Fall Equinox!

Back home now, and unseasonably-warm yesterday in Bend, OR -- a high of 70°F! Could be a summer day...

But check out the high temp forecast for Tuesday -- just 3 days later. :eek:
Could be a winter day -- a cold winter day at that.
Yah, same here-10 degrees above normal around here, back east and in the rest of the US, way colder than usual-including the south. How was the trip anyway? Seems sort of funny-come west to warm up, maybe time for a summer-winter trip somewhere.

We spent today buttoning up for the first snowstorm of the winter. 6-10 inches expected tomorrow with sub-zero temps to follow in a week or so. :eek: Global warming has dislodged the polar vortex again and it is landing on our heads. :unsure: We took the camper off the truck and tucked it away in the garage. We might take it out for a mid-winter trip but more than likely it will stay there until spring.
takesiteasy said:
We spent today buttoning up for the first snowstorm of the winter. 6-10 inches expected tomorrow with sub-zero temps to follow in a week or so. :eek: Global warming has dislodged the polar vortex again and it is landing on our heads. :unsure: We took the camper off the truck and tucked it away in the garage. We might take it out for a mid-winter trip but more than likely it will stay there until spring.
I heard this upcoming cold snap is a result of a super-typhoon moving north into the Bering Strait and "collapsing", with one result being a big kink in the jet stream that allows the cold air to push way south. Since global climate change models predict more severe hurricanes and typhoons, we may see this happen again. Perhaps the Weatherman can give more info.
highz said:
I heard this upcoming cold snap is a result of a super-typhoon moving north into the Bering Strait and "collapsing", with one result being a big kink in the jet stream that allows the cold air to push way south. Since global climate change models predict more severe hurricanes and typhoons, we may see this happen again. Perhaps the Weatherman can give more info.
I have heard the connection of this coming weather event to typhoon Nuri. I was kind of joking about the global warming thing, but I have also heard that we should expect more extreme weather events due to climate change. Here is a link to a scientific paper that addresses the question. It seems the connection of specific storms to human-caused climate change is difficult to make, although other extreme events such as droughts can be confidently connected to climate change.

Explaining Extreme Events of 2013


Stephanie C. Herring, Martin P. Hoerling, Thomas C. Peterson, and Peter A. Stott

Attribution of extreme events is a challenging science and one that is currently undergoing considerable evolution. In this paper, 20 different research groups explored the causes of 16 different events that occurred in 2013. The findings indicate that human-caused climate change greatly increased the risk for the extreme heat waves assessed in this report. How human influence affected other types of events such as droughts, heavy rain events, and storms was less clear, indicating that natural variability likely played a much larger role in these extremes.

Multiple groups chose to look at both the Australian heat waves and the California drought, providing an opportunity to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of various methodologies. There was considerable agreement about the role anthropogenic climate change played in the events between the different assessments. This year three analyses were of severe storms and none found an anthropogenic signal. However, attribution assessments of these types of events pose unique challenges due to the often limited observational record. When human-influence for an event is not identified with the scientific tools available to us today, this means that if there is a human contribution, it cannot be distinguished from natural climate variability.
This is a fall event,but nothing to do with the Equinox.

Today is "Edmund Fitzgerald" day. A sad day for the lake sailors.

This mural on a wall in Gran Maris Mn.


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Craig, a big thank you for posting the song.
I remember like yesterday when this happened.
Our KPIG station here in Freedom usually plays it ,but so far not today yet.
Again thanks.
If it wasn't for the song I'd have probably not even known about it. Didn't get much publicity here, or was I just too young when it happened?
Ironic that we had quite a storm here today (and it's heading up towards the big lake and the UP of Michigan now).

This morning: Looking out my dining room window, I saw a few snowflakes falling -- first I've seen this season. There were just a few and they didn't fall more than a few minutes and didn't stick -- but it was snow.

This evening: Driving to the store, I noticed the lines of MgCl2 solution (aka: "Mag") on the pavement laid down by the City to prevent iced roads, and later I saw the mag truck in action.
craig333 said:
If it wasn't for the song I'd have probably not even known about it. Didn't get much publicity here, or was I just too young when it happened?
I remember the Gordon Lightfoot song when it came out, but I always assumed that it was about some long-ago, like 100-years-ago, ship sinking. I didn't realize that it was a folk song written about a contemporary event.
MarkBC said:
I remember the Gordon Lightfoot song when it came out, but I always assumed that it was about some long-ago, like 100-years-ago, ship sinking. I didn't realize that it was a folk song written about a contemporary event.
A few years ago the National G did a nice story about finding the wreck.
I can't even begin to imagine a storm like that one on the lakes. Although in 2012 when we camped along the western shore and the wind came up, I thought we were next to the ocean, and that was maybe a wind of 20 mph or so.
The low temperature this morning at my place in Bend was F .
Not cold compared to some of those Midwestern/Plains states...but cold enough for me.
MarkBC said:
The low temperature this morning at my place in Bend was F .
And the high today was just 27°F.
It's been a while since we've had a below-freezing high.

But it was sunny. :)
ski3pin said:
Sounds more like winter, Mr. BC
Yep, in fact today's temps were lower than an average winter day.

Unfortunately, there's a chance of freezing rain for the next couple of days as warmer-wetter air from the Pacific moves in, overriding the cold continental air that's here now:

Freezing rain is the worst. :cautious:
MarkBC said:
Freezing rain is the worst. :cautious:
Oh boy are you right! I can tell you about a freezing rain storm in Wisconsin that brought down trees and power poles. We were without power on the farm for over a week, no power and the vacuum pump for milking didn't work. Milking 40 cows by hand is quite a chore. You invite all your friends over but "the roads are too icy" was an honest excuse. My cousin and I pulled the hood on his bronco, put two 2x4's across above the engine where we attached the old vacuum pump and ran a belt to an engine pulley. It worked and ran two milking machines instead of the usual four. That was good enough and we milked that way for a week and saved the cows.

Freezing rain is the worst! :eek:

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