It is Spring, Yes!


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
As our resident weatherman, MarkBC has taught us, the first of March is the beginning of Meteorological Spring - March, April, May.

Bring on the budding leaves, wildflowers, warmer temperatures, sunshine. We are ready! :)
Thanks ski3pin!

Spending a few hours today with more snow-shoveling and now "roof-raking" (to prevent ice dams, leakage) got in the way of trumpeting the first day of spring... it slipped my mind for some reason. :rolleyes:

But i still totally endorse the meteorological seasons! :)
Bah humbug! Spring what? More snow today-can't see the ground over here in the high desert, to see if the crocus and daffodils are really coming up :unsure:! They say it will snow and rain all this week with temps in the 40's-maybe the rain will wash off the snow and I can check and see if the crocus have popped up :p ! Ah well, they say the snow pack is way above normal, and the drought is over here-sooo happy spring everyone! (sure am glad I did not put the snow shovel away).

Been "spring like" most of the year here on the coast.
Lots of flowering trees and spring flower bulbs.
Sorry guys someone has to live in these areas.
And then next Sunday guess what,DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.
Thought that would make everyone happy.
ski3pin said:
. . . the first of March is the beginning of Meteorological Spring - March, April, May.
What is the significance of Meteorological Spring?

I have 3 feet of snow on the ground, its going back below 0ºF this week, and we have at least 4 and probably 6 more weeks of tough sledding. Now change to daylight saving time is an event, but I wish they would just leave the @#$% clocks alone.


P.S. my snow crocus could be blooming but nobody will ever know.
Thud crash tinkle drip
Icicles fall from my eaves
Sounds like spring is here
A tidy foot of snow forecast for us this weekend. That's on top of a couple of feet on the ground already. Got no place left to put the stuff- spring should hurry up!
Spring... Saw my first squirrel that's out of hibernation.
Vic Harder said:
I feel this...
Great video Vic! Gal and I watched this and it reminded us year ago February at Saskatoon with near record cold temperatures. We were wishing it would warm to +1 during the week as we were outside photographing snowy owls. At -40 two Nikon cameras refused to work, our Canons worked but slowly.
- 40 is a tad chilly. We are looking at above freezing forcasts for the first time in many weeks. I can hardly wait!
The switch to daylight saving time is part of spring -- like it or not.

An article from the NY Times a couple years ago about "why DST" had a bit that I hadn't heard before -- it's great! :) Excerpt below (my emphasis)

Energy Savings
The idea was originally rooted in saving candle wax, not electricity.

Historians have traced the notion back to Benjamin Franklin, who realized he was sleeping through some daylight hours while visiting Paris in the 18th century. He suggested French officials shoot cannons at sunrise to jolt people out of bed, optimizing the amount of hours they spent awake when it’s light out. That way, they could cut down on using candles to light their homes while awake, Mr. Prerau said.

By Daniel Victor, New York Times, March 11, 2016
Ben Franklin had some great ideas and inventions. Not sure if this was one of them... :unsure:

I've experienced something like this Franklin suggestion. A couple of years ago I was visiting a friend on the 29 Palms USMC base ("MCAGCC") -- retired military, he had his RV parked there for a while. A few mornings I woke to the sound of artillery -- in the distance. That sound wasn't the cause of me waking up -- so not exactly Franklinesque, but it would have done the job if I'd been a couple miles closer to the guns. They do sound reveille over loudspeakers on the similar.
Meteorologists say we're 10 days into spring, and they should know...but local deer aren't convinced.

Deer-111748.jpg Deer-111743.jpg
"Hey, got any food in there? It's a little lean out here."

Several deer were rummaging in the snow for seed dropped from the bird feeders.

(Note the step ladder, used when clearing -- raking -- snow from the roof to reduce ice dams and leakage)
OMG-for the first time since whenever the weather forecast does not show the possibility of snow (except for today that is) for the whole next week :)! Could this mean Spring weather could be around the corner??????? The sun just popped out from a crack in the clouds better go walk the dog fast before the snow starts again! SPRING!!!!


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