And So They Continue........................Fires

As bad as that is what scares me is the number of resources on the Dixie fire. 3345 vs. the 1213 on the tamarack fire. They must really think that the Dixie fire has the potential to get really huge.

How nice, someone cleaned the Hawkins cam!
Hwy 395 supposedly closed in Bridgeport late yesterday. I say supposedly because I was still seeing trucks early this morning - perhaps sneaking over Sonora Pass? (it is horrifying how many semis still use Sonora)

The pyrocumulus yesterday afternoon and evening were bigger and taller than anything I have ever seen and the disturbing red glow after the sun went down - well - I'd say I am getting used to this sense of doom but it would be a lie.
craig333 said:
As bad as that is what scares me is the number of resources on the Dixie fire. 3345 vs. the 1213 on the tamarack fire. They must really think that the Dixie fire has the potential to get really huge.

How nice, someone cleaned the Hawkins cam!
The Dixie fire is about twice as large as the Tamarack. I also think I saw a larger number stated on the Tamarack but I cannot find it again - maybe it was wishful thinking or a media error. I also wonder if the number of personnel is counting the engines from municipal and volunteer agencies sent specifically for structure protection. During the Cannon Fire I had a brush truck from Sparks, NV FD parked outside my door. The Chris fire - a full size fire truck from June Lake backed up my driveway, blocked the wheels and hung out for a while.
teledork said:
Hwy 395 supposedly closed in Bridgeport late yesterday. I say supposedly because I was still seeing trucks early this morning - perhaps sneaking over Sonora Pass? (it is horrifying how many semis still use Sonora)

The pyrocumulus yesterday afternoon and evening were bigger and taller than anything I have ever seen and the disturbing red glow after the sun went down - well - I'd say I am getting used to this sense of doom but it would be a lie.
Yes, 395 is now closed from Bridgeport north.
ski3pin said:
Yes, 395 is now closed from Bridgeport north.
There has been some clarification on this. Traffic headed NB into Nevada is being rerouted at Bridgeport but there is not a "hard" closure until the 108 junction, locals with identification can continue into Walker/Coleville and Sonora Pass is open but you can only go south. I still have to wonder about the number of trucks last night.

Topaz Lake (NV) has voluntary evacuation in place and Monitor Pass has closed again. It is interesting though - I cannot think of any time Douglas County NV has issued a mandatory evacuation. I have a client who lives right behind the Topaz Lodge. She has some amazing photos of the VLAT doing a drop right across the street during one of those dang fires - can't remember which one now.

from my front porch, 15 miles to the south
I've had bags packed since May, I am checking supplies in the camper, filled the gas tank yesterday - the wind is at our backs and I can see the retardant drops (I thought it was flames until I pulled out the binoccs) but the flank of the fire is moving south in spite of the prevailing wind.

Hey Ski - do you ever think of moving? I was at a friend's house the other night. Retired Battalion Chief, Los Padres NF. He saved his house in the Mountain View fire. 10 hours. Just him and a shovel. We are getting sick of it but where to go? ( where can we afford) We were discussing. Tornados would be a firm no.

edit to add: just got word that Douglas County is providing escorts along 395 to Gardnerville withe caveat that the road may have to close any moment. It is a real, real long way around otherwise.
Regardless of any "official" report the fire has crossed 395 and his rapidly climbing into the Pine Nut mountains. I can see at least three aircraft, I can also see flames.

Back to packing.
I look at the Hawkins Peak cam one minute and it looks like its calming down. Next time I look it looks horrible again. Oregon peak view is scary too.

Hey Ski - do you ever think of moving? I was at a friend's house the other night. Retired Battalion Chief, Los Padres NF. He saved his house in the Mountain View fire. 10 hours. Just him and a shovel. We are getting sick of it but where to go? ( where can we afford) We were discussing. Tornados would be a firm no.

Yes where to move.Not many safer places around.The East ,storms most of the year now.
Mid West same thing. The West fires and quakes.
I think I'll take my chances with the quakes/fires.

Like our area too much to leave and can't afford to.We already live in a very high priced area.

Settled here not going anywhere.
Stay safe to all.

