I need to hear a good new joke


This seemed appropriate for our times.
I shot my first turkey today . . .

scared the crap out of everyone in the frozen foods section, it was awsome!!!
Last night on our walk the Lady and I passed an apple pie, an ice cream sundae, and a cherry cheese cake. We were hit with an overwhelming feeling the streets were strangely desserted.
Went to the zoo last week and saw a baguette in a cage.... I asked the zookeeper why and he told me it was bread in captivity.
At the store there was a big X by the register for me to stand on.
I've seen too many Road Runner cartoons to fall for that crap.
A guy walks into a bar and orders 3 beers.


The bartender pours them for him. He then takes equal sips from each beer and proceeds to do so until all glasses are empty. He pays and leaves. He does this every day for a week before the bartender decides to ask what that's all about.
"Why do you come in and order three beers, and then take equal sips from them until they are empty?" Asks the bartender. The guy replies "well, I've got three brothers. We used to meet up every evening for a beer, but they had to move out of town. So we've decided that each of us will drink three beers every day, one for each of us."
The bartenders curiosity is sated. The guy continues to do this for about a month, until he comes in one day and orders only two beers.
"I'm sorry for your loss", says the bartender.
The guy is confused, and then says "oh no, nobody died. I just quit drinking."

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