Winter Solstice 2014

Cool cloud flow pattern over California and western Nevada this morning -- I don't recall seeing anything quite like it.


Sure, it would be better if it had some precipitation in it. :(

But I like clouds -- cloud formations, I mean, not cloudy skies ala western Oregon/Washington :rolleyes: . The coolest things I've ever seen are one or another cloud formation -- yes, better than the Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Swiss Alps, southern Utah. But there's no accounting for taste -- no way to rationally argue aesthetics -- just my personal preference. :)
This continuing California drought .....................................................

We just returned from a trip over to the east side of the Sierra. We took off early in the morning Jan. 16, as we did on Dec 26. In my winter break trip story I reported on temperatures. Comparing the two trips at the same times in the morning - where it was 16° on the 26th it was 42° Jan 16th. At Devils Gate on 395 on Dec 26th it was 4°, Jan. 16th it was 45°. Saddest sign of the shrinking snowpack was Monitor Pass is open. We drove it both directions.
We cleared a couple of trees yesterday and was dressed lightly. This is above the ski lifts at Heavenly Nevada side, note how little snow there is. Normally we would wait until spring. (me hopping over tree)


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Winter Fun Festival is this weekend. They called me to change my route. FS doesn't want them using some of the routes due to lack of snow. I guess we'll just go for a little scenic ride.
Not good. :(

Sad days for nordic skiing
Low snow leads to sorry trails By Mark Morical / The Bulletin / @MarkMorical Published Jan 21, 2015

A story in this morning's Bend Bulletin newspaper.

This is the lowest elevation of Bend area free USFS XC-ski trail systems -- the only one that is routinely groomed (by a club, not the USFS) for both classic and skating.


The next-higher elevation ski-trail area isn't much better -- barely skiable. :(
MarkBC said:
Sad days for nordic skiing
Low snow leads to sorry trails By Mark Morical / The Bulletin / @MarkMorical Published Jan 21, 2015

A story in this morning's Bend Bulletin newspaper.

This is the lowest elevation of Bend area free USFS XC-ski trail systems -- the only one that is routinely groomed (by a club, not the USFS) for both classic and skating.


The next-higher elevation ski-trail area isn't much better -- barely skiable. :(
It is so bad I'm thinking about changing my handle..................................................... :(
ski3pin said:
It is so bad I'm thinking about changing my handle..................................................... :(
Maybe change it to something that refers to boots or sandals?
Well...on the positive side (a positive that likely won't be taken away until the Earth changes its orbit):
Today was the first morning that I noticed direct sunshine coming in my east-side slider. The sun was high enough to get above east-side trees in the morning.
ski3pin said:
It is so bad I'm thinking about changing my handle..................................................... :(
Can't do that Ski-now that you are an old "Gizzer" fella :p , because you may forget your new handle the first time you need to use it and (the next step is) :oops: you will start writing it down, so you will not forget it :oops: , and suddenly you will forget where you put that list :eek: (where you keep all those passwords, etc, so you will not forget them). Sooo, don't start that process :D and keep things simple. Keep your old one and only change it when you really have! It has to get better, right? I keep thinking about heading up to Eagle Lake lake for a day or two, but it is real low and there is no snow and it's just like here, clear and cold! All winter long it seems that it has been 10-20 degrees above or below average but no rain or snow no matter what.

Hoping for some snow here this weekend. It's been pretty paltry here also. At least we finally exited the deep freeze. Highs lately have been in the 20°s. Balmy for January!
Every door and window is open in the house right now, it is so warm. I am trying very hard not to be depressed. Was up at 6500 feet this weekend hiking in short sleeves, brush too thick for shorts. :(
ski3pin said:
Every door and window is open in the house right now, it is so warm. I am trying very hard not to be depressed. Was up at 6500 feet this weekend hiking in short sleeves, brush too thick for shorts. :(
Yeah, it got up to 68°F at my place, I think the official high for Bend was 70. I don't think I've ever opened up doors & windows for ventilation in January, but I did today -- still open now.
Odd...disturbing. :unsure:
For comparison of extremes: The first January I lived in Bend, in 1979, the temperature never got above freezing and the lows were negative-teens F. It was like living back east!
Normal in Bend in January should be lows in the low 20s F and highs in the 40s...more-or-less. Our overnight low this morning (43°F) was what the high, on average, should have been.
I'm in Hartford Connecticut and on Saturday we got like 5 - 7 inches of snow. now that the storm of the year is coming and expect feet of snow we have changed our airline reservations to come home tomorrow. I would love to bring home some of that stuff here with me but there's no guarantee.
After a bitter cold November, we've had a relatively warm December and January. Not that I'm complaining, but it would be nice to have more snow. The snow cover is just about gone after some days in the 40°s lately. I've got some backwoods skiing planned for the end of February- not sure if there is going to be enough snow. :(
Here in NM, we've had a few good storms lately, although most of the state is still in some level of persistent drought. The Sacramento Mountains are in pretty good shape, as far as precip totals go, but we get snowfall interspersed with warmer days, so the snowpack is not as deep as it could be. Still, I'm not complaining.
Both yesterday and today the high temperatures, around 67°F, set new record highs for the dates, breaking the previous records by several degrees.
(I'm not sure if the record/breaking is for Bend or at the NWS station at the airport in Redmond...probably the latter).
pvstoy said:
I'm in Hartford Connecticut and on Saturday we got like 5 - 7 inches of snow. now that the storm of the year is coming and expect feet of snow we have changed our airline reservations to come home tomorrow. I would love to bring home some of that stuff here with me but there's no guarantee.
Did your flight get off the ground or was it one of the cancelled flights? Hope you're not stuck in an airport concourse somewhere.

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