Winter Solstice 2013

1552 and raining nice and steady. Actually I can't believe it, it has been so long. Let's hope it keeps up!
2100: Hey border collies usually like rain and water-best thing next to a thrown ball; she'll learn to love it :love: . Well, Bob just came back from his nightly back yard potty run-coat a little damp so still a little rain falling out there, wonder if it will be still raining when I hit the rack in an hour or so ;) -nothing better than that sound at night :D . Come to think about it, rain on top of my FWC has a nice ring to it too :) !

0700.Wow, it hardly rained last night and no snow down here and just a little on the hills. What happened, while there is still a chance of more later today and tonight, looks like we got missed here, sure hope you guys down south or up in Oregon of got some! The drought is still here. What's the weather like out there over the passes and points west and south?

Got snow! and still falling.... Heavy wet stuff at just the right temp to slide around in the 4 runner. Few inches at the house this morning around 6:30 am.
The view from 22,000 miles up, at 0800 PST:
GOES West sat -- visible

Looks like central CA is under the jet stream now...
Ski resorts are reporting 6-8 inches and theres another wave tonight. No drought buster but maybe the ridge is gone? We can hope.
Looks like this storm will pass north of where I live. All we're going to get are high winds and fire weather advisories. Hoping for precip next week.
Everything is white, snow is draping the firs and pines. Not enough to start up the blower. The Lady did wake me this morning. She couldn't wait to shovel off the deck.
It's white in Bend again this morning. Not referring to Bend's monochrome racial mix ;) ...but rather the couple inches of snow that fell overnight. Cold snow -- at 8:30 a.m. it's only reached 20° at my house.
New snow on a weekday morning -- sounds like this retired guy should FINALLY hit the XC-ski or tomorrow. :)
Have a good time on the trails! We finally got some snow in the Lincoln NF yesterday - the first measurable snow since winter solstice. Just three inches at my home, but it's better than a kick in the pants. Most has already melted. Hoping for more snow later in the week, then maybe I can take the XC skis out, too.
A couple of more inches of snow overnight in Bend -- now about 5 - 6" on the ground at my house.
And it's just 6°F here at 8 a.m.
This satellite view (a few minutes ago) is kinda me anyway. You can see the snowy pointy peaks of the Cascade volcanoes glistening as extra-bright spots in the morning sun, from whatever-that-is in northern WA down to Mt. Lassen in northern CA:


as an aside...I've always thought it odd that Mt. Shasta is not in Shasta county -- it's in Siskiyou County, and Mt. Lassen isn't in Lassen County -- it's in Shasta County. :oops:
MarkBC said:
as an aside...I've always thought it odd that Mt. Shasta is not in Shasta county -- it's in Siskiyou County, and Mt. Lassen isn't in Lassen County -- it's in Shasta County. :oops:
Strange things happened with politics. :)

One of my favorites was when Aurora, Nevada was the county seat for Mono County California.

Good catch Mr. BC, and the volcano photos are great. Thanks!
Sorry BC, LVNP is primarily in Shasta and Lassen Counties with a bit of Plumas and Tehama thrown in there. Well unless you're referring to the peak itself, its on the Shasta side.
craig333 said:
Sorry BC, LVNP is primarily in Shasta and Lassen Counties with a bit of Plumas and Tehama thrown in there....
Yep, I was talking about Mt. Lassen -- the mountain, rather than the Park -- in Shasta Co.
It's full-on winter here in Central Oregon...and for the next few days, too -- finally. :)
The temperature held at 2°F all night, from 11 p.m. until now, 7 a.m...a bit of an inversion, as it's 15° up at 6300' Mt. Bachelor.


The 7-day forecast is the wettest (forecast) we've had in a long time....

I'd really prefer that winter snow stayed in the mountains (my cat feels the same way)...but I didn't get to vote on it. ;)
Looks like the low-land snow will be melting in a few days anyway.
Finally getting the white stuff in New Mexico, too! There's about 5 inches left from the eight inches of snow that fell the other day, and hopefully more to come. This won't end the drought, but locally it may delay fire season to a more normal time frame. Here's hoping, anyway.
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