No-Destination "Finding Home Tour"

"Finding Home Tour" blog post thinking out loud....

I’ve been calling this the “Finding Home Tour,” but that’s bullshit. (Hart Mountain Antelope Wildlife Refuge, Oregon) You don’t ‘find home’, you ‘make a home’. You may find yourself in a location that you chose, or maybe you ended up there because you followed someone 15 years ago, or it was where you went to college and you stayed, maybe you live in your hometown, or you got a job offer, or maybe you closed your eyes and put your finger landed on a map. [ 764 more words ]

Ladybug, I saw the photo and knew exactly where you were. That’s such a nice vista down into the Warner Valley. If you’re still there, see if you can’t go over to the Glass House. It’s a hike in.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Ladybug, I saw the photo and knew exactly where you were. That’s such a nice vista down into the Warner Valley. If you’re still there, see if you can’t go over to the Glass House. It’s a hike in.
I did too. :)

There are many treasures to search out in that area. :)

It was so lovely there, but too hot when I went through to stay and hike. I'm now in Flagstaff at a friend's house... after a dip at Spencer Hot Springs, Nevada and a visit to the ever amazing Bryce Canyon NP :)
Well, it's about time for an update!

Bumps in the Road

It's not an adventure until something goes wrong, right? I've had difficulty with my solar set-up for ages - almost since I got my camper. The place from where I originally got it didn't figure it out, so I put up with not camping in one location for longer than a day or two in order for my power generating to keep up with my power use. [ 963 more words ]

Adventuring with Anxiety

This is a day-in-the-life snippet of how anxiety can affect me. I want you to know you can adventure alone, as a woman, as a person with anxiety and panic attacks, and still have it be a good experience.

September 29, 2018 I should have moved my camper to another spot here when I had the chance. Now it’s too late – all the spots are full and it’s dark outside. [ 676 more words ]

Thanks, Vic!

It's too easy to make it look like full time campering is all amazing views and doggies, but there are bad times too. And this trip has had its share! Forgetting to pack cold weather wear*, truck needing repair, solar/battery issues come to a head, back muscle pull (that one is now), snow (also now!), all topped with sometimes crippling anxiety... whee.

I wanted to share that because there are many nights, on the edge of a cliff..., where I wonder "why am I putting myself through this?"
But then, once I'm back to more relaxed, I take my dogs for a walk in some new beautiful area, or I visit with old friends I haven't seen in years, and I remember 'why'.

* friends in Yachats, Or gave me their 13 year old son's Carhartt coat that he grew out of last year, and my friends here near Como, Colorado took me to the little thrift store here and I got a sweater, long undies, a pea coat, a couplea Halloween hats for me to wear while driving (heehee!) - all for $12!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Ladybug, do you have a TENS unit? Great pain relief for pulled back muscles.
I don't, but that's a great idea! I've used one in the past and it'd be easy to carry in the camper.
Maybe I'll order one and have it shipped to my friends house in Tucson - I'll be there in about a week. :)

Snow around an inch + here in Colorado where I'm currently camped in friends driveway!
Pic from this morning - that all melted off today, but this evening it snowed even more! Whoa!
Hopefully, my trip south tomorrow won't be problematic.

Vic Harder said:
Thanks for sharing so deeply Dawn.
Dawn, thanks for sharing such a personal issue. Not only does this help and encourage others with similar fears but it also educates others who have no idea. We appreciate and salute your honesty. Safe travels!
Made it over to Valley of the Gods, Utah yesterday, but decided to keep going after a nice drive (been there lots, too many ppl today).

Found this emaciated pup on the side of the highway south of Kayenta, AZ. on my way to Navajo National Monument.
Took her in and now there are three dogs in my Fleet! She is emaciated and also missing a rear foot! Looks like probably from an accident, since the joint is still intact.

We stayed the night - a rather exciting night of doggie pacing and 3am poop - and today, in a rainstorm, packed up and drove to Phoenix to a friend's house to take care of her and figure out if I can keep her. Argos has needed a playmate, after all. :)



Thanks for sharing and saving! Snow already, looks pretty. Check the dog for a chip but I think its likely you have a new companion if you wish.
Hooorah for Dawn! Damn fine looking pup you are saving...three is a magic number, not that you don't count..

Outstanding Lady, outstanding...

Phil and Adele
Wallowa said:
Hooorah for Dawn! Damn fine looking pup you are saving...three is a magic number, not that you don't count..

Outstanding Lady, outstanding...

Phil and Adele
So is seven. ;) Off to a great start. You might need a pup tent soon.
Go for it. :p
I need something, that's for certain! Maybe a new brain!

If I keep her, I think I need to land somewhere sooner than later. Been wanting a home-base sooner anyway.

It's looking like Tuscon makes the most sense. I lived in AZ for almost 8 years before I got the IBM job in Columbia, MO last year (two years ago?). (Wish I hadn't changed my vehicle registration! If I'd know I'd get laid off after 1.5 yrs....)
Anyway... I know people in Tucson and all over AZ, it's got a major university, isn't too large of a city but isn't too small either.
Has easy access to pretty pretty and I can motorcycle year-round practically.

Need a place with a yard... cuz apparently I need four more? Seven total? Do motorcycles count, cuz then I'd only need one more - unless I include myself. Three dogs, three motorcycles, and me! :D A dog per bike - hey, I gotta teach them how to ride.

I'm at a friend's place in Phoenix right now - camped in his driveway because his roommate's dog took a dislike to Argos. Meh.
The glamorous life, eh? ;)
Only got about 4 hrs sleep last night, so I'm a little punchy.

New posts - WTW

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