Let the Burn Begin!

ski3pin - are you there?
I went in 1995 when there were less than 2000 people. I'd really like to go again to feel the enormity and difference but haven't yet organized myself to do so. Next year? :)
ski3pin said:
keep your eye on the live feed............................. :)
Ski will be the guy with a mohawk, goggles, a pink tutu, and combat boots..............................no, wait, there may be more than one of those....................
They've had an airstrip for a number of years.
Dunno about those crazy expensive ($10mil) heliocoptors tho. Whoa.

Port-a-pottis go flying! Hahahaha!
Blowing dust for one day is enough. Interesting as it might be I don't think I'll ever go. For $390 I can find a lot of things to do that don't involve goggles.
Let them have their fun. I understand they just bought some land out there so they will not have to listen to the BLM-hope they still will follow the rules and be happy and naked lovers of nature :D

I've never been -- yet. But once I came close -- accidentally.

Years ago I decided to spend a long weekend at the Black Rock -- but forgetting that it was Burning Man week. Coming down from the north, driving the stretch from Cedarville to Gerlach on NV 447, I caught up with a car that flagged me down. A couple of guys with excited faces and glowing eyes asked me, "Is this the way to Burning Man?"
Oh...that's right -- this must be the end of Burning Man week. "Yep, it's thataway", I said. ("...if you can keep your car on the road...", I thought to myself).
When I got to the first playa access point north of Gerlach it was dark, but I could see the big glowing city out there to the east. It was quite the scene...news helicopters circling overhead and everything.
I continued on up the road and turned on to the playa at a distant access point and spent the weekend near Black Rock Point, hot springs, mostly all by myself. Two days later I drove back south down 34, and as I passed the access point for The City I saw hundreds -- or thousands, I suppose -- of cars, trucks, and RVs lined up to get off the playa. I continued on my way, happy to not be in that line. (the number of Class A motorhomes in the line suggested that these aren't just poor art-hippies out there)

Though I've never attended, I've always admired the very cool art installations that folks have put up at Burning Man, as shown on the Burning Man website over the years. Amazingly creative stuff! :)
I've seen some videos of the making of the art. Might be hippies but definitely not poor. Some work six months to a year getting ready. Heading up to the Sheldon NWR I passed some of the art cars heading up. Being me it wasn't till I saw more than a couple I put 2 and 2 together. Even a week early I saw a lot of law enforcement already in the area.
We were heading home on Saturday and stopped off at the Klamath Falls Walmart to get some distilled water for my radiator (to keep it topped off). All the water was sold out, all the ice was sold out. Didn't know (or care) that Burning Man was this week. Didn't think of Klamath Falls as being on the route but it makes sense. Then we noticed all of the campers, motorhomes, U-Haul trucks and trailers heading south and it all made sense
You are right, Mr. BC, amazingly creative, counterculture, and it has a life all its own. I'm sorry hoyden, we are not there. We get real nervous when the numbers go up, starting around 3 or 4 besides us. The numbers that attend Burning Man, well that probably would put me in a tutu.
Burning Man is without a doubt a display of amazing creativity. I'm not nearly the art lover that my wife is, but I can certainly recognize the incredible effort which goes into the displays.

BM is also a spectacle of the first order and has fascinated me for many years, ever since my youngest sister and her son, then age 7, attended the first BM held on the playa at the Black Rock desert. I spend at least a couple of hours each year watching the live stream at various times in the daytime and at night. But that's as close as I'll ever get to that many people, that much craziness, and that much dust. Party on, Garth!

I went six times between 2004 and 2013, and man was it a blast. Things really started to change when it sold old for the first time in 2011, andnot necessarily for the better. I'm sure I'll be back at some point, but for now I'm stoked I'm spending this weekend poking around NE Arizona with just my wife and dogs rather than battling heat, dust, and nonstop noise.
ski3pin said:
....The numbers that attend Burning Man, well that probably would put me in a tutu.
Mr. 3pin, I'm sure you wouldn't be the only guy there in a tutu...but not your style, I know.

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