I need to hear a good new joke

I don't know about all this stuff you hear about genetically modified food being bad for you. I just had a really tasty leg of salmon and I feel good.
Sad news, I broke up with my girlfriend Lorraine, she found out I was seeing another girl, Claire Lee. Good news though, I can see Claire Lee now Lorraine has gone...
I'd be looking for a new dentist. Graduated in 1959? 40 odd years ago? Vic, you've been hanging on to this article for a few years. :)
I was thinking back to when my kids were quite young, and my son asked me where poo came from. I was a little uncomfortable but gave him an honest answer.

He looked perplexed and stared at me for a minute then asked....and Tigger?
Vic Harder said:
Ok ok, this one is more recent:
With their poor track record of shipping the wrong item in our area there would be a 3% chance of accidently getting a rabies shot and 5% chance of getting the shingles vaccination instead of the COVID vaccine. BUT don't worry that 0.5ml of vaccine will be safely stored with in 100cc of saline... and administered as one unit .

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