Hoover Wilderness & West Lake

Another great story to a familiar location! I've taken my son backpacking up to West Lake and Par Value Lakes. We caught the bone-headed brooks that were thin in body. I don't recall any rainbows, though. Love the fishing angle, and need to try out the indicator method.

I think the two of you are a bit like trout in that you are opportunists! When the opportunity presents itself, you strike! :D
Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for sharing!!

Hmmm, yellow flycatcher... Maybe a western kingbird or a pacific slope...

Tight lines!
Western Kingbird was what we were thinking as we checked Sibley's that night up in the bunk.........................
pacific slope flycatcher didn't look as vibrantly yellow as this bird did.
We were "sorta" in the area last week end. Friday night in the Markleeville area had the storm you did but no hail lots of big thunderheads,very nice.Than Saturday over Monitor Pass 395 and up Sonora pass.
We should have done the Buckeye area that I researched but decided to spend Sat night along Sonora pass.
Not exactly a mistake but tones of people and too much heat for us.
Thought about heading back east on the pass and down 395 but didn't think the heat would be any different.
Don't mean to side track the TR.
What a nice place your TR showed. Will have to keep that in mind.
Thanks makes us envious.
Next time.
Thanks Frank
Another nice TR. Thanks for the reminder to get my fishing license. Only eight days till I'll need it.
Somehow missed this one the first time around- must have been out in the woods ourselves. Looks like a fun trip. Thanks for the report.
What everyone has said. I'm soon to slumber and that was just the imagery and report to hopefully get me dreaming of the wonderful places you've been and shared.
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