'm enjoying what I can do with my Droid 2. And since they discontinued the model right after I purchased it this winter, I have a real shot at being one of the premier Droid 2 photographers out there (by attrition, if not by results). It's a decent little camera (5 mega-pixel) and we've seen some fun stuff in some cool places. Such as...

Taking the kids sledding, a prime winter activity. Afternoon delight -

Strapping on the board and making some turns at Sleeping Giant, near the east entrance of Yellowstone-

Riding the magic carpet -

Getting our cowboy on for a night at the famous Irma Hotel in Cody, WY -

Keeping our eyes open for random wildlife, like this Big Horn Ram -

And this orange F'n Goat -

Fortunately, we sometimes get lucky with a 5 star winter sunset -
1235187237_5SN2g-O.jpg be continued -.
So winter is cool and all, but sometimes you just want to be warm. For that, we head up to Thermopolis, WY - home of the world's largest natural hot springs. There are two great facilities in town, with indoor & outdoor pools open all year. They also have a huge waterslide which my kids think is pretty darn cool. It's a great way to spend a snowy afternoon, even if you wind up stinking like rotten eggs when you're done soaking. Now I'm going to spare you any pictures of us in bathing suits (you're welcome), but here's how it looked to me and the Droid.

First, you have to drive through a mountain -

Then through Wind River Canyon, one of the best drives in the state -

There are lots of bizarre geothermal features in Thermopolis -

We soaked at the 'Tepee Pool', and I love the open ceiling when it snows -

And my favorite part, a stop on the way home at Perrett's in Riverton, for their Buffalo Chicken pizza with bleu cheese. Nom nom -

There are worse ways to spend a weekend...

So it's cold here and the snow piles up, but sometimes the sun comes out, sometimes not. But we do the best we can to have our fun. What else is fun, by Wyoming standards?

How about art and cowboys? Gotta give the kids some culture -

Or an indoor winter fair? Great food, but no rides -

Checking the bread rack at the grocery store to see if it's going to snow, again -

Jr.'s 10th birthday party with his pals at the local pizza joint -

Watching some scraggly fawns walking by the window -

And my favorite thing anytime of year, watching for colors at sunset -

So yeah, that's what we do. I can't complain, hell, it was my idea to move here. And we love it. Sure the winter drags sometimes, the movie theater has only 1 screen and movies are months old when they get here... Maybe they are only 6 places in town to eat, and 2 of them should be closed down for health violations.. But it's home. And we're close to Yellowstone and not much else, so it's a win in my book.
Now if you ask anyone from out-of-state to name three things they know about Wyoming, you will most likely hear -

1. Yellowstone National Park
2. The Tetons
3. Dick Cheney (..sorry about that, none of us like the bastard either)

Yellowstone is closed to vehicular traffic in the winter, unless you're in a rented snowcoach. And Dick Cheney is likely bending someone over, or popping a cap in their ass :)facepalm:) But the Tetons... Oh, they are here all year. Everyday, bigger than life, breathtaking, majestic, and a whole bunch of other adjectives that aren't good enough to describe them accurately. So for them, I put the phone away and pull out my camera. We took an afternoon spin (about 100 miles, one way) recently to see how things were in Jackson Hole -

Moose -


There is a nice scenic drive up the Gros Ventre River, on the east side of the valley. You can't make it all the way in during the winter, but on a snowmobile or on skis, you can ride in to a hidden hot springs for a soak. C'mon, how cool is that?!

The Gros Ventre River road -

We only made it to the ranch before the snowdrifts turned us back -


As far as afternoon drives go, this one is alright, even if the weather was so-so -

Stood in snow up to my johnson for this pic, hope you like it. The pic that is...

I gotta tell ya, I was a little bummed that the Tetons were socked in with low hanging clouds all around... I mean it's always a gamble with what you're going to get up there. Could be a stellar day, or you might not see them at all, you just never know. That's the thing when you're dealing with mountains so enormous... the clouds & weather do funny things to peaks that tall. "You take what you get, and you don't pitch a fit" (my 6 yr old daughter taught me that saying - smart kid).