Power shut off, hauling water from the river for the veggie garden, Topaz CA evac advisory and the earthquakes are coming in clusters.
So. How does everyone like to be living in interesting times?


ps. Keep a good diary. Who’s going to believe any of this in 15-20 years.
Fun isn't it; our power has been mostly since Sunday and came back on this AM We have had what they call a "Rolling Black Out" since Tuesday-that means just that, once in a while it comes on but you don't know when. Anyway, seems like all three of our power sources (PG&E 92 lines and back up local geothermal plant) went off at the same time due to the fire. We are NOT on the Nevada Grid. A coupe of days ago they opened a by pass line up from North but it only provided about 1/3 of the power we need. Last night they started to evacuate Chester and L. Amadore to the west of here, the fire southeast of us under control. We seen to be getting smoke from everywhere (what's new.) Air quality okay to very bad and now that we have power may get to use my new air purifier. My truck is packed, charged and ready to go ---but where I do not know because there are fires or smoke in every direction. Supposed to be 100 or so this week end with a chance of T-storms next week!Yep an other hot and smoky summer is here, but at least we have not been evacuated yet. Lot's of people are in allot worse shape than us.

A picture of a bright red blood sun nor moon over the general location posted above!

There was talk of a generator for Markleeville but they lost 6 miles of transmission line. And us here in this valley may be extremely reluctant to have Liberty Utilities attempt to put this valley on a generator again. The last time someone plugged the wrong thingy into the wrong thingy or in the wrong order and sent a surge through the line that fried a lot of stuff.

I got a couple of blocks of ice in the freezer but will need to bar b a a bunch of fish.

Big concern is the expected heat and increasing smoke. My housemate has small parrots and may have to leave sooner than later if we cannot run the air purifier and ac. 6 hours back to Santa Cruz where friends are.
Smokecreek1 said:
Fun isn't it; our power has been mostly since Sunday and came back on this AM We have had what they call a "Rolling Black Out" since Tuesday-that means just that, once in a while it comes on but you don't know when. Anyway, seems like all three of our power sources (PG&E 92 lines and back up local geothermal plant) went off at the same time due to the fire. We are NOT on the Nevada Grid. A coupe of days ago they opened a by pass line up from North but it only provided about 1/3 of the power we need. Last night they started to evacuate Chester and L. Amadore to the west of here, the fire southeast of us under control. We seen to be getting smoke from everywhere (what's new.) Air quality okay to very bad and now that we have power may get to use my new air purifier. My truck is packed, charged and ready to go ---but where I do not know because there are fires or smoke in every direction. Supposed to be 100 or so this week end with a chance of T-storms next week!Yep an other hot and smoky summer is here, but at least we have not been evacuated yet. Lot's of people are in allot worse shape than us.

A picture of a bright red blood sun nor moon over the general location posted above!
Stay safe Smoke.Guess you could head to the coast.
At least the temps are lower and no smoke.
I'm very happy we've been largely smoke free but I also know that will change. SMUD has two large natural gas power plants. Luckily they've resisted calls to mothball them. They come in pretty handy in these kind of conditions. I sure hope the Dixie fire doesn't take out Taylorsville. The Eastern side of the Plumas has had too many fires already.
Power came back on in the middle of the night. I didn't know until this morning because I slept in the camper - too hot in the house. Best night of sleep I've had in a week. If there were earthquakes I slept through them.
You all may know we have a huge power plant here in Moss Landing.
The one with the 600' stacks.I think it's in a "mothball" state,as it's
as it's been off line for a few years now but hasn't been removed.

With the possibility of some of the hydro plants going down due to low
water there will be a need for power from different sources.

Interesting times we live in.

Everyone wants clean green energy until they have none, then firing up the old polluting plants is just fine.
Gee whiz, they just declared Lassen County as a disaster county (1 of 4) due to the fires and the unhealthy air quality. Boy am I glad the power is back on and my brand new first time used Blue Air air purifier really does work. I was not sure about whether to get one but they seem to work (as long as I have power). just fine in smoky 100 degree weather. Somehow our local county fair is still going on anyway-ah to be young and carefree again (No). Just went outside to get some things from my camper and dang near died from the heat and smoke.

I really do not want to get to used to this but it is better than dying, these last few days of sitting in front of my battery powered camper fan with no where to go probably cost me a year or two I don't have to loose! I pride myself on being an outdoor type and know sitting around the house watching tv and reading is a recipe for an early death but what choice do we have now? Camper still loaded and ready to go, so anyone ready to run over to the Monitor Range/Austin area next week if the smoke has cleared a tad-give a pm.
Enough talk--back to the tv :rolleyes:!


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