Spring thing

teledork said:
I wonder how many For Sale signs I am going to see on my street come spring - I mean when the snow melts (which could be this Friday after we get our 2-3 inches of rain :(

I'd consider the desert but I don't do heat as well as I used to.
Yes, early summer and for sale signs pop up around here like blossoming flowers.

This year, I suspect, there will be a super bloom. :)
ski3pin said:
Yes, early summer and for sale signs pop up around here like blossoming flowers.

This year, I suspect, there will be a super bloom. :)
It's all fun and games until the law of averages reasserts itself and you are buried under 9 feet of snow. :) I feel only a bit sorry for those that had no experience with a Donner Party grade winter. There are books and stuff that describe what to expect.

I left Montana to get away from the white stuff and the devilish long winters. Spring flowers in late May??? It suits me to have nearly all my precipitation in liquid form.
Looks like our turn fo a storm warning…


Winter Storm Watch



* WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 9
inches possible. In addition, winds could gust as high as 50
mph for blowing and drift snow on roads and poor visibilities.

* WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Idaho and
northeast and southeast Oregon.

* WHEN...From Thursday afternoon through Friday morning.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible due to
low visibilities and snow covered roads from blowing and drift


Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.

Target Area:

Baker County
Harney County
Malheur County
It snowed 6" this morning in three hours. It stopped, cleared, and the sun even came out! We cleaned up the road and driveways and then tackled some shoveling. Frank, do you think there's anyway I can keep her off the roof? We are ready for the heavy rain that is predicted. Neither of us can lift our arms this evening. It was another great workout and we're saving money, not needing gym membership fees.















pvstoy said:
I've been looking at snow rakes, but the ones I see they are cheaply made. Looking at 16 footers.
Many years ago I got a long snow rake mainly to clear heavy snow from my FWC roof while winter camping. And I used it for that.

Later I used it to clear (freakishly) heavy snow from my home roof. Worked well.
You have a great team and all the cool toys!
We're on our 8th day of digging, after being on the East Coast for a week.
With our plow guy, and 10,000 shovelfuls we're in pretty good shape.
Our natural gas-fired generator is keeping our well running, and powering the house.

At least I thought I was in good shape. Then last night I decided to go down the newly dug out back steps in my sandals for a dumb reason. The first three steps were frosty but dry, then the fourth step was pure black ice from the dripping snowbank hanging off the roof. My feet went flying and I landed on my forearm and lower rib on the ironwood steps. I'm using a mixture of Tylenol and ibuprofen and getting around. My sister is an RN and says this is the preferred OTC pain management cocktail. I've been demoted off the Digging Team. Let's hope for rain, and no more snow! We've had roughly six feet of snowfall.
Andy, simple falls can have long lasting effects. If trouble persists you may want to get some x-rays and a doctor consult. Hope you recover soon.
Andy, ouch! We've heard Nevada County has been hit hard with power outages. The pavement was clear and wet yesterday afternoon with the sun. This morning it is 24 - everything is, again, an ice rink.

A fall and getting demoted off the Digging Team, ouch again! Hang in there and good to see little Callie out and about. :)
Lighthawk said:
craig333 said:
I broke a couple of ribs in a skiing accident back in 2011. I did the alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen. The acet. did little to relieve the pain - more like just enough to get me to the next ibu. dose and give my stomach a break. I've also been given a large dose of acet. in the hospital as an alternative to opiates. It was useless.
Thanks everyone. It's raining now, so the Digging Team is on stand by.

Now we're worried about the rain (3-6" forcast) with the existing snow loads at roughly 15# CF increasing to saturated slush at 35# CF.
I think the house will hold up, including my two porch additions and two story bedroom/studio addition.
I'm more worried about the pole framed garden trellis with a good two feet of snow on board and the garden shed.
Neighbors are shoveling off their roofs, but I just can't.

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