Health scare and trip planning

Sorry, I should have added this to my last post. On March 17th I mentioned on this thread that two friends of ours who where traveling through Europe and northern Africa in a rented camper van were stranded in Morocco, as the borders were closed due to the coronavirus.. Some here on WTW asked to be kept abreast regarding their situation. They are still there. They are in a campground with five other vehicles from different parts of the world. We speak on the phone several times a week. They are doing well but still have no idea how long it will be before they are allowed to leave, and even then, they don't know whether they will be able to safely get back to Amsterdam, where they are to turn in the van prior to flying home. I will keep you all posted as this plays out.
Thanks Richard.That's a scary situation.
At least they have the camper for a "home".
Keep us posted.

We had a trip to Portugal/Spain planed for right now
but the tour company canceled it back early March.
We rescheduled it for October but thinking ahead
we are going to change it to next April.

Our daughter who lives in Barcelona seems ti think things won't
be back to normal by then.

Don't want to get stuck.Also other country's might not let Americans in.

How are things in your area?
Stay healthy.
craig333 said:
Good to hear you can lead a mostly normal life Ted.

My mom just went to the hospital and they wouldn't even let my dad go with her. Had to be tested for covid-19 before they'd do surgery. With her Alzheimers she doesn't understand whats going on. Sucks me and my brother can't be more supportive but we're fairly high risk to be carriers what with being around a lot of people at work.

I'd love to go play in the snow but I won't. Camping can wait. Its the least I can do.
Craig, that must be so tough with your Mom & Dad. Hope all goes well and as easily as possible for all of you.

Yesterday evening I cleared the road of snow and while working on the berm at the county road, watched the usual long line of jacked up rigs heading out to screw around in the snow.

Bottom line, these people would be a lot better off having law enforcement pull them over and ask them what they're doing rather than a few of the locals dealing with them.

Please stay home everyone.
Thanks, Frank. I think your idea of going to Portugal/Spain next April makes the most sense. Good luck with that. All is well here and we are staying home. I have gone to town for supplies on several occasions but this is my wife's 24th day of having no human contact other than me, and those of you who know me know that that's a pretty scary thought :D. Take care and be safe, - Richard
fuzzymarindave said:
At our house we had a rapid learning curve on the shelter in place protocols. I retired in October and will have to postpone wandering for a while. Meanwhile I've waxed all my skis and put them away as the season is over- even backcountry is over. Was going to try to summit Shasta and ski down with my son but that is not likely to be happening. I did replace brake pads/calipers on a couple vehicles including truck. Rotated tires/wheels. Waxed camper and Aerospace 303 on pop-up vinyl. Still going to pull out fly fishing gear and get it organized and ready. Going to setup archery range in backyard. Going to practice photography. Vegetable garden is underway. Hopefully won't run out of projects.
Like your style. Be prepared and hone your skills.
I'm looking up at that local snow in the mountains too, but staying close to home and trying to keep a construction company afloat.
Gunnison County, CO. if you are not a full time permanent resident, GET OUT! Possible 18 mo. /$5K fine for violators. Yeah, don't go to your Summer home!
We were at our beach home in Hatteras NC a couple of weeks ago as part of a long planned trip to finish up the repairs from Hurricane Dorian and get the house ready for the summer rental season.

we arrived on a Friday afternoon about 4 pm and at 10pm they closed off all access to the island except for full time residents and critical supplies without any warning.

We were there for about 10 days in all and did have one instance of a local giving us some grief which I thought was odd given how friendly everybody is down there. I just chocked it up to them being afraid...

The thing that bugs me about these orders preventing people from going to other homes they may have is that the locals are free to go to the big cities like Raleigh and Norfolk, do their shopping at Costco with 5000 of their closest friends and return home...

This makes absolutely no sense any way you care to look at it...


Ted as one recently retired camper to another congratulations! I hope everything returns back to normal soon and you can get out and enjoy this great country of ours...


As far as trip planning you may have read that we were (are?) planning on a 3 month trip to Canada and Alaska this summer. We were planning on leaving mid May but can push that back to the end of May if necessary without having to cancel some of our reservations that we have made.
I’m reviewing the various modeling sites and monitoring the data and (knock on wood) it looks like things are improving albeit slowly. Most of the models have us looking for things to be in moderately good shape by mid May.
Keeping our fingers crossed!
We had planned on a 6-8 week trip leaving mid July . We are doubting that will even happen . Time will tell but I'm at least hoping for a fall trip somewhere. Stay safe everyone.
Boy, lot's of noise here about the possible closure of the east side trout season-Susanville just called off the local kids yearly free fishing day. I guess the Calif Fish and Game Commission is having a meeting today to discuss the problems (mainly non-locals coming up here and bringing Covid-19 with them) of opening up the season? Local radio stations are closely following the meeting. Still no cases here, well time to go walk the dog!

Yes, I expect Fish & Wildlife will take that action. If people would just "stay at home," all these additional actions wouldn't be necessary.

My annual music festival in June is officially canceled.

We are waiting to hear about the annual weekend class in June Julie & I teach for Fish & Wildlife's Advanced Hunter Education Program. This was to be our last one prior to retiring as instructors.

Noticed that Utah is setting up checkpoints on highways entering the state. You must have a valid reason for entering and be healthy.
Yep, Monte, some people just don't care as long as they can do THEIR thing and not worry about the rest of us--but that has always been a problem. Boy, it was so beautiful out on my walk, & it sure was hard to not just keep walking and not come back home :sleep:! Even saw an unknown to me pop-up drive by-as if I don't any more reasons to run out and get lost somewhere. But instead, I'm home again and time to work on the pop-up and yard!

...............and in the whitewater world, news from friends with a permit for this season -

"They closed the Middle and Main Salmon til further notice"
ski3pin said:
...............and in the whitewater world, news from friends with a permit for this season -

"They closed the Middle and Main Salmon til further notice"
Montana is fairing a little better. My son received a note today from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. Our April Lottery Permit for the Smith River will be carried over to next year.
We were all set to spend 3 months in New Mexico and s.w, starting 2nd week of March. Called off as virus picked up. Want to be at home base with 6 month supply of tp, with something like this going on :)
Hope to w.b.c. (wander b.c. and Alberta) this summer with gas prices down, but remains to be seen. Whittling away at years worth of projects, but getting itchy, with good weather coming on!
Probably the first time I can remember that I'll be unable to have a campfire before the road restrictions are lifted. I can live with that. Just anxious to get out at all.

I hate to not support our local communities, I usually try to purchase food and supplies in the small towns knowing tourist dollars help keep them afloat but this time, after restrictions are lifted, I'll probably just stay with a single tank of fuel and avoid all contact at least for a while.

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