Scored the Holy Grail of beers.


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Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
Westvleteren 12 Belgian ale by Trappist monks. Probably the hardest beer to get in the world. Normally only sold by appointment at the abbey in extremely limited amounts. Got in on the one and only distribution to the U.S. Six packs are already on Ebay with bids above $300. Even empty bottles are going for $15. Crazy.

Way to go Ted! Funny, not ten seconds I was reading this

Lemme know how it tastes. Hope its as good as I've heard. I could see the $85 but not the ebay price.
Ted,I hope you bring some along on our upcoming jaunt in the desert. How much will you sell an empty bottle for?
Once again a celebrity! Way to go Mr. Ted! I have to ask, what are your plans for this beer? What would be the proper occasion? A religious ritual or at least make it one? Or, is it going down in your wine cellar to await the price to go atmospheric?

Ted,I hope you bring some along on our upcoming jaunt in the desert. How much will you sell an empty bottle for?

Hey Stew, Ted owes you a Guinness. I bet you'll settle for a Westvleteren 12 Belgian ale. :)
Westvleteren 12 Belgian ale by Trappist monks. Probably the hardest beer to get in the world. Normally only sold by appointment at the abbey in extremely limited amounts. Got in on the one and only distribution to the U.S. Six packs are already on Ebay with bids above $300. Even empty bottles are going for $15. Crazy.


Way to go Ted,but you better drink it soon.Remember 21 December 2012 is the end of the world.Good way to celebrate.
Or may be we should drink some Mayan brew.

Wow saw a recent (I think it was) How They Make That where they showed their brewer! I did some internet searching and the OP is right it is next to impossible to get in the US
Stew, alas the photo is slightly misleading. I went in on it with 5 others so my share is only a single bottle. My usual beer buddies are joining me this weekend for a taste, so it won't make it to our desert jaunt. I'm not really interested in the bottle. If neither of them are, I can bring it for you.

James, admittedly I probably exceed the annual alcohol consumption per person for U.S. citizens, but not to the point where distributors come directly to me. I just happen to live close to one of the stores that was on the distribution list.

Frank, on the eve of the last end of the world a couple of years back, XPMarc was at our place. I was kind of looking forward to it all ending the next morning. :oops: Not going to repeat that performance this time.
Frank, on the eve of the last end of the world a couple of years back, XPMarc was at our place. I was kind of looking forward to it all ending the next morning. :oops: Not going to repeat that performance this time.

Yeh I think this "end of the world"stuff is blown out of sight.How hard is it for the Mayan's to just go and get a new calendar?After all we regular people get one sometimes a bunch in the mail.
Enjoy the festive times.
Hello Ted, ol'buddy, ol'pal, ol'friend good score. Did I mention that I would be in your neighborhood soon? As soon as I gas up the truck I'll head your way. I may not get there until after you leave for work so just place a key under the potted plant and I'll let myself in. I'll make sure the glasses are properly chilled and the beer is at the right temperture. This may require some testing. I'll wait for you to get home, trust me. :D And if you don't see me when you get home check under the table. :oops:

Hello Ted, ol'buddy, ol'pal, ol'friend good score. Did I mention that I would be in your neighborhood soon?
Mike, you crack me up. :LOL:

I got shut out at Total Wine in Reno.
I had called my local Total Wine the day before. They didn't expect them to sell fast because of the price. My plan was to stop by after work. Then when the news started covering it we decided to go at lunch. Glad we did, they were sold out by 3:00. The store in Sacramento sold out by 11:00 am.

Looking forward to hearing how you like it Ted.
Three of us split the bottle Sunday. None of us are fans of Belgian Ales, preferring a hoppier brew like a double IPA. But we are beer drinkers and given a chance to taste one of the most difficult beers to get in the world just can't be passed up. It poured darker than expected, with a thick, foamy head. It had a pleasant smell and a slightly sweet taste. No unpleasant finish or bitterness that I usually detect with belgians. We all agreed it was the best Belgian Ale we have ever had. That said, I'm not bidding on ebay to get more anytime soon. I have heard that the St. Bernardus 12, which is more readily available, is very similar. We immediately went back to our comfort zone and chased it down with some double and triple IPA's to cleanse our palates. :D
Ted, that was a excellent review, well done. I wish simimike could have had a little. I suspect his review would have been an equally entertaining read.
I'll be meeting up with Simimike and Stew in southern Utah in just a few days. I have the Guinness I have promised Stew for years, for the same reason I provided you with coffee. I also will be carrying a supply of Pliney since it is not available where these two gentlemen live. So no, no Westy12 for mike to review. But they won't be going empty handed. The only problem I see is we are expecting highs in the 30's and 40's. Not exactly beer drinking weather in my book.
I suspect some good fun will be had. Add a coupe extra logs to the fire, that is if the wind isn't up. Warm the area up, settle back into your chairs, tell some stories, make it camping. Have a great time.

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