So now it's the first day of Fall

Well, I put up my snow wands a week ago after our first snow and now all our snow is gone.
IT FEELS KINDA WEIRD TO ME... to be sitting outside on Thanksgiving morning in T-shirt, shorts and sandals comfortable in the shade and almost too hot in the sunshine. 75% humidity.

[I'm in Florida (panhandle) and - believe it or not - I just saw an older gentleman in campground in shorts wearing BLACK SOCKS in his sandals. I thought 'black socks with shorts' were an urban myth!]

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After a month of mostly balmy - and a few times almost hot - in my wander through the South, the last night of [meteorological] fall is finally feeling like fall. (or winter in these parts). Kinda chilly for 30° latitude and on the Gulf of Mexico.


But as I always say: It's easier to stay warm when it's cold than it is to stay cool when it's I'm not complaining (as long as it doesn't snow!)
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