A cluster in the Black Rock

The Exodus, as it's called, can require 5 to 10 HOURS just to reach the pavement north of Gerlach. Starts out 16 lanes wide and 4 miles long, funneling down to a single lane at the tarmac.

The logistics of this endeavor fascinate me, and far more than the art or the bacchanalia.

Foy said:
The Exodus, as it's called, can require 5 to 10 HOURS just to reach the pavement north of Gerlach. Starts out 16 lanes wide and 4 miles long, funneling down to a single lane at the tarmac....
I saw this once, years ago.
I showed up at the Black Rock on a Friday night, forgetting that it was the end of Burning Man week...it was dark, and besides the event itself (even though less than half the current size) all lit up, what may have been news helicopters were circling overhead.
A couple days later, after spending my time at a remote spot up the west arm of the playa, and exiting the playa up north, I saw that long wide tapering stream of vehicles leading to the pavement. "God, I'm glad I'm not in that mess!", I thought. :D
I decided to come home via 447 sunday just to watch the exodus. We parked just north of Gerlach and watched the parade for a couple of hours. Dusty vehicles for as far as the eye could see. Not as many interesting vehicles as I expected but it was fun. There was a great wood shingle sided camper with a mid 70's Caddy for a roof. Also a 5 axle honey bucket - what a load of crap.
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