Non-denominational WTW Rally 2014

This topic was moved to Trip Planning (with a link to here left in Lounge) as folks are planning -- or talking about planning -- now.

Steens is great -- the crown jewel of southeast Oregon, some say national park quality, but...
...two of the campgrounds are small and none are reservable (AFAIK), and since we'd likely plan this for a weekend (to make it easier for working folks) there easily could be not enough (or no) room for us (based on my experience). Would be a shame for someone to drive hundreds of miles and not have a place to camp, but...
Maybe if there wasn't a big WTW group we might get lucky and there'd be room at Page Springs -- the largest C.G. there with 36 campsites.
Southeast Oregon BLM Recreation

An option could be to stay on primitive BLM land nearby, around the base of Steens. Maybe on the Alvord Desert side -- the east side of Steens...

Not sure if Steens -- as much as I love it, would be my choice for a Rally, but maybe that's just because I've been in that area so many, many times that I'd rather Rally someplace less familiar.

I've been to the Black Rock Desert (in northwest Nevada) several times, too, but not as much, and though there was a WTW rally there in 2011, I could easily go back -- it's a really huge area. And a little more centrally located (that is, further south) than Steens. A visit to the Black Rock would be best in October -- too hot mid-summer, in my opinion.

Or...a rendezvous in the Sierras. Though I grew up in California and I camped there as a kid, in modern times I've mainly just visited the eastern Sierra, so a west-side visit (like the 2010 Pork Rally) would be OK with me, too.
I missed the last Soldier Meadow s-Black Rock trip too -even though it was in the back yard. Been on a few small runs with WTW since then (just got back from one), but we all need to remember, it is real dry out there, and anyone who wants to plan anything above just a couple of folks meeting to play, we have to make sure to contact the BLM/FS to check on the fire conditions-there are going to be allot of rehab/fire crews wandering around out there-and we don't need to start any fires and ruin our welcome. The north Warners/Modoc NF had more rain/snow than the south and western Nevada this year and there are lot's of possibilities there-the res. are full, unlike down here.There is a real good chance that the woods around here will be closed to wood cutting (no primitive camping except in CG's) and the desert put on Red Flag warnings early this year in NEca/NW/NC Nevada-so you may have to keep your trips to the gravel roads and take care about heading into the real back country this year-and again check before you head out. Need to plan allot this year. Must be time to head over to Ash Creek and Janes Res on the Modoc (TR's here) to check out the fishing before it gets to hot.

Back in another life, I used to run allot of what we called "Adventures in the Past" and"know your public lands tours "on a monthly or more basis during good weather, and from what I have seen, WTW trips are like Mark says, a loooose version of what we used to do. People set up a meeting place and general trip plan here on the site, then met somewhere at such and such a date and go from there, and people come and go, and who ever knows something neat about any area "imparts his wisdom on the rest " and off to some adventures. I once led 35 trucks out into the Smoke Creek Desert to see the sights, but unlike you guys, lot's of these people knew nothing about how to survive out there and we had to have a trail vehicle and once even a cop to follow the group and pick up the bodies. Five to ten or so rigs was just about right and manageable. As a further word of caution, large groups of people driving around together out in the desert/woods attract attention from those who both use and manage these wonderful public lands (read permits and stuff like that). Several years ago we had a large group of people show up out here to work on one of our national trails, unfortunately, they forgot to call us and we had several wild horse round ups going on, plus other things, and 40-50 people/vehicles showing up sort of caused a problem or too! A loose group of vehicles sort of following each other, can have a lot more fun. and not attract unwanted attention.

Bob and me are still planning to continue doing our usual loop trips-some short-some long( like lot's of you guys do too) from here north then west to the Steins- Eastern Oregon , then down into Nevada and points south to Austin and points south (sort of the route "Ski/lady went on, plus a closer look at certain other areas! Lot's of the places named so far above all deserve attention, and most of us try to let WTW know when and where were are headed. Also plan to play around in the "Inner" SW Oregon area and Central Nevada too. Again because of the fire conditions, you will need lots of "plan B's" this year. Lot's of places to go out there, and any big Rally events should start before the summer hits or in the Fall/Winter because this year could be complicated because of the weather. Happy wandering!

