WTW October Pork Rally

on the Moke in the vicinity of Calaveras Dome. More details on exact location later.

Okay, thanks for the clarification. I believe the first post stated east of Kirkwood, therefore my confusion. This would put it about 18 miles (as the crow flies) to the southwest of Kirkwood in the lower Mokelumne Canyon. Got it.
Count me in. I'm not familiar with that exact location except it seems to be a popular place to rock climb. How much room is there there?

As alternate location I'd suggest Centerville Flat campground in Alpine county. Unimproved except for two new concrete toilets. Tons of room. Could easily fit a hundred vehicles in there. Along the east fork of the carson river for the fisherman. Access to the Carson Iceberg wilderness is only a couple miles. Markleeville is close by. Anyone coming up or down 395 could just pop over monitor pass and be there. Only an hour away from all kinds of stuff, including dome rock. Just a suggestion.

Anyone who has never been on 88 is in for a treat. "This byway has been described as one of the most scenic in the nation". Anyone who hasn't been up to Caples lake needs to make that drive.

I'll bring some Hoppy beer, Sierra Nevada, some Stone brewing and whatever else I might have laying around.
P.S. I'll be bringing the Jeep on this one since its "local".

on the Moke in the vicinity of Calaveras Dome

Oh yeah! We used to camp there years ago - pre FWC even. Kind of forgotten about the area. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Craig's suggestion as an alternative is a good one. I think for those that are planning to stay into Monday we can move camp that direction on Sunday morning. I know I can't usually stay put in a campground more than two days.

My 0.02 cents

Can one of you guys who know where the spot is give Lat/Lon coords?
I used to be a native Californian...but I've never been in that neighborhood. South and north of there...and probably east of there, but not there.

on the Moke in the vicinity of Calaveras Dome. More details on exact location later.


is this the area????

Herr, you've got it.

MarkBC, pretty sure this is the exact spot we used to set up:
38° 29’ 13” N
120° 14’ 23” W

Not sure if was big enough to fit many trucks, but there are a couple of small National Forest camgrounds right in there. I remember one was called White Azelea. About the same size as the one the WTW rally overtook in the Warners.


The likely location will be a spot just off highway 88 on the Mokelumne River, approximately 90 miles east of Sacramento


Can anyone tell me approximately how long that 90 miles east of Sacto. will take to drive. We are interested in attending but have time and work constraints to consider. Thanks.

Can anyone tell me approximately how long that 90 miles east of Sacto. will take to drive.

Depending on where in Sac you are located, it is probably a half hour to an hour to Jackson. Then about 35 miles up 88 - single lane with curves and all - maybe another hour. Then 12 miles down to the river - steep in spots, and gravel road but well graded - figure a half hour. So total would be 2 - 2&1/2 hours.
Herr, you've got it.

MarkBC, pretty sure this is the exact spot we used to set up:
38° 29’ 13” N
120° 14’ 23” W

Not sure if was big enough to fit many trucks, but there are a couple of small National Forest camgrounds right in there. I remember one was called White Azelea. About the same size as the one the WTW rally overtook in the Warners.

that puts you just below where the map says "Mile 123".
so you cross the river and head south a little bit?
Please see the initial thread for date and detail updates. Also note that we are trying to keep the exact location specifically vague so you guys that already know where it is could you not post it please?
Hey All,

Disclaimer: DD and XPMarc if I am speaking out of turn here let me know

I think that the purpose of posting a general location for the rally was to get an idea of how many folks would be interested. When there is a better head count I believe a more specific location will be chosen(based on the number of vehicles expected).

That's the way I read it anyway,

Please see the initial thread for date and detail updates. Also note that we are trying to keep the exact location specifically vague so you guys that already know where it is could you not post it please?

awww geez boss.
Hey All,

Disclaimer: DD and XPMarc if I am speaking out of turn here let me know

I think that the purpose of posting a general location for the rally was to get an idea of how many folks would be interested. When there is a better head count I believe a more specific location will be chosen(based on the number of vehicles expected).

That's the way I read it anyway,


Well thats part of it too - we may need to adjust the exact location based on the number of people interested. Also, we don't want a bunch of last minute people showing up to this since we need to plan around food etc.
Oh, I should also note that my post on the location was prompted by XPMarc who called me and said that they "let the cat out of the sack" :D

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