Spring has arrived

She has laid an egg Tuesday & Wednesday at the same time. Day three, should be egg three. She is not on the nest full time yet.
She has laid an egg Tuesday & Wednesday at the same time. Day three, should be egg three. She is not on the nest full time yet.

Got it.
I wondered if maybe you saw her scrunch up her eyes and grimace...
IT'S SNOWING at my place in Bend right now!

At 43° it's too warm to stick...but those white things floating down from the sky are definitely snowflakes.

A couple weeks ago I had the windows open all day...but that's spring in central Oregon for ya.

It's actually snowing pretty hard...and the temperature has dropped to 40° in the couple minutes it took me to write this.
I was backcountry skiing at 1100m yesterday and it was snowing. Raining here in town but the trees are white at elevation! Still winter I guess.
It's rainy, windy and sort of nasty here-then the sun pops out for a moment or two then--. Been trying to unload and clean the inside of the truck/camper and get ready to head to the Steens, but afraid to start cause my junk may get rained on------yet Saturday on is supposed to get into the 70's and be sunny-must be spring!

Last Day of Freezing?
Does anybody else here record daily high and low temperatures at their house?

My weather station (at my house in Bend, Oregon) has been running for 4+ years, and I just checked back on the wunderground.com log of my weather uploads since 2008 to see what the last day where the low hit 32°F (0°C) or below has been each year.

2008, June 11: 32°
2009, May 21: 32° (though, on June 22 the low was 33°)
2010, June 16: 29°
2011, June 16: 32°

There were plenty of days before these when the low was above freezing, of course, but there were no freezing nights after these until the first freeze of fall -- typically in early October...but in 2008 it hit 29° on August 31.

Bend has a very short frost-free season -- one of the shortest in the USA.

If you're interested in weather stats like I am, check out this very cool database from NOAA of frost-free days in the USA:
Last Day of Freezing?
Does anybody else here record daily high and low temperatures at their house?

My weather station (at my house in Bend, Oregon) has been running for 4+ years, and I just checked back on the wunderground.com log of my weather uploads since 2008 to see what the last day where the low hit 32°F (0°C) or below has been each year.

2008, June 11: 32°
2009, May 21: 32° (though, on June 22 the low was 33°)
2010, June 16: 29°
2011, June 16: 32°

There were plenty of days before these when the low was above freezing, of course, but there were no freezing nights after these until the first freeze of fall -- typically in early October...but in 2008 it hit 29° on August 31.

Bend has a very short frost-free season -- one of the shortest in the USA.

If you're interested in weather stats like I am, check out this very cool database from NOAA of frost-free days in the USA:

Keep it warm I will be driving through Bend on Thursday.
Keep it warm I will be driving through Bend on Thursday.

Forecast: Low 70s, partly cloudy -- not bad.

(but no guarantee on that 5-days-from-now forecast
Most of Oregon will have normal streamflow this year, except for the east...and the Owyhee country looks damn dry!

Most of Oregon will have normal streamflow this year, except for the east...and the Owyhee country looks damn dry!


Sure looks like NW Nev and NE Ca have the same problem as SE Oregon, and that's not to good thing, maybe next year it will rain and snow !

Spring time Robin family update. The four eggs were successfully hatched last Thursday. Mom & Dad Robin are now running themselves ragged supplying chow for these hungry little things. They are growing rapidly.



Here it is -- late May, middle of the day, and it's 42°F at my place in Bend.

Sprinkling lightly...currently rain, but it could turn to snow.


With weather like this -- and this isn't freakish -- it's a wonder anyone ever moves here from California.
Even stranger, I know someone who moved here this year from southern Arizona!
100% rain or SNOW here in Susanville today-yesterday was a red flag warning with high winds with talk of closing the woods to wood cutting---oh, Saturday it's supposed to be in the low 70's and into the 80's by Sunday/Monday-----==-yep no global warming here, just spring being spring!

Just back from Dorrington Ca. Snow down to Arnold 4500',about an inch or two so far at 5000' +. Ebbetts pass was closed at 9 this morning. Glad I went over earlier in the week to see the sights. This has been the "normal" for the holiday week end for the past few years. I am glad i didn't wait to clean the needles around my cabin.Summer is on the way only 26 days.
Enjoy the week end,Frank
Mom and dad eagle at Heenen lake up on Monitor pass.I think today they are shoveling snow from the nest. This pair has been here for some yearn now and have had eaglets most of the years. We also saw an immature may be last years not sure but it was hanging around. If any of you get up to the Monitor pass area drop by Hennen lake take the dirt road below the dam to the gate and walk the road to the back of the lake .Their nest is in a huge Ponderosa pine on the west side of the lake.They are fun to watch during the year. I usually see them when I fish the lake in the fall.


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