Camping Rally at Meadow Lake October 10-12.

I'm planning on three dinners not counting Saturday. No work next week so no need to take off on Sunday. Have a few things in mind for the pre potluck portion. So far I've not fed the dog leftovers. Probably pointless to think I'll be able to keep that up this trip. Btw, how many dogs do we have coming? I know Bob and Riley for sure.
I'll probably be heading out in the late morning tomorrow and maybe camp at Green Creek. That will get me to Meadow Lake thursday afternoon unless I get sucked in by Cabelas. Looking forward to this.
Now that the Giants have won I can start planning :D . Pick up something for the rabbit brush if you stop by Cabelas, the allergies are real bad u p here this year-my nose, eyes and head are a mess from the dang yellow stuff doing it's thing. It's taking me for ever to clean out and pack up the camper because I'm moving in slow motion. "Bob" and me plan to get out of here by noon or so, so should be up there by 2/3 at the latest. Still trying to figure out what to bring. Sure am disappointed that the twins aren't coming Bob, just may have to console myself in my vodka bottle, As I found out when I was up there last time, drinking my vodka at 7400' hit me a little harder than it does at my usual 4500'-couldn't be getting old could I :p?

Hopefully those fires along 80 are out by the time I get up there. Still hoping for about 6:00 arrival. All depends on how fast I can get moving after work. I wanted to bathe the dog first but thats probably pointless. Between the water and the dust he'll get plenty dirty plenty quick.
You could always take one of the scenic routes Craig, lot's of ways to get there; Reno news seemed to think the fires would be contained shortly. Bob is looking forward to doing some running, ball chasing and swimming with Riley so why give him a bath-that's what the lake is for :D !-Mark you can always try the real scenic short cut and take Janesville Grade up to Antelope Lake and over to Beckworth-lot's of roads-some even paved -to get lost on and it's not that short-pretty though. but we need your pies so maybe don't take it after all :p !

Craig, we are also watching the fires closely. May have to take 49 to Nevada City then go up 20. Waiting until the morning to make the call. That would only add maybe an hour.
Leaving as late as I am (loaded most of the gear already) I'd prefer to take the short route but if I need to backroad it in I can. I came in off highway 49 one year. Not a fast route. I expect even if the fire is still going they'll have the highway open. 80 isn't a route they want to keep closed.

I'd advise against going by Antelope Lake. The paved road is getting so bad its almost worse than the dirt sections.
The wife and I should be there mid day Saturday.. Not familiar at all with this area, so it should be a fun off-road adventure!
Looking forward to meeting the crew!
The fish gods smiled today with a 30 pound yellowtail..Ceviche it will be for the pot luck..I'll make it a zesty batch.

Tomas Tierra said:
...The fish gods smiled today with a 30 pound yellowtail..Ceviche it will be for the pot luck..I'll make it a zesty batch.
Wow! Excellent. :)
Ted said:
...Don't fret over this whole pot luck thing. We're camping for goodness sakes. Go with the KISS method. That's great if you have a killer recipe or are the master at dutch ovens and want to impress. But getting some packaged item at the grocery store works just as well....
Yes, absolutely! :)
In fact, I've been to many a potluck, especially the kind centered around TV-sports viewing (very much like fire-pit viewing), where contributions of chips and dip or similar easy/store-bought appetizer was much appreciated while waiting for the pizza or chli to finish heating (very much like waiting for pork to finish roasting).

And then there's potato salad...even the deli-bought kind. :)
Ted and Meadow Lake group - Something in the work realm came up yesterday that will preclude us from joining you this weekend. I was very much looking forward to this trip. Thanks to Ted and the others who organized it, and we will jealously look forward to the reports and photos next week. Hope all goes well and you all have a wonderful weekend. - Richard
Richard, our license plate trim says, :Work, curse of the camping class." (Admittedly, we stole the saying from an early WTW T-shirt Dirty Dog supplied.) Sorry you will not be able to join. There will be other opportunities.
Ted and any other early birds heading up to the lake-i'm out of here in about 30 min-1130. My cell phone (AT&T) worked sometimes when i was up there last time, so if you want me to call you Ted or anyone else, when get there, get a hold of me on the message board and we can exchange phone numbers, etc., if you think we need too. Nice day,

Got some things to do tomorrow and then load the camper. Might go to Tahoe Friday night and then over to Meadow Lake. More likely will drive up on Saturday morning.

See everyone there.

Currently camped at the rest stop in Summer Lake, Oregon. We hope to to be there Saturday am. Still not sure what to bring. Honeycrisp apples are definitely not on par with walnut pies or roast pig. Should we stop in Susanville for something? Chips? Dip? Pop? We aren't drinkers but don't mind those who do.

We will be driving through Lakeview, Alturas, Susanville via 395, 299 and 139. Never been to this part of California except via Amtrak through Truckee. After Susanville, we would follow 36 to 47 to 70/89 to Sierraville and follow the directions in the thread. Does this sound like a good route or is a there a better way? Just don't like fast traffic (hated 299 from Redding to the coast).

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Any recommended boondocking or campsites on our route?
clikrf8 said:
...After Susanville, we would follow 36 to 47 to 70/89 to Sierraville and follow the directions in the thread. Does this sound like a good route or is a there a better way? Just don't like fast traffic (hated 299 from Redding to the coast).
I'm passing through Susanville (from east of Redding) and from Susanville heading south on 395 and then (at around Hallelujah Junction) heading west on 70 then south on 49 to 89. But if you don't like fast traffic then you probably wouldn't like staying on 395 south of Susanville.

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