Edna's Mondo Loop

A youngin, momma nearby:eek: Stay away from these, Yukon Territory

This guy was your typical campground visitor looking for an easy lunch

And this guy just wanted some prvacy:eek:

But bears are rare here.
Mark- I wouldn't worry about the bears. You're probably at much greater risk just driving up here. Like the others have said, take care with your food storage and don't do stupid things eg get out of the car so you can get a closer picture of the bear. Actually if you do see one consider it a high point in the trip. In 9 years I've seen about a dozen blacks and 0 griz. Maybe you'll get lucky.
I'm the same way, real.... 25 years in the central rockies and I've seen a total of 4 (black) bears....all running away in a big hurry.

In all reality I worry more about the two-legged idiots than ANY critters in the forest.

be safe, all

I'm the same way, real.... 25 years in the central rockies and I've seen a total of 4 (black) bears....all running away in a big hurry.

In all reality I worry more about the two-legged idiots than ANY critters in the forest.

be safe, all


I'm feeling better already! I have to deal with some of those people on occasions.... ooops, Did I just say that?
So glad to hear you two are out and about!!! Hope you have a great trip!!!

If it gets to hot in the seqouias for ya, were a couple of hours west with a cool ocean breeze.....


Thomas, we may take you up on it. Our trip is not settled in stone and I am a spontaneous creature. Hahahaha. We will keep you posted. Mark has so much to write about as soon as he can. We have been to Cedar Hills State Park in TX, Caprock Canyon State Park in TX, Palo Duro Canyon State Park in TX, The Canyonlands in Utah, The Arches in Moab, Utah.

Today is Mark's last day before our 3 week adventure hahahah. I'm tired and trying to gain some momentum after yesterday's off road adventure at The Arches. Wooooahhh! Overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.

Mark will post pictures and video, I think.

Be blessed all.

P.S. we are doing well, I am doing great health wise. Thanks so much for caring.
Thomas, we may take you up on it. Our trip is not settled in stone and I am a spontaneous creature. Hahahaha. We will keep you posted. Mark has so much to write about as soon as he can. We have been to Cedar Hills State Park in TX, Caprock Canyon State Park in TX, Palo Duro Canyon State Park in TX, The Canyonlands in Utah, The Arches in Moab, Utah.

Today is Mark's last day before our 3 week adventure hahahah. I'm tired and trying to gain some momentum after yesterday's off road adventure at The Arches. Wooooahhh! Overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.

Mark will post pictures and video, I think.

Be blessed all.

P.S. we are doing well, I am doing great health wise. Thanks so much for caring.

Your original itinerary showed you going quit a way around Santa Maria. If you're going to Oxnard, you might go through Santa Maria. I don't have any level parking spaces in front of my house, but I would be willing to invite you inside for a night (I have a trundle bed in the guest room), or at least buy you lunch on your way through.
Your original itinerary showed you going quit a way around Santa Maria. If you're going to Oxnard, you might go through Santa Maria. I don't have any level parking spaces in front of my house, but I would be willing to invite you inside for a night (I have a trundle bed in the guest room), or at least buy you lunch on your way through.

We seem to be traveling faster than we are keeping up with the posts so I am gonna make sure Mark reads and tells me all the new areas so I can punch them in.

July 4, 12:15 p.m. CDT Edna R. Ingalls breathed her last. Happy Edna's Independence Day! A week ago last Thursday, I had a dream where Jesus, in a white lab coat, was telling me that Edna, lying on an exam table, needed a whole new body, not just remission from cancer. Today, she got that new body.

I really don't have adequate words. Through your posts to this forum, I feel like in a way I got to meet Edna, and only wish I could have gotten to know her better. This world has to be a better place for her having visited it. I am so very sorry for your loss, but am thinking she will be busy planning trips you can take in the next world.
Sad to hear. I'm sure that trip will provide lots of good memories. My wife died a few years bak and I remember her last real trip out when we camped outside of Moab and she was happy soaking up some sun and catching the sites. Take care of yourself and hope to see you on the road.
My condolenses Mark. You did a wonderful job of making the most of life for her. I share in your grief, my Father just passed away Thursday. But for Edna, it was much too soon. May each of us keep many happy memories in our hearts.
None of us can know your loss, but each of us, in our own way share your grief.
Edna can now rest in peace. Take care of yourself and your family.
My heart is heavy for you, Mark. Edna fought one Hell of a battle. She was a true warrior to the end.

May your faith and the many, many good memories see you through.


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