WTW October Pork Rally

Depending on where in Sac you are located, it is probably a half hour to an hour to Jackson. Then about 35 miles up 88 - single lane with curves and all - maybe another hour. Then 12 miles down to the river - steep in spots, and gravel road but well graded - figure a half hour. So total would be 2 - 2&1/2 hours.

Thanks Ted. That's exactly what I needed to know. We are about 4&1/2 hours south of Sacto., so about a 7 hour drive.
We are about 4&1/2 hours south of Sacto.

Then don't go into Sac proper. Cut over to Jackson from around stockton or Lodi.
Someone near by the spot should check for the amount of mosquitos present at that time of the year. I was there a while back. Its a pretty little spot and good fishing, but the amount of mosquitos was overwhelming so I moved up to higher ground.

Someone near by the spot should check for the amount of mosquitos present at that time of the year. I was there a while back. Its a pretty little spot and good fishing, but the amount of mosquitos was overwhelming so I moved up to higher ground.


There won't be any skeeters up there in October.
dang- made plans to meet to old friends in bend that weekend. next time hopefully for me.

- jw


The pork fest will be Saturday October 16th. This will be an event for folks that have RSVP'd ONLY. There is a chance the event will fill and we will cut if off at 15 vehicles if we get that many interested people. The exact location will be revealed to people that have rsvp'd but the general area is:

Hi DD and Marc,

Please consider this my RSVP. My wife and I plan to arrive Friday evening.

Ranger IPA

Thanks for putting this together. I am anxious to finally meet some of the folks from the WTW forum.

OK I have Missing Link and Herr on the list everyone else please RSVP by sending me a PM. Also note that a donation of $10-20 will be asked for (based on what you can afford) per person for food and beer (Cort is bringing a couple pony kegs).

Cort and Marc - since you guys are buying all the stuff do you want to collect the donations up front or collect them on site?
You guys really don't know how to keep something secret. Marc says Kirkwood. Immediately my bs detector goes off. I'm off on a quest. Theres no camping whatsover in Kirkwood proper. Some fs and private campgrounds north and south but area for meet near there. Maybe its near Caples Lake. Theres an area just before you start the Strawberry Jeep Trail that would work, but no, its ugly an known only by a few people that know you have to drive through the caltrans work station to find it. Maybe the area northeast of the blue lakes turn off? Plenty big enough. But has those annoying trailer people there plus no water. Better think south. Some camping west and north off 88 but I can't remember any big enough for a meet.

So I've got my Stanislaus FS maps and other out, getting ready to fire up google earth, when DD finally lets the cat out of the bag. We're not supposed to find it.

If I'd only known this to start with. I'd have remained completely silent. Showed up a day early and go "wow, what a surprise seeing all you guys show up at my camp!":p
Hi Craig333: There actually is an area going into Salt Springs Reservoir along the river (with good fishing I might add)that would fit several campers and its free. As far as Kirkwood area, have you ever been to Kirkwood Lake? There is a campground there which will probably be empty in October next to the lake. Its on the other side of the highway from the ski resort, west a little bit. There is another area off 88 if you go down Blue Lakes road a few miles off to the right. It can accommodate several campers and its free. Now, there is another area if you are familiar with PIPI. The area is off 88 on the other side of the river from PIPI back a little. It is a free area that is a little hard to find and the folks at PIPI won't tell you its there.

Maybe you already know about these places, but I thought I would chime in. All of these places can be accessed by two wheel vehicles for those who are not super adventuresome and not to far off the road.

Have a great time. I have another commitment that weekend and can't make it. I would have loved to get out and see the XP camper in the Sierras'

Have fun and take lots of pictures.

Update: more than 15 people are reserved at this point so looks like we'll have a good turnout. Specifics on location will be sent out via pm next week.
Hope you guys bring a good appetite since there will be some fun food.

And I heard that I am getting my keg of Pilsner... Yeah :LOL:
I have the following RSVP's and have sent out location info. If I have missed someone or you want to come and have not RSVP'd, please let me know.

Missing Link

We have a few more attendees than are our listed here these are just the board members. I think we are looking at 15-20 people at this point.
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