Meteorological Autumn 2017

I don't recall seeing this very often -- offshore breezes carrying forest fire smoke out to sea.
I was thinking of going over to the Oregon coast for a breath of fresh air...but looks like that's not guaranteed there either. :(


A zoom-in from this map:
from this site.
Thanks Mark.Here at Monterey we are also now getting the "off shore" breeze
and it's bringing the smoke from the northern Cal. fires here.
Just a high layer for now.
Nice sun rise/sets. But lots of heat for our area over 100* Monterey yesterday.
About the same today.
We're just not used to such high temps.
Oh well lots of folks have it a lot worse then us.
MarkBC said:
It began yesterday, September 1, the autumn season as defined by weather professionals.

With highs forecast near 100°F in central Oregon this weekend, still feels like summer....
...but it's not. :unsure: ;)
Second day of Fall and the hottest temperature we have ever seen here. It is 98. We got half the rock moved. Remainder will be after dinner and it cools.

Happy Fall!
The weather report today said the northern Oregon coast was the place to be today for cooler temps & fairly clear skies. Looking at your image, it appears that may be right.

ski3pin said:
Second day of Fall and the hottest temperature we have ever seen here. It is 98. We got half the rock moved. Remainder will be after dinner and it cools.

Happy Fall!
Decided to just get the job done so moved and spread the 2 cubic yards of road base. Smoke moved in and dimmed the sun and dropped the temp a couple of degrees. Ah, fall in the mountains! :)
ski3pin said:
...Smoke moved in and dimmed the sun and dropped the temp a couple of degrees....
Here, too, it ended up being a little cooler than forecast -- because the smoke blocked the sun.
Kinda like what killed the dinosaurs -- particulates in the air blocking the sun.
ski3pin said:
Mr. BC, that is an incredible satellite photo of the smoke movement. Wow.
I love the visible-light satellite views! Always something interesting -- smoke, snow-capped peaks, or just cool cloud shapes. :)
We're at our local 7500' camp and the smoke gave us a reprieve today. Sunset views to the west show more smoke but for now it's 70F and a nice cool evening boondocking on a granite ridge.
Lighthawk said:
We're at our local 7500' camp and the smoke gave us a reprieve today. Sunset views to the west show more smoke but for now it's 70F and a nice cool evening boondocking on a granite ridge.
Sounds wonderful!
Looking at my favorite satellite view just now... Is all that thin layer smoke?!? :unsure:


I know some, a lot, of it is smoke -- we had another 'red dawn' in Bend this morning, and it smells like a campfire outside...but has it drifted clear east to the Midwest, to the Great Lakes?? :eek:


The fact that most of that haze is has no structure, very smooth with no clumping the way cloud do, leads me to believe that it's mostly smoke. I mean, it could also look like fog...but the RH is 34% in Bend, so it ain't fog around here.
I've seen similar before, when winds are calm the smoke can drift a long, long way without much dissipation.
Mark there are so many fires around the west and BC seems like with conditions the way they are ,yes that seems like smoke.
Thanks for the satellite views.

We had a few "rain" drops this ,morning and much lower temps.
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