Death Valley Ralley

Work permitting

For me it's a matter of getting the time off work. If you're going to be in the area, definitely check out the Saline Valley, which is in the Death Valley National Park.
I've never been to Death Valley. Suggestions on routes / places to go / camping spots would be greatly appreciated! I'm going to be somewhat flexible so if you guys wanted to throw out some windows of time when you could make it we could come up with a plan that will accomodate as many people and dogs as possible.
Put me down for a definite maybe.If gas prices stay low that will be a nice bonus.I was there in February as prices were nearing $4.00 a gallon.
Saline Valley is a destination. The hot tubs are a well kept secret. The tubs have been constructed over the years by volunteers. Well maintained by NP staff and visitors, daily. Great Desert views, no privacy, but at least three distinct camping areas.

WARNING: This is a clothing optional AREA, within the NP. The few locals are friendly, but stuck in the sixties. Psychedelic painted school bus is not unusual during the Xmas season. Xmas is a VERY big time there, with folks coming from several countries.

DO NOT get into the hot tubs with sand on your feet. Rinse in the runoff. Sand is a PITA to remove from the tubs.

There are NO services, although I heard the camp host had a satellite phone, and a generator to run a welder for repairs. Nearest store is probably 50 miles away.

Info from about 2000, one and only time I was there. Ready to go back.

Dave J.
I'll bet there are some good ideas in past trip reports and I'm sure LQHikers will chime in too. I've personally had my eye on the Pleasant Canyon/South Park Canyon loop and Goler Wash/Mengel Pass areas (anybody have any experiences with these routes?) but would be interested to hear what other ideas are out there.
Pencil me in as a definite possibility of a maybe. Right now the camper is being stored at a friends house. I'm using the truck for hauling and doing chores (the horror). Things should be back to their natural state in a few weeks. I've just begone to explorer Death Valley and had planned to go there this winter anyway, so a WTW rally would be fun.


Any dates in mind yet?

We are going to do the Northwest Dec 24 - Jan 3, so if you go then we are out. But if you work it around Martin Luther King Day or President's Day, we also would be in the definitely maybe. I have been wanting to do a WTW group trip for a long time.
I told my GF I was working on a "Death Valley Ralley with WTW people".... and she responded "Oh how cute, it even rhymes!".

Bah - alright boys lets raise the pirate flags and tear this thing up! We'll show the girls!

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