I missed the pork rally, Blackrock Desert, and Colorado rally, but I don't think any rally ever went above 10 vehicles. People are limited by time or location no matter where or when you plan the trip. Therefore, I don't think it would be a large enough group that a permit would be necessary. On the other hand, something could be planned where we reserved a group sight at an established campground and do day trips from there. That way we are nice and legal without imposing on others.
The Pork rally was done at a campground. It is nice having a bathroom nearby. Anything after Labor Day increases the chances of finding sites.
craig333 said:
The Pork rally was done at a campground. It is nice having a bathroom nearby. Anything after Labor Day increases the chances of finding sites.
I like having a toilet (outhouse) -- especially if it's a multi-rig group. The 2011 Black Rock Rally, though it was a primitive c.g., had a toilet, too, at the first night's location.
Count us in. We just returned form 3 weeks in WA/OR/CA/NV and plan another jaunt from mid May to mid June. Then we do local stuff during the week until after Labor Day. Steens, Black Rock, whatever.
Interested, someone needs to pick a place and time (or at least a month). All us retired campers get busy and need to get this on our calendars. :p
Looking for free, and most likely primitive campgrounds (Forest Service/BLM Land, etc.) they will be?

Check out this website: This site gives a brief description of the campground and the surrounding area.

There seems to be many free campgrounds (green symbol) listed throughout the west and beyond on this site. Remember, having the type/style of camper that we have allows us the freedom to take the road less traveled. We get to the area of choice, set up (base) camp with like minded campers and we have a good time. We can still venture out and explore during the day...No fees, no hassle...
We have several trips planned but can swing by on our way to or from.
Mid-May to Mid-June: Monument Valley/Canyon de Chelly/AZ Strip/North Rim GC/Ruby Mts/Cedar Breaks/Southeast Utah, etc
Early September-early October: Yellowstone/Tetons/Western Wyoming/Southern Idaho
Mid October-mid-November: Black Rock/Vermillion Cliffs/Valley of Fire/Bryce/Zion/fall color tour

This really sounds like it could really be a great casual meet up of like minded folks. We could all learn from each other. This WtW group has some incredibly talented and knowledgeable folks or we could just sit around by the campfire and discuss past and future explorations.
When -- what month?

Most of my usual familiar haunts are too warm/desert-y to be ideal for a mid-summer rally.
If someone could suggest a higher-elevation/mountain-y spot, or a coastal-cool spot -- a place where summer temps aren't hot and there's room enough for a gathering of...IDK...6 - 10 (?) rigs, I'd be OK with a summer meeting.

BUT, otherwise, anytime between mid-September and early October is more-or-less nice most places. :)
And being post-Labor Day means fewer crowds, easier to find a vacant spot, and the weather is more stable.
I suggest SunMan's secret camping spot now that I can find it. Late fall or early spring on the coast is great weather.


Still watching this with interest. Had a chance to talk to Fish more about Meadow Lake. I like the idea that it could work for a lot of members. Not everyone has 4wd and it isn't necessary to get there. A number of options for day trips in the area. We just did a thorough exploration of Lassen NF with over 100 miles of dirt roads and could lead a trip there. Lots of lakes we could hit so good for the canoe/kayak crowd. Also a number of hikes in the area. I admit I'm interested in Sunman's secret spot, but then holding a rally there kind of nixes the whole secret spot thing. Almost seems sacrilege, like holding a rave in church.
fish more said:
How about a place like Meadow Lake in the Sierras? Plenty of space, fishing, hiking, off roading.

Ted said:
... Had a chance to talk to Fish more about Meadow Lake. ...
So, for those of us who don't live in your area, where is Meadow Lake?
I guess I should say "which Meadow Lake"?
I personally think someone will have to put a "stake in the ground" on location and date otherwise the thread will go on forever; not a bad idea as I've seen some good ideas for a road trip! :)
Yup, that Meadow Lake.

kmcintyre, I agree with you on both points. This could run on a while but is that a bad thing? I've used the trip reports to find new places to visit ever since I joined WTW.

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