You know you're a geezer when.......................

Smokecreek1 said:
I mean, remember when-not to long ago-when you caught up to that old truck moseying down the road and said to your self "get out of my way old man, I got places to go" Well that old man/person :p is you!.

It is still nice/polite/considerate to move over (if safe to do so) if folks are wanting to pass.
Rambling OBHF said:
I am the Old Fool in the slow moving truck in front of me! What goes around comes around.

Does anyone else have "slow moving farm triangle envy"? I think my wife's going to get me one for my next birthday. Hope springs eternal.
My father, rest his Nash County, NC native soul, used to say "the ideal cruising speed for the pickup is just fast enough that it don't buck in high gear".

That's also a sample of "geezer speak" for the gears in old-school "three on the tree" manual transmission pickups. Dad always referred to 1st gear as "low gear", third as "high gear", and the one in between was simply "second".

Foy said:
My father, rest his Nash County, NC native soul, used to say "the ideal cruising speed for the pickup is just fast enough that it don't buck in high gear".

That's also a sample of "geezer speak" for the gears in old-school "three on the tree" manual transmission pickups. Dad always referred to 1st gear as "low gear", third as "high gear", and the one in between was simply "second".

Nice remembrance.
I have pasted that point of being 21 for the third time (But look forward to being 13 for the fifth)... and was told there are four stages of geezerdom forgetfulness:

the first is when you forget the person's name you were just introduced to
the second stage is heralded by actually forgetting the face of someone you knew.
the third is arrived at when you forget on a regular basis to zip up your fly
the forth is when you forget to unzip it first.
Sounds about right, Buckland-that's why I like buttons, but dang it, they seem to be getting harder to button so I just by-pass a few-same result :p . I learned to drive on a 1950 Chevy PU, 3 speed with one of those floor push starters; Ya know push the gas peddle and starter at the same time. What was the other one- four on the floor, with a granny gear and you could go anywhere-those were the days, weren't they?

Back to today though, before I took the written test at 70 for a new driving license, I enrolled in one of those internet AARP courses and it really helped by pointing out how you drive differently as you get older, like doing allot more planning before you drive some where and how to adjust your driving to match your reactions. It really did help both with the test and with driving and I would recommend any of you geezers to take it! And yes on those curvy roads I drive on allot, I do pull over and let people pass (although certain friends of mine [Bob and Craig] have said that I drive like a little old man :oops:) !

Me too... I follow the rule that they have in AK... when the line behind you equals 5 ...pull over and wave 'em on.... we all are happy then.
Back in The Day it used to be "Faster Horses, Younger Women and Older Whiskey"...

Nowadays us old codgers kinda get some of those adjectives mixed up.

Now its also like this...
When you are younger you can remember it all pretty well.
When you get older you get mad because you can't remember things like names, places and where you hid "stuff".
When you get even older, you forget that you whatever it was you were trying to remember so it bothers you a heck of a lot less!
When you post the same anecdote concerning geezerdom on this thread 3 or 4 times with no recollection of the priors..........
In order to help jump start the U.S. economy, the INS has announced that they will immediately stop focusing on undocumented workers and begin the deportation of retired people. According to a report prepared by the CBO these new actions will help lower health care entitlement costs, as retirees are much easier to catch.

Plus, they can rarely remember how to get back home. :D
Sad, but nothing this bunch does/or doesn't do or could do is a surprise anymore! And I sure wish I could forget that :p and go WTWing until it ends!

ya... when you went too the hardware store and everything was in bins you scooped out as much as you needed... no plastic boxes one has to hack saw to open!
We took a quick trip down to San Simeon campground.
We enjoy the Washborn sites,but this time we were the only "truck camper" there mostly
I think we have mover past "geezer dom" into the land of dinosaurs.
Still it was a nice getaway.
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