Feels like fall...

Here on the east side of the Cascades, it's already down to -9° at my place. :eek:
I'm glad I don't live in one of those states where it's like this all the time every winter... :rolleyes:
It's warming up here- after -13°F last night it's +1°F now. -2°F tonight. :ninja: :giggle: Light snow falling, expecting 3-5 inches today.
Zero :ninja: here in Susanville in NE Ca-was -2, hey it's warming up :p ! No snow since yesterday, clear, sunny and cold! Maybe time to head to the coast-or just stay here next to the wood stove :D !---gotta watch that Niner-Seahawk game today!


We're having a heat wave! It's not even noon yet and the temperature has hit 12°F!
That beats yesterdays high, at least.
They predicted a "wintry mix" here in Sac. Didn't happen. Unseasonably cool and rain but otherwise not much. I'm not sure if I'm happy or complaining.
Ten degrees warmer this morning! Most schools are closed because of icy roads. Slicker than calf slobber on a pump handle.
-2, and yes it's slicker than "calf slobber on a pump handle (where did you find that one at Ski)". It's mornings like this that makes me happy I'm retired-I don't have to get up at 0500 and hope the hot water heater isn't frozen, and the truck starts- then drive (slide) down my hill into town and go to work. I can just sit here-if I decide to get out of bed-by the fire. Still projected to be clear and cold for the rest of the week!

Bseek said:
Time to change the topic title on this one. I wish it felt like fall. This is beyond nuts.
Just a couple of weeks! Winter will be here, but I know what you mean. "How to walk on ice" came back to us readily. Still working on dodging and threading though folks playing "bumper cars" out on the roadways.
25 here this morning and I forgot to turn off the sprinklers. Glad not to many people walk on my sidewalk, just a little ice out there. Going to put the elec heater in the Hawk and run some wires today.
Bseek said:
Time to change the topic title on this one. I wish it felt like fall. This is beyond nuts.
A high school buddy is a DJ at one of the radio stations in Sonora and he posted a picture from his front window of snow.
16 here this morning and maybe some snow today. Suppose to get back to more normal temps by Thursday. Over the weekend, where there was significant snow, Eugene and south...lows were well below zero...like -10. Unusual for these parts.
Smokecreek1 said:
... It's mornings like this that makes me happy I'm retired-I don't have to get up at 0500 and hope the hot water heater isn't frozen, and the truck starts...

ski3pin said:
Just a couple of weeks! Winter will be here, but I know what you mean. "How to walk on ice" came back to us readily. Still working on dodging and threading though folks playing "bumper cars" out on the roadways.
I'm with Smoke- glad to hang inside this morning and enjoy my cup of coffee.

Ski- Just a couple of weeks... this is some prelude! High today is -3°F. Not going to go out and play bumper cars.
The only ones in my house who are really suffering now are the dog and cat-My old cat needs his morning walk(patrol)-but I will not let me out, so he just sits here looking out the storm door "meowing" :ninja: and "Bob" the dog because I will not take him :love: for his morning mile walk-under 10 degrees and tooo slippery for both of us :p -maybe later this afternoon :D ! If this is Fall, what will winter be like?

Predicted lows tonight in Eagle Nest, NM are -20 F. Makes the predicted low in the lower teens in the Sacramento Mts. seem downright balmy.
In Bend and central Oregon, the cold wave hit its low point in the wee hours of Sunday morning.
According to the local TV station news, the low at the Redmond airport (15 miles north of Bend, the only NWS weather station in the area) was -27°F. In Lapine (30 miles south of Bend) the low was -32°F. In Bend they say the low was -22°F. :eek:
I don't think any of these set absolute records, but I'm sure they set new record lows for the dates.
As is typical when it's this cold, the air is very still, and as a result temperatures can vary a lot across the microclimates. My weather station is currently semi-impaired, so I don't know what the low was at my house, but I think it didn't get colder than -12 or so. It got down to -9 mid-evening, but was back up to -6 when I went to bed.

Today the high was above freezing, for the first time in several days.
MarkBC said:

Today the high was above freezing, for the first time in several days.
Mr. BC, we did not get anywhere close to your low temps, but today is the first day with a high above freezing. The sun seems low in the sky this time of year. :eek:
Speaking of not getting above freezing...
I remember my first winter in Bend (or maybe it was the second winter). It was January of 1979 (or maybe it was January of 1980): It didn't get above freezing for an entire month!
Remember, this is at a latitude of 44° in a state that borders on the Pacific Ocean. We're not in the northern Plains or upper Midwest!
MarkBC said:
Speaking of not getting above freezing...
I remember my first winter in Bend (or maybe it was the second winter). It was January of 1979 (or maybe it was January of 1980): It didn't get above freezing for an entire month!
Remember, this is at a latitude of 44° in a state that borders on the Pacific Ocean. We're not in the northern Plains or upper Midwest!
This prompted me to look at our records. Longest time below freezing: 98 days!
Longest time below zero: 186 hours (almost 8 days).

But we haven't had cold weather like that for some time. This past stretch has been the coldest I can remember for quite a while.


How cold is it? The temps some of you guys have sound really bad, and we have been below zero here for several days, then warm up to the teens, then back down again-way colder than usual in NE Ca/NW Nevada-but warm up promised later this week. But no more snow to keep things warm. Well, the sun is out and it looked like maybe I could let the cat out and walk the dog. Wrong, the cat took a couple of steps off the porch, turned around and came back in-so another day of meows and an unhappy cat. The dog, we got less than a block up the street, and he started limping as his pads (no dog booties) started to freeze and he started to get salt/gravel between his toes, and he to didn't argue as we turned around and headed home, Now he sits with cleaned pads and warm toes looking out the storm door waiting for it to warm up. He has no problem running around in the yard-no city snow removal crap there, just my shovel. It's been quite a few years since it was to cold to walk the dog so, maybe I'll start the truck up and think about sliding down my hill and going to the store-or maybe not, just started a new book, can put off going to town another day, another cup of coffee sounds right. Worse ways to spend a cold day I guess! Me thinks it will be a cold Christmas!


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