Flat white skies make for ok black & white images but that's so Ansel Adams overdone, ya know? I like some color with my Tetons at sunset... But it clearly wasn't going to happen, so we began making our way north to the pass out of the valley. It was 6pm-ish, the sun was gone and we got skunked. But then suddenly, up ahead there was a smidge of light on the opposite side of the valley. I felt like the skipper in the movie, 'Perfect Storm'. A ray of light.. a ray of hope...could it be? Would the sun poke out and give me a wink on my way home, or would it duck back under the clouds, teasing me until my next visit?

Desperately looking over my shoulder while trying to keep the truck on the road, it grew... and then the light changed from dark gold to pink. I was swerving and weaving, unable to stop on the two lane road with snow piled high on the shoulders, but dying to watch as the glow changed hues and expanded behind the Tetons. Cursing the snowbanks and daring a cop to see me, I plowed the truck into a drift along the road, grabbed my camera and jumped out to watch one of those spectacular moments when weather and nature collide....

It wasn't just awesome, it was epic -

I was blown away... Moments before I was sure we weren't going to see the sun set. And then, reminding me that nothing is certain, we got our show. It lasted maybe 10 minutes altogether, but it was so worth it. And that's kinda how it is here in the winter. Some days ya got nothing to do but to go to a lame-o indoor winter fair, or a high school art exhibit or writing out checks to pay the bills. But every now & then, you get this reminder... that it's not all small town and snow shovels. There is some good stuff. Some really good stuff if you keep your eyes open. Now would I trade it for a tropical island and palm trees? In January? Absolutely. Let me know what you have available!

Oh, we went camping too recently and I wanted to tell you about that next -
Very nice!!! I like WY but before I'd move there you would have to shorten winter by about 3 months. I guess there is no WY with out the over extended winter. :D Hulett area is nice as well.
Y'know I love you like a brother and it can be said here....there aint no way!. Time to move south and enjoy whats left of your youth.

As always great pix.
KC, thanks for taking the time to put your story together for us along with your great photos. I loved the story about the Tetons sunset. We have enjoyed Landers the times we have stayed there. It is good to see the winter perspective. Years ago we were thinking about moving to Pinedale. On our next visit we saw all the trophy homes going up on the hillsides and sprawling out of town. Killed it for us. Again, thanks and there's nothing like a good chill to make you appreciate warm. Both are a part of this wonderful world.
kc, great report and pictures. I wouldn't be one of those to even ask what you do in winter, I know from experience more or less though about now I've had all the winter I want. To me the town sounds great, this place has gotten much too big and slicked out over the past 20 years. We would likely move if our jobs were available elsewhere, but they aren't. Thanks again for the report.
Funny thing about March out west... It doesn't know if it wants to be Winter or Spring. Sometimes it snows, wet and deep fluffy snow.. and sometimes the sun comes out and reminds you that it's going to be summer again. Someday. Me personally, this bi-polar month can take a hike either way. March is a pretty girl with a bad attitude and I'm over her, taunting me, teasing me, cutting me off at second base...

Uhh, where was I..?

Wyoming. March. Right. So we're so ready to be coming into camping season too when I suggest a weekend at a lonely lake up in the hills. It could be dry over there, it could be snowed under, we won't know unless we go. My thoughts are it's about 100 miles from the house if the weather turns we can head back, and we need a tune-up overnighter before a longer trip to Utah in April. I've forgotten whatever was broken or we ran out of during our previous trip last Nov/Dec to AZ and CA.

So I selected the Seminoe Reservoir if you're curious. It's the middle of nowhere on a 70 mile scenic byway between Rawlins and Alcova, in the south-central part of the state. I'm not excited about the drive to Rawlins, it's a prison town which is the first and nicest thing I can think of to say about it. But as soon as we're past it and heading out into the hills, the air is sweeter, the sun is warmer and I'm excited about the weekend. Turned out the area was mostly dry, no snow. Arriving at the lake, with no one else in sight, we were stoked. It was stunning and looked like a fun ride in -

Seminoe Reservoir -


Goober pronghorn - 'Hai Guise!' -

There are three formal campgrounds in the area and plenty of dispersed camping higher up in the mountains. We check out all of the campgrounds and there is no one at any of them. No host, no ranger, nobody. The second half of this drive the following day would be over the mountains on a questionable dirt road back down to another lake. When it got late in the afternoon we decided to make camp, start a fire and enjoy a long, quiet evening by the lake.

