A cluster in the Black Rock


Resident Geologist
Sep 21, 2011
Raleigh, NC
Both for giggles and amazement, I tune in to the ustream live feed from Burning Man a couple or three times a day during the week preceding Labor Day weekend. Never been much of an art lover and crowds normally send me in the opposite direction, but I love a spectacle. Burning Man appears to be a Class A spectacle, hence the interest. Plus, it beats working.

Anyway, the Burning Man live cam @ Gerlach, aimed north to the playa, showed thunderstorms as the place was due to start filling up with attendees yesterday (Monday 25 August). I thought---"Hmmm, that's not going to be good for business on the playa". Sure enough, the Reno TV stations and loads of other outlets are full of video from the ground and the air showing tens of thousands of burners stranded along 447 and in Reno and surrounding communities, as the entrance to the playa surface had to be closed until it dried out, which apparently it did earlier today. Sure proof of the spectacle unfolding is a Reno Channel 2 reporter, apparently at Pyramid Lake, concluding his story as a woman in the middle distance background drops her skirt to the ground. Film at 11?

Foy said:
Both for giggles and amazement, I tune in to the ustream live feed from Burning Man a couple or three times a day during the week preceding Labor Day weekend. Never been much of an art lover and crowds normally send me in the opposite direction, but I love a spectacle. Burning Man appears to be a Class A spectacle, hence the interest. Plus, it beats working.

Anyway, the Burning Man live cam @ Gerlach, aimed north to the playa, showed thunderstorms as the place was due to start filling up with attendees yesterday (Monday 25 August). I thought---"Hmmm, that's not going to be good for business on the playa". Sure enough, the Reno TV stations and loads of other outlets are full of video from the ground and the air showing tens of thousands of burners stranded along 447 and in Reno and surrounding communities, as the entrance to the playa surface had to be closed until it dried out, which apparently it did earlier today. Sure proof of the spectacle unfolding is a Reno Channel 2 reporter, apparently at Pyramid Lake, concluding his story as a woman in the middle distance background drops her skirt to the ground. Film at 11?

Thanks, Foy. I've been a fan/viewer of the Gerlach cam for many years, but wasn't aware that BM had a stream going...but of course they do.

For those who want to look:

ustream live feed from Burning Man

What a scene! Reminds me of something from a post-apocolypic, road-warrior-type movie...

Gerlach Cam
ski3pin said:
Oh my goodness, there goes my day. :eek:

Any way to zoom in? Maybe move the camera around to other views?
We Right Coasters might say "Only in California (or nearby parts of Nevada)"

OK, now back to work.............on at least one of my two monitors..........

That live stream view looks like something from"Star Wars" episode 1 or 2.
And to think I am sitting here on our own Plya on Monterey Bay and missing all that fun.
Maybe next year we could hold a pop up meeting there!
Burning man was a wonderful event to us single people who lived and worked around that country :unsure: -why you say-all the nice looking girl hitch hikers/campers and all the local bars filled up with wild women on the way up and back :D . A single mans dream-and that usually what it was to :p , most had boy friends, but they usually liven'd up the local bar seen a few days anyway Seems to me we also did allot of field work up there around that time of the year--- the even and a few fly overs never hurt- :)! Memories :love: !

Flash floods in Tahoe. Man it sure seems I had good timing on my trip. Amazing how fast the playa dries out. And yes, its like watching a car crash, you know you shouldn't gawk but you just can't help yourself :)
I've never been to Burning Man, though I've been tempted in the past. And now that it's sooo huge I probably never will.

I'm not crazy about 10s-of-thousands of tourists occupying a portion of the Black Rock, mainly because it has made the Black Rock too well known.
But I've always admired and been amazed by the incredibly cool art installations that the real Burners (the ones that aren't just there to party) contribute. Stuff that I can't imagine how they could think of such coolness. Check out the website for examples in their Galleries pages.
With most art I can take-it-or-leave-it...not a big part of my life. But I marvel and wonder at the best of the Burners creations. :)
Mark, I agree wholeheartedly about the cool art, very creative. Now, I've watched and watched and watched but I haven't seen a pop up camper yet. I'll keep watching..........................................
I have to admit, it looks pretty cool at night. I've thought it about but I'd just go to party :)

I wonder if you could turn a pop-up into an art car?
Thank you for posting this. I've never been but have friends who were present in the very early years in the Bay Area. Other friends have gone during the years. With the cam it is possible to enjoy it from afar.

Ski they are awaiting your arrival!
Racing stripes and peace signs and a few dingle berries and hash pipes hanging from the back window always works. Oh,add one of those wheelie doom-a-gigy things that mice run in on the roof-they actually have one large one they make, then put some one in and roll it around and burn at the end every year-and some neat banners and flags with chinese writing on then you be cool. I guess the weather is causing problems with the planned start-Tv says they need places to put some of the folks up until it starts. They do bring allot of business to the area. Had some folks i worked with went every year -really enjoyed themselves and those guys really do have fun out there.

craig333 said:
I have to admit, it looks pretty cool at night. I've thought it about but I'd just go to party :)

I wonder if you could turn a pop-up into an art car?
The view is very cool at night...all lit up.
Yeah, it wouldn't be cool if you happened along looking for a dark night at Black Rock...but it is dark the other 50 weeks of the year.
ETAV8R said:
Ski they are awaiting your arrival!
I was just listening to the radio broadcast and heard about this presentation -

Shedding the old man and learning to put on the new one

I think I can just make it. Darn, no on site ticket sales.
Ski-those tickets cost allot of money these days-seems like the cost goes up every year, but the people keep coming! Me I like the dark night desert sky lit up by stars or my campfire!

Smokecreek1 said:
Ski-those tickets cost allot of money these days-seems like the cost goes up every year, but the people keep coming! Me I like the dark night desert sky lit up by stars or my campfire!

Believe it's $650/head (no pun intended) for pre-sale or $380/head individual, after pre-sale and group sales are finished, which presumably means it can be tough to get a $380 ticket. Plus a $40/vehicle pass fee.

Danged spendy for this old boy.

How did they build that "kissing couple"...or whatever it's called? It's huge! What's it made of?

Burning Man 20140827-1.jpg

(screen capture from the live webcast)
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