Spring has arrived

Snowpack is above average in much of Oregon, report shows

How are things looking in California now, snowpack-wise?
I see that there's been fresh snow even at lower elevations in the Sierras the past couple days.
Its getting better. Haven't seen the figures but I'm sure it'll still be well below average. Had hail last night, gutters overlowing, was cool for about fifteen minutes before it all drifted off.
Spring has apparently arrived here as well. Friday the 13th it snowed six inches, yes on our peach blossoms - the ones I watched the bees working the day before. Sunday the 15th was clear, and the 100th anniversary of Titanic's sinking. It was a good day for a very long ski tour, work varied terrain, and maybe reenforce our WTW user name a bit.





Yesterday the high at my place in Bend was 73° -- the warmest it's been since September.
Today is forecast to be a little warmer. :)
Yesterday the high at my place in Bend was 73° -- the warmest it's been since September.
Today is forecast to be a little warmer. :)

Ended up topping out at 79° at my house today.
I opened up windows/sliders to get fresh air through my house and only closed them a few minutes ago. By summer I'll be opening them at night and closing them during the day (I don't have air conditioning).

If I had any say about the weather it would never get any hotter here than it got today. I do almost all my recreation on dry land, so I don't have much use for "hot".
But, turns out, I have no control of the weather.

I'll have to adjust my elevation and/or latitude as needed to find the right temperature...
Today it hit 85° at my place in Bend -- that could be a summer high here.

Of course, being Bend, this doesn't mean that summer is nigh...it's not impossible that we'll receive snow again. Our last freezing night usually isn't until June.
But it's a sign that summer can exist.
Well, several people that I know are busy out doing the May 1st snow surveys, so we should soon know the state of our local Sierra Nevada snowpack.

As a real sign that spring has arrived, I have been watching robins busy building a nest just outside my shop window between the joists of the deck above. Yesterday there were no eggs. Today she is possibly starting to lay.

.....and our snowpack is coming in 40% of normal

Eastern Oregon is at about that level...but in eastern Oregon it's mostly the high desert critters (and a few ranchers) who depend on the moisture, unlike the millions in California (plus the critters) who depend on Sierra snows.
As a real sign that spring has arrived, I have been watching robins busy building a nest just outside my shop window between the joists of the deck above. Yesterday there were no eggs. Today she is possibly starting to lay.


...............one egg in the nest.
Yes it is. Internet search tells us Robins lay up to seven eggs, incubation time is 14 days, and the little ones stay in the nest 14 to 16 days.

Cool...sounds like an opportunity for a photo-documentation project. If it can be done discreetly. ;)
Cool...sounds like an opportunity for a photo-documentation project. If it can be done discreetly. ;)

A pair of Stellar Jays used the same spot to nest two years ago. The Lady named each of the parents "Flip".


Great photos! But it still a weird spring-despite the arrival of the Oregon Gross Beaks on my front lawn. Less than 50% snow pack here. Yesterday was shorts and cut off weather, today it's windy, cold and is feels and looks like rain! I was going to clean out the truck and FWC prior to loading up for the Steens next week, but the weather is keeping that from happening-don't want things rained on. But it's snowed here on the fourth before, so anything is possible, I guess! Fun out west!:LOL:

Mrs. Robin is adding her third egg to the nest.

How can you tell that egg-laying is going on?

Not doubting...just wondering how.
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