Stunning but still icy -

All to ourselves -

We don't need a formal campground just a place to park, but gee why not? There was one spot with a wind-break fence, shelter, table and fire pit with a 2 holer nearby - all on a concrete slab! Knowing it could snow or rain overnight, I'm cool with not parking in the mud.

I think the kids call this "glamping" -

Ice caps not white caps -

This area is called 'Sunshine Beach'. Or as March calls it, 'Screw you, I'm not ready' -

It was still wet at the bottom, near the shore but nothing to worry about -

Did I mention there was a big stack of dry wood there too? Kismet! -

Is this a Heron? It was too far away for my lens -

If you were 50 miles from anywhere, wouldn't you stay here?

We had a great night. It was chilly and the wind was blowing steady but we can handle that. At least there were no bugs. The coyotes were yipping & howling across the lake all night but we didn't hear anything else. When we ran out of wood we went in the camper, cranked the heat up, watched a movie on the laptop with a late snack and then called it. I took one last walk around outside and saw a sky full of stars.

Then I woke up at 6am to this white crap everywhere -

Lake? What lake?

Where did the mountains go?

It was pretty cruel to wake up to that, and it was still falling. An hour later and it was still snowing. Didn't seem to make sense to try and drive over the mountains when they were socked in. Who knows what the road conditions might have been, but they weren't going to get any better with elevation. So left with a tough call but the only smart option, we pack it up and head out the way we came in. Play it safe and play another day. It's early yet for that area and I was well aware of it when we decided to go. But still, it's funny how March can turn on you, tease you, make you want more and then just totally deny you. Fickle mistress...

Well, that's it folks. That's been my winter and pre-Spring here in the Cowboy State. I appreciate you taking a look and getting to clear those pics off my phone. Next up we're planning on southern Utah for a few days. No agenda, just rolling. I'm sure it will be an interesting adventure of some kind. It always is.

Vive la Vie!
Terrific photos.Loved them all.We enjoy our times in Wyoming but they are in the warmer months.We have seen the storm sunsets over the Tetons just too much for words.

Thanks again

I won't mention we're in the eighties here. Thermopolis looks like one of those places I need to add to my list. Of course the Tetons are there also. I'd camp in campgrounds all the time if I was the only one there :)
Awesome pics and commentary amigo...ALWAYS entertaining. Keep 'em coming, its good to see you back! Look forward to the Utah pics (yes, you're on the hook)!
Way cool KC ... I too like the cold evevn though I live in So Cal. And by the way, My big ol self fits through the entry door of my new rig just fine. :)

Marc, you do?! Guess Marc W. was right - that door is bigger than it looks! ;)

Jay & DLN, you two know how it is. And DLN, I know you have it worse than I do. As soon as my youngest, the little diva graduates high school, we are so outta here. The rest of my days will be spent in shorts and sandals, drenched in sunscreen with sand under my feet. But first I have to get her outta the 1st grade... *sigh*

ski & Frank, as much as the winters are wearing on me, Wyoming will always be home. The summers just can't be beat and the Tetons.. I don't think I'll ever see them and not have to catch my breath. You have to come back sometime.

Shoot Barko, it was 71* here today. Sweet! But it'll probably snow tomorrow.. stupid March. :cautious:

Sunni, you rock. You wanna come to Utah with me? I need a professional mixologist on board...

Thanks for all the nice comments gents. Always fun to share with the good folks here. C'mon Spring!
Awesome pictures and it really doesn't matter if it's warm or really cold when your with family! I was up to a buddies cabin with my kids. It was - 30 outside and had to hike the last 2 miles through 30 inches of snow. Got to the door, got the fire started and it was -20 in the cabin. I never herd my kid complain. We had a blast. Northern Minnesota in January is marvelous!

I just might make a Utah Day Trip. My cougar drove down the road this AM. I keep building them but never get to use them. It's a Be Careful What You Wish For moment. New Cougar in the works.

And as always fantastic photos.
Way cool thread! This may be one of the best "my story" threads I've ever seen thanks to all the good photos.
My wife and I live in Bend, Oregon. Not quite as cold as Lander (which I love by the way) but still pretty cold and snowy. We do the same (make the most of it) and try not to let the cold stop us from exploring.

I do plan to do a little "southern exposure" during winter in the future though.


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