Fall Equinox!

Dang storm keeps getting pushed back. My company just called about an hour ago. Production for thursday is cancelled due to the storm. Seems our can suppliers don't want their trucks on the road during the storm. At least thats what they told me. Oh well, at least I can try and keep the dogs dry.

If we do see 60mph winds on the highways it does make sense. Pallets of cans are very light. Even a fully loaded truck won't have much weight holding it to the highway.
Quite the big system wound up there, spanning the whole West Coast... Looks like a giant apostrophe or quote mark:

Finally started to rain about noon here. The clouds just opened up and in less than 45 minutes we had over a 1 1/2.
I may need to build that ark after all.
First need to take a trip to Home Depot for more wood.
It's nice to get a good dosing of rain as long as there aren't flooding problems.
Hope all are safe.
I"m in some kind of weird rain free zone. Its rained but just average stuff. Not sure where all the hard rain is but not at my place. Winds have even gone calm.
craig333 said:
I"m in some kind of weird rain free zone. Its rained but just average stuff. Not sure where all the hard rain is but not at my place. Winds have even gone calm.
It means you're in the eye of the hurricane, Craig.
Thats possible, right now some heavy stuff if parked over the bay area. It may or may not head this way later today.
51° F here today. Unreal- way above average after a way colder than normal November. Looks like a brown Christmas this year- while not unheard of, not normal either.
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