Changes to advertisements


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I'm going to be experimenting with some changes to the ad layouts. The site is closing in on 100k page views per month. I need to figure out an ad scheme that will help cover some of the past and future expenses related to running the site. I hope this doesn't inconvenience people too much.
It will not bother me (too much), because of the much greater value I receive from ATC/FWC and other members.


P.S. "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
(Popularized by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his 1966 novel "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress".)
This is my favorite site, but it's asking a lot to have it be run for free. Below is a Jeep site I enjoy alot. He has done a nice balancing act of making something off his site while keeping it enjoyable to use. Thought you might get some ideas. You obviously have two companies that should be willing to be charter advertisers.

Good luck and thank you.

Dave Bybee
Why shouldn't you profit from the site, Dog, or be able to do anything you want with it, for that matter? It's your site.

In similar circumstances, I read woodworking mags as much for the ads as for the articles.
DD, I agree you shoul make some dough and at the very least it shouldnt be costing you to run the best site on line.

No problem. We're getting so much from this site you should do whatever you have to do to keep it going. I would like to make one request though. How about keeping the clock in a time zone that's easier to relate to. Thanks for your effort.
Hey DLN,

In your EDIT OPTIONS you can set your time zone.


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It will not bother me because of the much greater value I receive from ATC/FWC and other members.

P.S. "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
(Popularized by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his 1966 novel "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress".)

Originally popularized by Milton Friedman referring to economics. Was originated in the late 1800's when saloon owners would offer a free lunch, but had a 1 or 2 drink minimum, hence no "free" lunch.

The site is closing in on 100k page views per month.

WOW. Congrats. Never expected that. Guess I'll have to be careful with my posts.:p
free lunch

Wow, someone else that knows Heinlein. Have read most of his SF books and Asimov also.


Let me know about advertising if you are considering it. I have no idea how it would work on a site like yours but am willing to listen to the pitch.:D

That was sure an easy fix. I hadn't scrolled down the whole page to see the options. Better to save DD the work. Thanks much.
Roger that Pat.

Hey Stan how about FWC advertising? This Forum had to be good for at least one sale.

DD this is the best managed easiest to use site on the net and the level of info without the crap is a tribute to you.
I've seen several web sites offered free of charge.

I'm not a marketing type (which is why I closed my business after 4 barely successful years), but I have seen several users here, including myself, post links to commercial web sites. It seems that if people in this forum use, recommend, or at least know about their products, you may be able to get them to advertise.

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