NW Nevada & SE Oregon: 2014/2015 New Year Edition


The Weatherman
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May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I'm going to do an updated version of this 2011 trip -- but without the "incident", if I can help it. ;)

I'm heading out December 31. Weather forecast sounds similar to the weather of that 3-year-ago trip -- mostly clear and cold. I had a great time on that trip (except for one stream crossing) with interesting photography, and I expect to enjoy myself again.

Out for a few days, maybe as long as a week or so.
Enjoy. Looking forward to a trip report. You might want to send the rancher an email before you head out, just in case, and maybe take along a bottle of Old Rescue and Reward Bourbon. :)
4llamas said:
...You might want to send the rancher an email before you head out, just in case, and maybe take along a bottle of Old Rescue and Reward Bourbon. :)
Good idea!

"Dear Sir: You may remember me as the tourist with the pop-up camper you had to rescue from Battle Creek mud 3 years ago -- when you were trying to ship out loads of hay.
Well, I'm planning another visit to your hot springs and I'd like to reserve another rescue in advance. Could you please meet me at the Battle Creek crossing mid-afternoon on Jan. 1? I'll likely need another round of assistance mid-morning Jan. 2 when I depart.
- Mark from Bend"

Have a good one, Mark. Any chance of visiting the Stolpa rescue site?

Looking forward to your report and photos.

Mark, have fun! I enjoyed your 2011 TR. On your panos, are you setting the camera to portrait when you shoot the slices? If not, try it. More slices, but a much bigger stitched image.

I wish I could break away. At the beach with grandkids. Clear and frosty out right now.
Have fun, got your kitty litter ready too-just in case :p ! Like the idea of the bottle of that type of emergency fluid to carry along-might have to add it to my kit! Mark , it sure is cold out in this part of the world right now, saying it will be the coldest day of the year so far. Hope your wave is working good. Me I'm putting my run off until after the first, just to cold out there for these old bones ;) !

Foy said:
Have a good one, Mark. Any chance of visiting the Stolpa rescue site?
Looking forward to your report and photos.
Thanks, Foy. To venture to that remote spot I'd have to be sure I wouldn't get stuck in the snow myself. :unsure: Not sure how deep the snow is on the Sheldon right now, but as the Stolpas discovered -- what the signs clearly say -- the roads are "Not maintained in winter". I have a full set of chains, but I wouldn't put those on to get into trouble -- just to get out. ;)

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Mark, have fun! I enjoyed your 2011 TR. On your panos, are you setting the camera to portrait when you shoot the slices? If not, try it. More slices, but a much bigger stitched image.
I wish I could break away. At the beach with grandkids. Clear and frosty out right now.
Thanks, WS. I assume you're looking at the "Appendix" with the off-site links to the full-size versions of the panos (and not just the thumbnails)? But yeah, most/all of these are shot landscape orientation. Some of them are shot that way because they're a quick-and-dirty hand-held series just intended to show the bigger view that a single frame can't. I do frequently shoot panos in portrait orientation for a more serious "real" pano (on a tripod) -- especially when I do a 360°, as featured in lots of my previous trip reports. Such as this one: Jordan Basin over Lundy Cyn, from this October 2012 Trip Report and this one: Beverly Beach S.P. (pan up into the trees!) from this September 2012 TR...and (I think) this one from a March 2013 TR: Poker Jim Ridge & Yellow Sea (these 360° panos are very large -- take a while to load). I'm more likely to use portrait when I want to include the close foreground.
Processing a 36-shot series into a pano (sometimes after reducing 108 shots into 36 if HDR) is when I'm glad I have a hot-rod desktop PC (quad-core i7, so 8 logical processors, running at 4 GHz with 32 GB of RAM) -- both the HDR and pano software make use of all 8 processors to split the job. I would sometimes process big-job panos on my old laptop (dual-core, non-hyperthreaded) while "out there" and it could take several minutes...!

Smokecreek1 said:
Have fun, got your kitty litter ready too-just in case :p ! Like the idea of the bottle of that type of emergency fluid to carry along-might have to add it to my kit! Mark , it sure is cold out in this part of the world right now, saying it will be the coldest day of the year so far. Hope your wave is working good. Me I'm putting my run off until after the first, just to cold out there for these old bones ;) !
Thanks, Smoke. Kitty litter: Good idea -- I'll throw that in. I have no Kitty anymore (R.I.P this past summer), but I still do have some of her "stuff" -- such as a partial bag of kitty litter.

craig333 said:
Have fun. The cold might make that crossing much easier. Wish I could go.
Thanks, Craig. It was pretty cold last time I tried the crossing, too. But I don't think I'll bother this time. It's a very cool geothermal spot with multiple pools (one of which is get-in-able, if you don't mind hot-springs mites...), but not this time.
Bet it's cold out there my friend! Enjoy your run :p ! Happy new year and hope you have lots of stars to watch.! Me and Bob wish all of you a happy new year and a wonderful "WTW."Can't go wrong on that :D.

Smokecreek1 said:
Bet it's cold out there my friend! Enjoy your run :p ! Happy new year and hope you have lots of stars to watch.! Me and Bob wish all of you a happy new year and a wonderful "WTW."Can't go wrong on that :D.

Smoke, I haven't left yet -- and it's comfy-warm in my living room. :D
I had something unexpected come up in my schedule that delayed me...and then this afternoon discovered that my truck battery was dead (more-or-less). I haven't started the truck in weeks... So I've had my charger on the battery since then, and the charger now says "Full". if it starts in the morning -- after a cold night off the charger -- I should be good to go.
Happy New Year!
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